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Everything posted by Jordalx

  1. First off, Sage/Sorc isn't the best healer for PVP or PVE. There are better choices. Additionally, I do perfectly fine as DPS on my Sorc in PVP. But that is because I know what I am doing. In PVE, similarly geared, or lesser Mercs or snipers out perform me by a significant amount, even though they shouldn't.
  2. No change to Sorc/Sage DPS? Which is pathetic compared to other DPS classes, in addition to being the squishiest? Not to mention that Sorc/Sage Heals are broken, pathetic, and crap, compared to other healer classes, also, in addition to being the squishiest?
  3. He was on LA during a time when queues are pretty damn short.
  4. "It" signed my character's book by drawing a picture of itself :3 Thanks for being fun!
  5. Pretty much Raugmoss for president. Not sure why people cannot see that is how a fight goes, and how a Sorc/Sage dies. GG.
  6. He is right. You are not 50. You do not matter. You mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing you say or do has any impact on the game. Your thoughts are utterly insignificant when relating to Sorcs/Sages and PVP.
  7. Attention, attention, the numbers are now out there, the information there. Sorcs are inferior in nearly every way except save utility (for team mates). So get your finger out of your rear, stop spouting, "Tha problem is between da keyboard an' da chair," and open to your eyes to how broken and worthless this class is. I don't even touch my Sorc any more. I can play fairly competitively, but why bother? I'm a waste of space on the 8 man team, another class would be better. So I will happily play and faceroll on my (pre 1.2) marauder.
  8. Probably carried, had a premade, had guard, was fighting idiots, had utterly incompetent or mindless assassins/shadows or sents/maras. The numbers exist that Sorc is not viable, and would be better if replaced with another class in an 8v8 match up. Say you are a good Sorc that survives well? You are worthless to your team if all you do is kite and run away and do next to no damage.
  9. Good to know you realize such. Now how about start making, "Buff/fix Sorc" threads?
  10. Assassin, Sorc just is not worth it if you want to DPS, and there are better options for healing.
  11. Make a high Tier talent in madness that makes it so the more DoTs you have on someone, the more damage it will do based on a percent, more damage the DoTs will do that is. That will give some pike damage when you hit crushing darkness on someone, and have the 31 point talent in. Would really help with 1v1 damage.
  12. Who cares? Everyone knows Sorcs/Sages need serious fixes or buffs. Good players will always perform fine with a class, even under powered ones. Does not mean the class is good.
  13. It happens, 889 Exp Sorc, I have been completely burned down from max health to zero on several occasions when my Break was on CD. It happens, and needs to be remedied.
  14. Would be nice if Sorcs got a damage bonus for having 3 DoTs on someone. That could help with single target damage some. Or something like that. We have no burst at all.
  15. Agreed, even in my Power stacking armor my Crits for TB is far less than it should be. It really needs quite a buff. I feel the DoTs in general need more damage for Sorc, or some kind of spike damage if Crushing darkness is on. Or a % damage increase if all 3 DoTs are on a target. That would help with single target.
  16. Cempa. You really are a poor representative for those Sorcs that speak for buffs. Stop insulting every single person, build, and play style. I do occasionally rock full 31 on madness? Why? I like DoTs. Its my playstyle. Its what I do. However, Lansodw, you need to realize the numbers are now out there. With how much more damage melee (and others) can do to a Sorcerer, versus a similar geared sorc to the attacker. In team situations, with a competent group of people, you might have a chance at doing mediocre damage. But most of the time it isn't a competent team, and you will get wrecked by a competent marauder or assassin. I do not care who you are. It will happen. There are far too many gap closers to counter the Sorc's dreadfully poor CC. What is that? Force Slow you say? Well. Assassins have that as well. Oh. So do Marauders, Juggernauts, my memory, I admit, is vague on some of the other classes. But I know PT/Vang has one. Sorcerers need some sort of CC fix. Or some type of defensive increase like all the other classes get. Without a doubt they need a damage increase. To the people that declare, "Oh, I do just fine, you must be bad." I tell you this. Maybe that is so. Perhaps the people that call for buffs are, "bad." But does that mean the class is viable, or balanced? No. That just means you are a good player that makes the most out of a poor class. You see that all the time in games, RPGs, MOBAs, MMOs. It is not exactly a new occurrence.
  17. Sorcs "escape" abilities mean nothing when so many other classes has haste abilities or things that completely negate CC, not counting resolve. Sorcs are supposed to be casters, and yet their CC is some of the weakest in the game. Their damage is lackluster compared to other classes. What is that, Sorcs have a Slow? Well. Assassins and Marauders have a slow with the same % as well. All these elitists saying, "Oh, Its you!" Need to chill and look at everything. Good players will almost always do fine with any class. It does not mean the class is good, or balanced. They just simply make the most of it.
  18. I've had this happen as well. The whirlwind will continue yet it will not break.
  19. /Signed. Even the roll function is good for other elements of the game. Working on who gets the loot based on a master loot system. For example, I was going after a world boss with some 20 people. The raid leader had master loot on so there would be no ninja looting. An inquisitor hilt dropped, so we could have used a /roll function to see who would get it.
  20. There will be harassment regardless. Do you people realize there is an ignore function? There is a profanity filter? Evidently not? Have you even played the game? Its a poor excuse is all it is. If someone wants to harass someone from pvp, they can roll a level 1 toon and harass the person, its not that damn hard. Grow a backbone. All for cross faction channels, tells, anything.
  21. Oh dear lord, this isn't WoW and we aren't used to it, nooooooes
  22. Yeah. This guy is pretty much dead on, no dungeon finder please. Try and be atleast a little social.
  23. Good to see all the support, but lets aim higher, tell your friends and other roleplayers about this thread!
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