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Everything posted by Toonimator

  1. I didn't mean that Sent/Mara couldn't use them at all, just that they'd be Main Hand-only.. THAT is why they couldn't dual-wield them.
  2. I agree; Artifice could even make one, based on some schematics or something gained from Archaeology. Bioware would have to do some fancy work to make it look good, though; it wouldn't just be a weapon graphic, they'd need to have a graphic attached to the belt, too, plus cord animation and figuring out how the character would draw it (would it attach to the same hip when 'off'? Or opposite like current sabers?) and it'd likely have to be Main Hand only, so Sents/Marauders can't dual-wield 'em. But implementation concerns aside, it'd be AWESOME to see. Especially if the blades are distinctly different from regular sabers (maybe more like Pre Vizsla's Darksaber from The Clone Wars, or Thundarr the Barbarian's Sunsword blade; more blade-like, broad & flat, that kinda thing)
  3. No, it's set over 3000 years before the rise of Vader. 1000 years before Vader was the end of the New Sith Wars, when the Republic rebooted with the Ruusan Reformations and Darth Bane enacted the Rule of Two, destroying all the other Sith involved in the war.
  4. TOR's setting is good; anything around the movies would be awful, particularly since it'd mean Sith and Jedi were rare or nonexistent or inconsequential. Setting it after ROTJ begins to open up possibilities, but it's not until Fate of the Jedi that there's even really a Sith option... AND the Sith have nothing to do with the Empire, which are mostly 'good guys' at that point (with Jag Fel in charge). LEGACY, the comic, would be a decent setting if they put it after Krayt's death. The Jedi could be recovering, the One Sith would be recovering, there's the Galactic Alliance and Fel's Empire (I think Krayt's Empire basically defected after he was finally killed, so all that remains is the One Sith). You could have Jedi Knights & Consulars, but also Imperial Knights that serve Empress Marasiah Fel. So many people would just play IKs because of their cool red armor, tho You'd be giving up custom saber colors, tho: silver/white is all you get. The One Sith would look boring because nearly all of them would have red-n-black Maul tattoos, but our player characters' stories would likely be similar to our TOR stories, so we'd be exceptional and may not need to get all tattooed up as a requirement (Krayt's dead, the future of the One Sith is open to change). You could have different Trooper classes, not necessarily opposing, as a Galactic Alliance trooper and, for Fel's Empire, a Stormtrooper (slightly different armor than in the films, and they allow non-humans, too, with their own unique helmets to fit their species; they'd definitely need orange ). Agents, Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, and more would also work. The biggest challenge would be a story to pit factions against each other; the Empire and Alliance aren't at war, they're uneasy allies, but there could be conflict. The One Sith could have remnants of Krayt's Empire still loyal (from fear if nothing else) to them, so they could feature Stormies and other Imp classes, and try to establish a base and expand their territory. Perhaps some other factions would be involved, too, tho that'd be challenging. It's not as clear-cut an era as TOR or the OT.
  5. T7's about 100, I think... he says as much in one of his conversations, if you ask him just how old he is.
  6. I don't think you need to go that deep; Sheldon's crazy, but not a monster. Death Stars are tools of fear and destruction only. The primary function of a DS is it kills planets. Destroys them utterly. That's not fitting with Sheldon... however, the strict order of the Empire is VERY Sheldon.
  7. Why? Krayt learned to be Sith from an ancient Sith Lord... and Vergere... he found many old holocrons and consulted them regularly. Some, like Bane's holo, considered him an imposter. Then there's the Lost Tribe, who may or may not survive FOTJ. True, Jacen only really learned from Lumiya, who like Ventress wasn't truly Sith (TCW's not the only one that played fast & loose with the Rule; the EU in general did, too, like the REPUBLIC comics featuring many acolytes that weren't ever actually identified as Sith: Ventress, Sora Bulq, Tol Skorr, probably some others I'm forgetting; they aspired to be Sith, but were only ever tools of Dooku and Sidious; of course, Darth Maul was the same according to the Plagueis book, but be believed himself to be Sith and got the 'Darth' title too)
  8. ...or Admiral Motti's first name wouldn't be 'Conan'. But see, even with Lucas' verbal edicts being written as law, there's conflict: he wore a "Han Shot First" shirt on the set of Indy IV. That goes against everything he's been saying since '97! ...but really I think it points to his people at the companies, like Rostoni and Leland, going a bit TOO far. "Conan Antonio Motti"? A funny gag, but it sticks out. It'd be like if Owen Lars' middle name was Vinchenzo or something, y'know?
  9. Someone probably told them "purple items are great, like in Warcraft" and they had an an intern or PA or something request 'a purple dress' for Bernadette's character to wear. Whoever supplied it went "Uh... okay, I thought they were Republic, but whatever. One purple Inquisitor robe, coming up."
