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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Huh, I always thought that "guns" was slang referring to her arm muscles. You know, guns and weaponry are often referred to as "arms", so calling your arms guns is sort of a play on that? -shrug-


    More on topic, it'd be awesome if companions could use more than one weapon type, in keeping with their character of course. So let Akaavi have the staff, but also let her equip pistols and switch to Vette's animations. And as another example, let Force users have staves again too. It seems kinda silly that Vector -- a non-Force user (but that used to have Willpower as his main stat) -- gets to use the staves that Assassins and Shadows can use*, but Jaesa can't.


    *this is emphatically not a request or suggestion to remove Vector's ability to use these staves, so don't get any ideas Bioware! xD


    They are called 'arms' because of the word armament. Just some info for your hat.

  2. To be fair, it likely was dying during these times- but the time of death is what has been mistaken.


    I'd ask a few questions. How are the servers today compared to the servers a year ago?

    And the year before that?



    once you look at it from that perspective, I'd say the game has been dying - it just isn't dead.


    Harbinger and Ebon Hawk have been experience more activity this year than last year, going by sheer volume and speed of pops. According to your theory then, it would seem some servers are dying not the game as other servers are experiencing growth. Hell just last night I helped a few groups of newbies I ran across while making yet another JK alt. Several new players to the game all loving the full VO and stories. Assuming they play this game as most play BW games...they have a good 7-9 months of story to play through.

    Unfortunately people forget just how massive the game actually is, and the fact it is fully voiced. Sure, WoW has a giant world, but it isn't voiced and once you play a game with full VO a game that lacks it seems inferior in a big way if you care anything about story or lore. The voices, conversations as you zoom past even, help the world feel more immersive.

  3. They don't get it Tux. They don't get that raiders think sm is mindnumbing or that people want to be able to play ranked. They don't understand it being solo pve heroes.


    My raid team wants to get back into where we are in progression as fast as possible because we have things to finish. Doing sm is insanely boring. But who knows how long it will take to get back into something we enjoy. If some are super lucky and get gear right away but some aren't and keep getting crap, I wonder what will happen to my team, and other teams.


    Well if the group are friends and enjoying the company and the game, they won't mind the slower going and just laugh and have fun. Besides, in other MMO's typically your tanks get geared long LONG before the DPS are ever geared properly. Healers typically are a run behind the tanks. These people end up running raids and such long past the point they are getting anything from it, so now it will be random who it is...now DPS will need to wait on others for a change very likely.

  4. Originally they planned for the maps to always be unlocked for one simple reason...this is the future with probe droids and communication systems that let you talk to people on the other side of the galaxy. Maps would be a basic and obvious thing people would have automatically downloaded for them when reaching a planet. I mean that is kind of the point of a ship droid. Frankly quick travel points should also be automatic, the taxi's being automatic is a relatively newer thing given back to us...as once again your computer can link to those computers and bam...access given.


    Basically exploration should be more about the nooks and crannies, not the basic map.

  5. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the Uprisings video. For some reason, I was imagining them more like Rift, where it is an open world type battle in random places, not the same map in different instances. I hope they are not like the Star Fortresses, because trying to finish those 5 quests was the worst time I'd ever had playing this game. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the audacity of making one map and calling them 5 different places. :mad:


    I know they aren't done tweaking it, and what we saw wasn't even the version they're testing out. I hope that it is much quicker and easier than what they were experiencing and that the rewards come quick enough that you feel you're accomplishing something, unlike those stupid star fortresses where you only ever got stupid decorations that I wanted to set fire to.


    You know, the funny part of your comment for me is...I wanted the decorations and always got gear drops I never wanted/could use :confused:

  6. Typically you need a wiki if there are lots of secrets, those secrets are in the old wiki content (datacrons for newer players, or those who never bothered getting them all...and that's about it) It isn't like this is GW2 with a HUGE list of mystic forge recipes or something. Or labrynthine maps. Any other info you need the community typically provides if you ask here. Haven't done a boss before? You'll get a quick rundown from someone before the pull.

    Really, most of what you would put on a wiki is story spoilers even for side quests...and given story is such a big componant of the game most never go looking for one unless it is a secret.


    Ah sorry, there is the taunlet secret, and that magenta crystal recipe can still be gotten the old hidden way...dulfy handles some of the more questionable things damn well like the qyzen and lokin alerts or the tauntaun mount grind.

