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Everything posted by Nempo

  1. Actually, it pretty much boils down to they don't want the stories ruined by slave wear.
  2. Harbinger has ALWAYS been the most unstable of servers. It is one reason people have been moving to Ebon Hawk instead.
  3. I can answer number 5. It matters in HK's solo story. For example, if you callobrated him to not harm enemy non-combatants, he cannot kill the janitor even if you choose the option to do so (you get the janitor as a decoration if you don't kill him too). He also cannot kill the imprisoned exarch if you told him to not kill unarmed prisoners either.
  4. Yeah but the bosses require raids and being there while they are getting done...if you show up late or whatever, you miss out.
  5. agreed, they should be facing the direction you are.
  6. 1) you can wear the xp armor and use th elook of the others. that solves one part. 2) that defeats the purpose of the armor, you only get one set, use it wisely.
  7. Hate to break this to you but, statistically, for every 1 person that likes to gamble there are 4 who do not. Thus, by definition of wanting to retain players, you would do away with gambling as much as possible.
  8. Or you can...learn the shortcuts and never use the menu again.
  9. This has been a huge problem for them ever since the conquest stuff, we do NOT want this crap popping up. Leave it to something VERY small...in the corner of the screen, that is easily overlooked/never seen.
  10. You see it for for all of 30 seconds tops...why do you care so much? Launch the game, press play, go get something to drink. When you get back it should be on your character select screen.
  11. It is like EAware totally forgot the fact that everyone has 10+ alts now. People do not stick to single characters. There is a legacy system in the game...EVERYTHING should hook into it and make use of it. We have legacy bound gear, legacy wide perks, honestly all credits should be shared, and the command rank should also be shared.
  12. Instant 60/65 characters grant you nothing. No unlocks, no legacy perks, notta. If you want the perks and unlocks, gotta do it the original way.
  13. Nadia is most likely dead. In one of the cutscenes...chapter 15 maybe? There is a female knight standing there taking the blame for something and Vaylin shoves her off the platform. Her voice was Nadia's. It wasn't even disguised as most VO's who do multiple characters change inflections or use a mixer to alter pitch, it was straight up Nadia's voice.
  14. On most servers where PvP pops regularly...the Reps are the monsters these days, and the Imps are the carebears. Just sayin'. Imps have more Pvpers, yet the Reps win more often than not. For NA servers that would be Harbinger and Ebon Hawk btw. (I fully expect someone to refute this, however this has been my personal experience over the past 2 years. Yes the Imps were the Pvpers at launch and during those first 2 years, but things have long since changed.) Irony being, the side typically linked to being sociopathic idiots seem to be the ones PvEing the most. Yes, most DS choices in this game are way too idiotic...by this game's standards palpatine would be an LS sith and he is the strongest user of the dark side EVER in canon. As for everyone else, the reason light won is simple, it was a Chiss companion instead of stupid lady maul. They had a light side imperial defector...and a walking trope, of course the trope is going to lose. If the DS side had something UNIQUE it would have been a far closer choice. As it stands they could have called the light side winning even earlier than they did, but why kill the tension for the late starters?
  15. You know...I just had a thought. When an expansion comes out.. 2 things will happen. Either GC max level will go up, or GC will be reset to zero. The first one would essentially kill the game as I forsee MANY people never getting to 300 because of alts (and refusing to not play them). The second while not the end of the world...would confuse many and cause an uproar on it's own.
  16. everyone is crying...I think it is fantastic. Crafters will MATTER again. As the people who are rocking max tier gear will be buying peices from crafters untill they get the set item from the RNG crate. Also...you DO NOT NEED set peices to do NIM. If you think you do, you aren't as good as you think you are. Groups do it just fine without anyone int he raid having set bonuses. So seriously, stop focusing on one small thing, and look at the bigger picture. They are handing the economy back tot he crafters, as people will now be buying their gear again instead of grinding for it. At least that first set while grinding out the set bonus ones.
  17. Just smack the spacebar every 5-10 min. If you are anywhere near the computer it is no big deal...and if you aren't it shouldn't be a deal because you are doing something more important than a game right now. Auto log-outs have always been a thing in MMOs to help with the servers. Only game I can remember that allows 24/7 log in is ArcheAge...and that's more or less because the game is dead and the labor regen issue.
  18. It will never be relevant due to a few simple and brutally honest things. 1) it is completely seperated from the rest of the game. NOTHING of your character translates into starfighter. This is a huge problem for MMOs as your character is meant to be the central force, IE the stronger your gear you are wearing the stronger your ship should be. This is what people expect in an MMO logic be damned. 2) it deviates entirely from the trinity which this MMO is built upon, the roles in starfighter are totally alien to your average MMOer. 3) there is no tweaking of your ship prior to playing, and no way to TEST those tweaks before you finalize them. These are important issues as a base fighter is rather worthless but if I stick it out with some horrible specs I can eventually tweak a fighter tot he point I am a flying bulldozer. Most will not have such patience, they expect it to be fun and for the ships to feel rewarding right out of the gate. 4) upgrades are earned these days by playing against veterans who have unlocked EVERYTHING. this is a HUGE problem for new players. it is the equivilent of being a level 30 facing off against level 60's. Vets always say it doesn't matter, you can do everything they can....yeah if that was the case they would never have bothered to unlock anything and stuck with a base ship lol. 5) the game play style itself does not lend itself to an MMO's combat style. the people who get into the game because it is an MMO (and an tab target MMO at that) are not the type to love twitch game play on the average, and star fighter IS twitch game play. Those are just off the top of my head. I will say though that the starfighter community is actually one of the friendliest and they are pretty patient when someone new hops in and actually tries/asks for tips.
  19. Law of averages; men are taller, stronger, bulkier. Also law of averages; most people like it this way. When you make something for the masses, you don't aim for the niche. But if they added additional choices I personally think it would be awesome. 2.5 for males and females. a female body type that's as tall as male 3, and a male that's as short as male 1 but with 2's musculature would be welcome too IMO.
  20. Agreed, stronghold/conquest/DVL all need to be bloody SMALL! or put a damn button in the menu at the top and never, EVER make it flash/fill the screen again. If you care, you hit the button, you see where things are at, you hit it againt o close it...aka...totally manual.
  21. That is GOOD. and Veteran mode is for when you are 70, wearing decent gear. Also...don't use healing companion, turn it into a tank. If you want EZmode to be gone, then you need to learn to not use the healing companion to survive.
  22. I've had the same launcher from invite only closed beta, which was an even more simplistic version. Never given me a single issue.
  23. If your Jugg was an instant 60, the "history" is a pure darkside one for everything in the 1-50 story and in SoR. Every free 60 character has had glitches regarding the story for me and my friends (none of us were willing to buy another one after experiencing this).
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