  10. Unless his comment about the dark side being a cancer was recent, Mortis probably trumps G-canon because it'd mean he changed his mind. He does that a lot, you know. "Oh, Vader didn't kill Luke's father, he IS Luke's father. And Leia's his sister. And Greedo shot first. And Luke screamed when he let go of the pole in Cloud City. No, wait, he didn't. And Yoda wasn't Obi-Wan's ACTUAL master. And Leia never really knew her mom even a bit since she died moments after giving birth. And that puppet Yoda we made for Episode I SUUUUUUUUUUCKED" etc. Or it could just mean he forgot about Mortis. He forgets a lot, too (again, see "Greedo shot first" and his wild justifications for it)
  11. Not exactly... but he does get new legs in the next ep, Grievous-y droid legs like in the Infinities tale "Old Wounds". This episode, his spidery legs & butt were just just held together & animated by the Force. Crazy.
  12. George IS aware of what's going on in The Clone Wars, though... and there, the dark side isn't exactly a cancer, as shown in the Mortis arc as I recall. The Father, Son, and Daughter were to exist in balance, light AND dark. The imbalance in that story (highlighting the imbalance in the Force in general) is that the Son was getting stronger and darker.
  13. Nowhere in the films does it even hint that Dooku kills Sifo, tho. That's all outside the movies, which is why I called it a plot hole. If LoE was required reading for ROTS, then LoE should've been part of ROTS. It would've worked better if they'd just left it Sido-Dyas, or introduced Sifo-Dyas in Episode I, or just had Qui-Gon be the name of the guy ordering the clones. But I suppose Sido-Dyas and Qui-Gon would've just tipped the Jedi off that the clones were a Sith plot, since Dooku tells Obi-Wan of 'Darth Sidious' at the end, and Obi-Wan knew Qui-Gon well enough to know he hadn't gone to Kamino to order clones.
  14. Sifo-Dyas IS a plot-hole in that it's never properly explained in the films. It's left as a vague puzzle. "Sifo-Dyas ordered the clones...Sifo-Dyas died around the same time...Tyranus hired Jango to be the template for the clones." That's it. The natural conclusion is that Sifo-Dyas was impersonated by Sidious or Dooku, so they really should've left it as 'Sido-Dyas' and not had an actual Sifo-Dyas at all. George told us it'd all be explained in Episode III, but, uh, it wasn't. Then the EU overcomplicated things by making Sifo actually have a premonition of war, and rather than tell the Council and all, he goes to Dooku and confides...Dooku, already being wooed by Sidious. So Dooku helps him order the clones, then kills him to become a Sith, but oh wait not really, he keeps him alive in stasis to use him to aid Grievous' transition to his cyborg body! I love the EU, but sometimes it's just dumb.
  15. I've been hoping for generic player figures for years now, since KOTOR. On toy forums, we came up with some nice ideas for getting our Revans and Exiles. The biggest challenge was all the different heads and hands to cover the various skintones and game portraits (since even in the 'what if' threads discussing it, people were whining about their own version of Revan/Exile not being represented).... one idea I recall was having a couple 3-packs: Scout, Soldier, and Scoundrel for one (one set male, one set female), then Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel for another, in different robe colors (I really wanted one to be the blue robes you get on Dantooine while looking for the Starmap). Each set would've had some unique saber hilt but multiples, with the blades in every color the game offered, and a double-bladed saber maybe in yellow, blue, purple, and green. The Evolutions format Hasbro had for some characters/themes would've worked, since you'd basically get 3 full figures and accessories, but Hasbro was stingy with the accessories and often the articulation as well in those sets, so they wouldn't go for all the extra hands, sabers, heads. Plus it's an awful lot to devote to essentially ONE character from a game (8 sets/2 characters if they made an Exile one). If they did a special KOTOR re-release maybe when the first TOR expansion hits, maybe Hasbro could do that. They'd only need to do male sets for Revan and female for Meetra, after all, and perhaps cut down on the accessories some (but 3 different portraits would be nice in each, so you could swap 'em all out to make 'your' Revan/Meetra, sorta, and the rest would be like NPC figures) But companions? I'd absolutely love to see them from TOR AND more from KOTOR 1&2.
  16. Yes, Maul appearing on Tatooine was from the Visionaries anthology, a group of comic stories done by artists who worked on the film. "Old Wounds" was the tale's name... it wasn't very good as a story. Maul narrates it, saying how he's pursued Obi-Wan for years. He always JUST MISSED him, arriving at least at Geonosis, Utapau, Mustafar, and Polis Massa just after Obi-Wan left (days/hours). Possibly Kamino, too... the main gist was that Maul tracked Obi-Wan basically to every movie location Obi-Wan visited--convenient, no? The Maul that Vader defeated wasn't the real deal, either... some sorta Force-conjured clone, I think.