  7. I created a instant 60 without choosing an advanced class. I admit that I was being a bit dim at the time, though it didn't force me to choose. I was allowed to play without any major issues. If I remember correctly I re-rolled when I discovered I didn't get the advanced gear when I finally chose my advanced class.


    Now I would think with 5.0 that they would/should force you to choose during character creation so things work the way they intend.


    Which brings up the question I have been pondering...How is this going to effect the story and missions that are based on the whole "choose your advanced class" aspect.


    They are still there despite people hitting fleet at level 25, long after they've already chosen lol.

  8. Public listings and invites only work if the stronghold owner is online. Sometimes the group roleplays at a particular stronghold without the owner. It's also useful for stopping by to pick up shared resources. For example, my Yavin 4 SH has one of every crafting utility deco, organized neatly.


    Simply doubling the number to 10 keys would make a world of difference. A dozen keys would be awesome.


    Group invites work even if the owner isn't online, silver keys allow the person to invite others over.

    Or at least they used to, a friend of mine has a pretty well decorated tat stronghold but doesn't play anymore and I have a silver key. I've dragged other into his stronghold in the past.


    I never said my solutions were perfect, just that they could help some right now.

  9. I don't see any issue with inventory managment, you must not be doing a good job of it personally, you have more than enough cargo bay slots, inventory slots and legacy bay slots once fully unlocked not to mention all the additional characters you can use as pack mules if you really need them. Maybe you have a hording problem?



    About the only 2 things I agree with in the whole post, The credits in the legacy bank would be very useful and it's already implemented in the guild bank so why not allow it for legacy as well?


    As for the dyes and weapon tuning, it's a kick in the pants for dyes to be single use items, accidentally using a good dye module results in it being lost for all eternity so a collections system for this would be nice


    I agree with you and what you pointed out except for one thing, dyes need to remain out of collections. We need more reason for crafters to actually do their thing and craft.

  10. yes because everyone play the same, everyone know how to tank or heal or circle their abilities on time, if you dont have winner and losers you get what exactly this you can kick people from a guild because is hard to determine who is the useless player, so you better blame everyone that plame one player only, good strategy




    there it is the old fallacy :D was quite fast to show up, maybe we can use this "logic" this in real life ban internet and email so everyone have to use the post office and paper email, we can also ban mining machine and mine with our bare hands like 10000 years ago


    Pay attention to what people do in a raid and it becomes obvious who isn't pulling their weight. If you can't do that and need a readout, maybe you are the one pulling your team down? Put your combat log on to show group damage, scroll through it after a hard fight, if you know the classes it isn't hard to see problems even from there. No need for an API when you can take a few minutes after a failed attempt. If you don't fail, no reason to even care.


    That logic is actually right there. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you don't do any REAL stock trading do you? If you rely on the computer models and output, you will do...ok. Not great, but ok. If you want to make the real money you have to pound the pavement, put in face time with people, make phone calls to contacts, get the information yourself and work it into your private figures and sheets and see how this added information can effect what is trending in front of you. The stock market and commodities market function the same for all purposes as those buying and selling never actually touch the things they are trading. This is how game based auction houses/GTNs/etc essentially function. Trends and commodities that you buy and sell without a care as to what it is just to make money. Yet you need to put in the sleuth work yourself to actually make the money. Your comment is a swing and a miss mate as your analogies don't line up to what you are really talking about, you just aren't happy you can't use an app like 'auction helper' to do the work for you.

    Remember that some people out there (definately not me) enjoy playing the GTN as their game, they spend most of their time at the GTN buying and selling like a commodities market and love doing so. You bring in API's that do that work for everyone and you pretty well kill a subset of player's enjoyment. Surprisingly, in every MMO that hides access to this information, you will find a decent chunk of players that rather than raid, or PvP enjoy just doing repeatable simple content and playing the market.

  11. A big thing that makes no sense...why do we not have training dummies we can place in our strongholds? Or even healing dummies whose health keeps going down like they are being attacked (but never goes under 1)?

    How about PvP dummies and Boss dummies that react to skills as their respective type? IE the PvP dummies have a resilliance bar and the Boss dummies are immune to the expected things like stun/KB/etc.


    That is just that aspect.


    Sitting on chairs without needing to use an emote would be great. Turrets you could sit on like the old colicoid games fp would work great as decos too.


