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Everything posted by Ycoga

  1. Well done for learning to play. Yes interrupts are useful.
  2. Nice to play around with and get a feel for the changes. thank you!
  3. My favourite usage of ForcePotency is in Telekinetics, using Stalker set for triple Potency stacks: ForceWave > Project > TKThrow (in the region of 24k damage with procs) Yummy.
  4. Dynamically calculated cooldowns? Really. Ability1: GCD1 (alacrity 7%) = you cast something with 2 second cooldown <GCD1 = 1.395 seconds><CD = 1.86> Ability2: GCD2 (alacrity 27% [MA]) = you cast something with 1.5 second cooldown. <GCD2 = 1.095 seconds><CD = 1.095> If GCD is what it seems to be (a timing mechanism shared between all characters) then the only technical solution for this would be to implement a unique GCD per character in the instance - and then calculate dynamically the differences between them. Doesn't seem possible. Despite which, you'll have spells from fast characters hitting slower ones in their GCD's, which doesn't really make your spells relatively faster.
  5. User force speed to reposition, especially in lightning spec.
  6. Weird. I usually (almost always) get top damage in WZ using telekinetics.
  7. Thanks, good info you two. I seldom go hybrid; if I do it's for a duel and I might use 23-0-23 (depending on what class I'm up against). I usually go full telekinetics and find I do't really need the extra mobility that balance hybrid provides as long as I don't move to the front lines. The main reason I shy away from a telekinetic hybrid is that I lose turbulence, which is too good to give up. However the 23-0-23 gives balanced DPS and healing, which is pretty useful.
  8. Thought I'd ask you lot what your thoughts / feelings are on hybrids after the last batch of balance passes. How does a Tele/Lightning X Balance/Madness hybrid do vs a full tree? What about half healer / half DOT spec? I've been seeing good DPS output on the hybrids - usually done by the best players, certainly - but are hybrid builds as crippled now as people seem to think they are?
  9. Please don't leap in and expect to survive anything / everything. Instead, stay on the edges of a fight like a shark circling a school of fish, then nip in and kill stuff on the edges.
  10. Weaken mind > Turbulence > Force Potency > Mental Alacrity > TKWave > TK Throw > Disturbance > Mind crush > Force Quake Skip penetrating light, you don't need crit for telekinetics because turbulence is an auto-crit. Get surge up to about 75% instead, and pump alacrity and willpower. Use Stalker set for triple Force Potency stack.
  11. Not a damn peep from BW after they asked for our feedback earlier.
  12. /golfclap (For those that dont get the repercussions, it means that devs have released conflicting data about the Sage class and how it's designed to be played. Do they not understand the class themselves? Are there errors in the design? Is there in-fighting in the team? Stay tuned for more on, 'L2P Sages', every Weekday)
  13. @EricMusco, will you pick the suggestions the devs wanted from Sages out of this thread yourself, or do you need list to be compiled by the community and posted in a new thread?
  14. Pleasure, thanks for interacting with us. Currently, every Sage player in your game puts Force Armor on themselves before doing anything else. They see it primarily as a pre-requisite, not as something they use to survive. It IS used to survive, yes - but that just makes the skill versatile and good. I think the popular answer here would be, 'we're required to have 100% Force Armor uptime on ourselves to survive, whether it was cast by the healer or myself doesn't matter'. Edit: I challenge one of you to Pug a game (pve or pvp, doesn't matter) and never put Force Armor on yourself. See how that goes for you As above, if there's an emergency, its natural for a DPS sage to put Force Armor on themselves, without waiting for the healer: 1. It assists the healer and lets them use Armor on other classes that lack the ability, saving time and helping the group 2. It helps you survive 3. This is 'off healing' which the BW devs have stated before is a benefit of the Sage class. Of course we use it. 4. The DPS sage has effects baked in to his Force Armor (e.g. bubblestun) that they don't get from the healer. Deal. The main difference, from a layman, is target-switching and focus fire. PVE mobs choose targets using Threat; players use other criteria to select targets. A good solution might be to make the Sage a less attractive PVP target. This means, make enemies think twice before focussing them. Examples: 1. add +25% defence or dodge chance for 3 seconds after Seer uses Force Mend, when Conveyance is active. 2. Give Seer 0.5 seconds of invisibility when Force Mend activates while Conveyance is up (this is not so they can hide, but is only to break enemy's target lock, perhaps forcing them to switch targets). 3. If Seer is under 30% health, Force Mend gets +33% power while Conveyance is up 4. If Seer has resplendence stacks, they are consumed when Force Armor ends, and a 360 degree knockback effect pushes nearby enemies away I hope these examples suffice - none of them should affect PVE conditions. Basically, PVP enemies need to have other attack options open to them apart from the Seer healer. It'd be attractive and, I have to say, OP for PVE. Other options might be along the lines of the examples given above. Then please do so immediately. Thanks!
  15. They're not here yet - the Dev's are still responding. However I can share this thread with you, that contains the discussions that led to the questions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=721964
  16. I guess some of the answers you seek will become apparent, padawan.
  17. Do a parse using Stalker set for Potency.
  18. Why are some letters oddly capitalised in your thread title? -1
  19. I have no idea, which is why I asked XD
  20. Has BW picked these up yet?
  21. You should have 0 crit, because Turbulence is an auto-crit when target is affected by weaken mind. More alacrity helps: base 7% is good. 0 Accuracy too.
  22. See? It IS possible to have a sensible discussion in SWTOR. Just rare. XD
  23. I wasn't as upset as others were about the Force Lift thing. Shadows don't have Mental Alacrity - I usually use Lift with alacrity on anyways, and few people interrupt in time.
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