  17. It's not a line of toys, it's just a few figures scattered throughout the current Vintage line (new figures on vintage '78-'85-style cards) In addition to Shae Vizla and Jace Malcom that you linked, they also made Darth Malgus. I have to expect we'll get Satele Shan as well, and HOPEFULLY T7-O1, Ven Zallow and Nico Okarr, too (to round out some of the major classes and stars of the trailers). That would only leave the Agent unaccounted for, but they could maybe skirt the rules and give us Eleena Daru, she's rather Agent-y (closer to Smuggler, tho, really). Some of the Companions in their default looks would be nice, too. The downside is they're gonna be released sporadically, no dedicated wave of figures like TFU had a few years back. Vizla and Jace may be out in the same wave, I'm not sure.
  18. Wouldn't Anakin's robotic arm only help him open pickle jars? He didn't lose his ENTIRE arm, just his forearm. Cutting through doors, the force (read: not "the Force") comes from his upper body strength, channeled primarily through his shoulder & upper arm muscles... not his forearm.
  19. For the capes, you have to look back to Star Wars' origins, and Ralph McQuarrie's art: http://mystarwarsobsession.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/mcquarrie-posterdraft1.jpg Dude on the left is Han Solo. Yeah, he's got a lightsaber, but EVERYONE had lightsabers at that point in development (well before casting or anything). Also, in Marvel's Star Wars comics, Lando often wore a cape while out adventuring with Luke when they were searching for Han Solo between ESB and ROTJ.
  20. Where in the quest? The Padawans involved never mention the color, just that it's 'rare' (which it is, being a blue-quality crystal). On Torhead the comments have people thinking it was supposed to be orange and disappointed that it changed. Weird.
  21. Luke's New Jedi Order as a whole, and the entire list I posted previously. They all point to color being a personal choice. It doesn't matter at all if this EU character or that EU character is 'one-in-a-million' or not (most of them aren't, really; and the fact that Luke's ENTIRE ORDER has freedom of choice gives us one concrete era where color is 100% personal preference). Our own player characters are 'one-in-a-million', too. The fact that there's 50 more of them hanging around the GTN and vendors on the Fleet doesn't make one bit of difference, as this is a story-driven MMO. 1) Class stories say we're exceptional, so we fit the 'special' qualifications of an Exar Kun or Kyp Durron. 2) NPCs sporting 'narrow-minded movie-only colors' outnumber players by a significant margin on every server. 3) The EU has far more than 3 colors. Throughout the span of the history of the Republic, into the New Republic and Galactic Alliance and beyond, with ONLY one small chunk of about 1,000 years between the Ruusan Reformations and the deaths of Palpatine & Vader where red, green, and blue are the encouraged norm. Thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Sith; we don't meet all of them, we don't SEE all of them. So outside the Banite era, color is completely up for grabs.
  22. Great idea... harkens back to KOTOR, and puts color right where it should be.
  23. You're the one not paying attention. George Lucas' original vision was WHITE LIGHTSABERS used by EVERYBODY, not just Jedi and Vader. There is no precedent set up by the movies. The OT was too small a sample size to determine EVERY saber color of the thousands of Jedi and/or Sith that came before. There was 16 years between the OT and PT, and George's 'vision' didn't tell ANYONE else that 'good guys use green/blue, bad guys use red, and Sam Jackson gets purple' until Episode II. There was a CONSIDERABLE amount of EU between the OT and PT, and NONE of it stated in any way that red, green, and blue were all there was. NONE OF IT, and you conveniently ignore that. Nor were any such limits imposed AFTER Attack of the Clones was released; the closest you get to that is having Jedi Council members from Episode I getting reassigned green & blue sabers in 2002's EU (since Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia, and more were depicted with purple, red, or yellow sabers in both video games set during Episode I as well as comic books and action figures). The New Jedi Order was published during the PT, and The Dark Nest Trilogy, Legacy of the Force, Fate of the Jedi, KOTOR comics, LEGACY comics, and more AFTER the PT was finished, and in NONE of them is there a limit on what colors saber-wielders can choose. The closest you get there is the One Sith in LEGACY...but if a Sith has to have a red blade, they also have to have red-n-black tattoos covering their bodies. So they're not much use for the 'Sith use red only' argument, unless you want all Warriors and Inquisitors to be covered in such tattoos, too.