    Right now only the PvP decos really let you do anything, like the huttball stand allows your guild to play hot potato with it. Why not let us turn our stronghold into a giant huttball arena with goals and such too? So much potential there.

  12. Those who become player moderators typically are nice people, especially when you add to the fact that they tend to risk having their own account banned if they abused their powers. Which usually weeds out the trolls as trolls want to get away with it, you screw up as a moderator and they know your account meaning they can do some things against you that you will feel.

    From my various games all of these punishments have been doled out to player mods that abused their powers;

    -had their characters stripped of all gear, given only very common gear (as in white gear) and all money removed

    -lost every achievement they had earned and stripped of all special gear (as in event stuff, achievement earned stuff, any rare drops, etc)

    -had all of their characters level changed to 1 (this was in a pure pvp game, which meant that everyone knew their character names thanks to being a mod and now they were the rabbits in a wolf den of people who would love to smack them down)

    -had their account banned / deleted

    -in one game every character on the account was permenantly flagged for FFA (free for all) PvP, meanign their own faction can kill them...and that game did not have the option to do that on your own!


    With that kind of known blow back if you act like a troll as a player moderator? You won't have to worry about it.


    As for the person worrying about language, I would argue that the person who is using the non-dominant language is the one that has to use the translator to put it into the dominant language. If you play on a server that uses predominantly English (NA servers, British servers, Oceanic servers that are typically full of Australians) then it is up to you to use English or be misunderstood. The same is if you are playing on a French server (need to use French), German server (use German) or any of the Spanish servers spread around the Americas and Europe (use Spanish).


    And quite honestly I don't care what you are saying, if you are spamming it over and over you need muted.

    - You don't need to post a guild recruit message every minute (honestly every 10-15 min is PLENTY, any more often than that and the spam the recruitment message is disrupting the chat)

    - You don't need to spam trade offers every damn minute either (again, if you use trade channel and people weren't spamaholics every 5-10 min is plenty)

    - If looking for a group to hit OPs or a HM FP (and you refuse to que up) you don't need to spam then either, once every 5 min has always gotten me results and I've never had to post more than 3 times. I play on Ebon Hawk (an RP server with a surprisingly very active unranked pvp population) and tend to play around midnight server time which is no where near any server's prime time.


    Really other than those, why would you need to say the same exact thing over and over again?

  13. I hope this is the right thread but there are many concerning replayable story missions so I chose the most recent. Correct me if I am wrong but according to swtor.com, knight of the eternal throne will give us the replay feature:


    "Choose to play any story chapter or battle in three new challenge levels – Story, Veteran, or Master mode – whatever suits your playstyle!"


    If it does mean I can replay the story I wondered if that means that your decisions you made the first playthrough are overwritten or if its more like a separate instance where nothing you do really matters?




    Chances are that it will only let you replay the KotET chapters. I'm not going to expect anything more than that.

  14. 1) regardless of level you should always be ripped off your speeder when taking some hits. Even the best UFC fighters would fall from a motorcycle if they were smacked while riding by, what makes you think your character is any different? Most speeders being open cockpit and the like, even if not knocked off you would guarentee a crash.


    2) the planets are pockets of time that never move on. This is why Tython is always dealing with the same things no matter what your level or what you have accomplished. Click on some of the npcs after you finish your class story on Tython some time, they still even refer to you as padawan. Just as every other planet is locked into whatever time they were. This is why level sync actually makes MORE sense. The original class stories cover a time period of YEARS. You aren't doing all of this in days or weeks, hell we know between act 2 and 3 for the JK was 6+ months as it gets mentioned directly to you.


    3) world bosses were meant to reward people at level fighting them, they were never intended to be soloed and level sync solves this. It also solves the soloing of flashpoint problems and allows the max levels to actually be pushed (just listen to the crying every time rishi or blood hunt pops up as the fp, most just leave immediately). You will notice though that the ones that do not have tacticals don't get ran as often due to their mechanics.


    4) even the best swordsman in the world, or the best marksmen, dies as easily as the next guy. Yes, their skill and experience may help them avoid things, plan their strategies better. It only takes a licky hit to down someone. We are fragile things, it takes less than a pound of pressure to break human skin with an edge, a weak lucky hit to the right area of the body and it is game over. Which is another good reason for level sync...enemies should still be able to hurt you. [[ though with the easymode/godmode healing companions these days even that threat requires you to pull 4 groups in a heroic to feel threatened ]]


    If you just want to run around one shotting everything why play the game? Also you still CAN one shot things as a 65 in non heroic areas of act 1.

  15. This and if you have a problem with someone that is visiting you can always kick them out. I had that problem once on Kaas and they thought they were funny going stealth and following and then appearing and causing problems and laughed and said do something. I just smiled and banned them. They were immediately removed lol so you can say yep I did something.


    I've never had that happen but it does amuse me that people even try knowing you are essentially god in your own stronghold and can remove them at will.

  16. Horrible? Not from my point of view. Group phasing everything removes the possibility of a player getting in your way, therefore the problem is removed.


    If you don't want to deal with other players, an MMO is just not for you than.


    I mean wanting to solo all the time? I can totally understand that PoV.

    Never wanting to see/help/interact with others? You really are playing the wrong genre.


    Part of being in a persistant world means other players are out there and can be interacted with. Not all interactions will be favorable of course.

  17. Read API can also lead to a host of social issues inside of a game. If it allows you to parse combat logs on the fly you end up with damage meters/heal meters that inevitably lead to ever more toxic community problems as people zero in on those numbers and forget the utility they do. You even run into those who tunnel vision their DPS output to the point they stand in red circles a second or two to ensure they get the end of their rotation done, or refuse to use their own cleanse because it lowers their numbers.

    Healers tend to have better control over avoiding the number game yet I've run into those who never cleanse anything because they would rather heal through it for the better heal numbers on the output.

    You build your game to make that stuff unreadable and people care less about it and do their jobs right more often than not.


    GTN stuff not being readable is also a good thing. It means people have to put in work to earn the GTN money, research it themselves or rely on second and third hand information from someone who is obviously keeping the best stuff for themselves.

    You have to put forth the effort to make the money, as it should be. No easy API doing half the work for you.


    Having to take things out of your legacy (or personal) stash just makes sense. It needs to be in your inventory as anything in your inventory is something you are immediately dealing with. Things put in a stash are essentially like having something in the back of your closet under a pile of clothing and other boxes. You aren't actively doing anything with it you simply know you have it in your closet.


    In other words, many of the features you want come across like someone being lazy and not wanting to do the work themselves to me.

    Yes, GTN pricing is annoying, it would be great to know I could just click and sell it at the best price with no thought, but then it takes the game out of those who like to work the market. They enjoy the fact they have to do the work and thinking themselves and knowing others can't easily reach the exact same results.

    Data parsing API allowance is always a bag thing, it always ends in tears somewhere and somehow. Fastest way to pit your game's people against each other is to let them read informative things about other's activities, or what others are doing. Hell, look at facebook and twitter accounts that keep running commentaries, inevitably half the page is full of people hating on the person/group/company till they lock down their page.

    Sure, it would be great if we could just dump everything into a communal inventory shared across all characters and never have to worry about inventory maintenance as it was all shared. That makes personal inventory space pointless though really and breaks a limiter on inventory designed to keep us in check, hence why everything has to be done via the personal inventory. Same reason you cannot vendor anything from your legacy storage or use a usable item from it either.

  18. That's a really clumsy work around. I shouldn't have to log out and then back in with another character to visit a specific friend's stronghold. If I'm visiting for roleplay purposes, it makes no sense at all. I honestly can't think of any reason why the limit is so small.


    Likely for memory storage purposes. If you are visiting for RP purposes they could always group invite to drag you in as well. Or...leave the stronghold open and you can find it on the public listing pages. Mine is open and I have the occassional visitor. I don't normally RP but whenever I am there selling things I seem to always get RPers visiting and RP with them a bit. Had a guild use my stronghold for their RP for about a month as a hidden base for several of their wounded because they had a traitor in their group and one of my rooms is decked out like a med bay. Random visitors during their RP sessions typically just appologized for interupting/or told them to ignore them as they were just checking out the decorating and ended up talking to me in my merchant room.

    I get maybe a visitor a week just looking around. So it should be a viable alternative as well.

  19. These days I pull 2-4 groups at a time in heroic areas (if they are too far apart you get evade problems so it varies), not even raid geared as it is more fun that way. Also a lot harder for people to claim jump on your kills when you are wiping out entire sections at a time.


    Instancing everything would be a horrible idea as it renders the MMO part of it mute.

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