  24. It's not spitting on the lore, though. The LORE tells us saber-wielders have choices. Only in the movie era is the choice rather limited, and that's only in the prequels; in the OT, there aren't a lot of sabers visible. Only 4, in fact, used by 3 different Force-users. Saying Anakin's saber & Obi-Wan's saber being blue is enough to establish precedence that ALL JEDI EVER only use blue is ridiculous and close-minded. Green only was added because of a technical problem; saying that's enough to warrant all Jedi sabers being ONLY green and blue is just as ridiculous. We only see one red saber in the OT: Vader's. Saying that's enough to establish that all Sith/Dark Jedi only ever use red is moronic. It shows you're not a fan. FANS would go "Hey, imagine the possibilities. Our action figures have yellow sabers. I bet back in the day, Jedi and the bad guys had all kinds of colors." The EU bore this out when the Jedi Academy Trilogy was published: Luke's first class of students had MANY colors. His greater order, around 100 strong in the NJO, also supported this idea. Other colors were common enough that 50% of the Skywalker offspring used non-'traditional' colors, and they, Jaina & Anakin Solo, weren't the only ones. Corran Horn, Gantoris, Exar Kun, Darth Krayt, Sharad Hett, Zayne Carrick, Darth Revan, Mace Windu, Lowbacca, Kyp Durron, Meetra Surik, Darth Traya, Nat Skywalker, the entire order of Imperial Knights, and more. All used colors not adhering to the OT's example. AND THAT'S OKAY, since the OT doesn't offer up much of a sample for us to look at! The EU supports a wide variety of colors, meaning that it should be our choice. Saber color in the films is NOT a big deal, but that's because they don't have much in the way of 'choice'. We, as players, should. Otherwise everyone will look like everyone else... Rakata gear, red blades, etc. That's boring. Offering us a wide variety of saber color choices isn't spitting on the lore at all, it's supporting the wider lore of the EU, movies be damned. I'm not gonna let a stagnant order of uptight, decaying, dogmatic & pathetic Jedi from the movies tell me I can't use yellow or red or white or purple blades if I want to. I don't care that every other Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular is, according to their class stories, a 'special snowflake' exactly like me, and that they may well be sporting non-blue/green sabers and may take up a majority of the population on the Fleet. Their sabers, their choice. Their characters are just as important as mine. Their wielding purple sabers doesn't hurt my yellow-toting Sentinel's feelings at all. And all of the Force-using players on any given server STILL are outnumbered by the hundreds & hundreds of 'traditional-color' sabers wielded by NPCs.
  25. Purple sabers are rare only in the movies. ONLY in the movies. They're fairly common in the KOTOR era, of which TOR is close enough to be part of (no pesky Ruusan Reformations getting in the way). Purples are plentiful post-ROTJ, when many Jedi sported them including two of Han & Leia's children (but they were by no means the ONLY ones). Class stories say our characters are exceptional, so even if you argued that 'a Jedi/Sith choosing their own saber color is rare', it would absolutely apply to our player-characters. Generally on a standard server, there's 100-200 people on the Fleet at a fairly busy time. Roughly 50% of those, give or take, are Force-using classes. Of those 50-100 players, you'll see plenty of blue and green among the Jedi...plenty of red among the Sith. There will be some opposite-faction colors in there, too... and yellows, oranges, purples, cyans, and whites, the last three particularly because of the 1.1.5 vendor. Even if, by some miracle, all 50-100 of those Jedi are sporting 'off' colors--and they probably won't be, particularly the lowbies who likely have a 'faction'-friendly color or yellow (which lore readily supports for the period)--that's 50-100 people. There's HUNDREDS more NPCs throughout the game sporting more 'movie appropriate' colors. Someone mentioned that the movies set the precedent for the color restrictions... no they don't. The only movies that set a precedent of ANYTHING Star Wars are the original films, and I and others have pointed out REPEATEDLY that the OT features only 3 saber-wielders, so OF COURSE there's no reason to show more than 3 colors! If there wasn't a special effects glitch, they wouldn't have even given Luke a green one in ROTJ. But nobody in their right mind would've thought "Lightsabers ONLY come in red and blue". That's ludicrous. Would they be the most iconic colors? Probably. But I think most fans would've loved the idea of more saber colors. I know I was happy when reading the Jedi Academy books (and there wasn't much to be happy with in those) and Luke's first class of students lit up sabers in a wide variety of colors. The prequels don't set the precedent for the entire SW universe... they came AFTER the OT, and after the EU was firmly established. They did change many elements of the EU, as they had to... and they defined various parts of the universe as they existed for the time period of the Saga... but at no time did George Lucas say "Sabers are only red, green, blue, and rarely purple EVER." He DID say "no MORE Wookiee Jedi", so Lowbacca and the other couple Wookiee Jedi from older stories were allowed to still exist... just no new ones (Dawn of the Jedi aside; they're Je'daii in that series)
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