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Everything posted by SteelPiranha

  1. OP, you just posted to the forums publicly stating that you got invited to the PTS which is a violation of the NDA. Lets say you sign the NDA now, you'd already be in violation even if they delete your thread since everyone knows you're in the PTS.
  2. What exactly is the purpose of this thread? Are you, OP, just seeking validation for you wanting a refund? We can't give you a refund only BW can. There is a CS Forum and phone number to call for stuff like this. ....Or is this just a thread created to vent frustration for something there are only speculative answers for? Edit: Didn't read entirety of thread so may have missed something
  3. Ok so just some off the top of my head -Treek and/or HK -Rocket Boosts -Quick Travel -Legacy Stronghold(if that works for Pref) I'd also say finish up all the presence unlocks so, if you make a new character, it'll be a nice advantage leveling.
  4. Credit escrow Character slots ...those are the 2 that come to mind
  5. Just pointing out, they did this with Cyborgs as well. If you completed a cyborg, additional implants are given to you on your next character. I've used Cyborgs almost exclusively after that unlock
  6. I wholeheartedly support new customizations. I've seen quite a few threads like this in the suggestion forums so I hope one day they'll give in. Everything is already in game. -Allow trooper/BH/warrior tattoos for every race/class. -Allow basic cybernetics for all classes(extras for true cyborg race) -Allow facial hair/stubble for all races. Every model is human so they all would work *most. Just unlock them and let the player have at it. P.S. I'd love to add a tattoo to my smuggler's face:)
  7. I've honestly never had any issues in KDY.....ever. Most runs nobody even talks other than "Hi all" and "Thanks all". How you can have so many problems is beyond me...unless there is a common denominator that you're conveniently overlooking:rolleyes: If you think everybody sucks at playing this game other than you, I believe you call them idiots in your other thread, you should probably refrain from PUGGING completely and make your own groups where the group meets your high standards.
  8. ^This. Forcing everyone into a bottleneck is just asking for a greifing paradise.
  9. Mandating group content to advance a single-player story is not a good idea. Now if you want to require a mandatory FP quest to qualify for raiding, that would be a better suggestion as they have experienced the entire game leading up to that point and have chosen to participate in future group content. Also, some people play MMO's because they are unlike single-player games in that theMMO contains a massive amount of people that you can choose to interact with. Some people enjoy crafting/RP/chatting/solo questing/etc.,
  10. They don't know how to use those abilities since the class stories don't require you to cleanse and you can sometimes cheese the interrupts if your companion takes the damage. So they probably don't have a need to interrupt unless they keep dieing. That's probably because there are just more people at max level than before. Think about it, 55 content has as many participants as Black Talon/Esseles FPs now...Your sample size for pugging has now grown so what has been just a few players that didn't know group mechanics, now has multiplied. This game does not teach you group mechanics while running class OR planetary missions. Even if you forced everyone to run every mission in the game they still will have no clue about group mechanics. So regardless of this 12xp event, people will get to 55 and not know how to effectively contribute to a group. This isn't a 12xp class story problem.
  11. That's what everyone is saying....the problems you're describing aren't exclusive to the 12xp event. Slowing the leveling speed down won't teach you how to damage adds, that's just not knowing how to play the game(or mmo's) period. Also, KDY is a horrible place to expect people to execute perfect group mechanics.
  12. People queuing as a healer and dps'ing isn't a 12xp event problem or even a "KNOW YOUR CLASS" problem (per se). This has been happening since the inception of the Group Finder tool. It's purely not paying attention to which roles are checked when queuing....I've made that mistake a few times when using an alt that has heal/dps abilites. Regarding the 12xp: I would even go as far to say that the 12xp bonus has actually taught me to use my abilities and CDs more resourcefully as my gear is almost always severely subpar. Edit: Why exactly are we talking about KDY being affected by 12xp anyways? Isn't KDY bolstered and takes the groups composition into account?
  13. How can you tell that the Trooper, BH, or Inquisitor aren't female exactly? The Trooper's physique isn't indicative of a male. The BH and Inquisitor aren't either. I suppose you could say the Mara has a male type physique, but I can see where that's debatable. The premise of this thread is quite absurd really(IMO of course).
  14. It's really not a big deal time-wise to craft the gear for leveling. I'm using my armormech and synthweaver(instead of my cybertech) both of which are 55. You can make greens of almost every equipment slot every few levels, and since you can send 5 companions out and make 5 items each, you can almost craft all the gear you'll need in about 1(estimation) hour for each character. Then 1 more for the companion. Granted, these are just greens but they still do the job...blues add a bit more time but they have longer staying power. Just plop them into legacy storage and whatever alt can use them pulls them out.
  15. I support this. I wonder if the GTN UI could be used to make this happen? I know the GTN is far from perfect, but at least the code is already there to modify. <zero programming xp so just throwing it out there
  16. The way I see it, $10 less is something that isn't going to help the game much. Would it be nice? Any discount is awesome, yes. Will it help BW cover their development costs for creating the xpac? Nope. IMO, It may do potentially less for the game financially than the xp boost as the xp boost may bring back or gain subscribers vs. the $10 price reduction. Also, to me, when something like a video game is discounted immediately, I assume it is a lesser quality product. The xp boost, again imo, shows that they are excited about getting you to level cap to experience their new content because they deem it quality work worthy of the original price. Now of course, with any pre-order, you can never tell if the final product will be worth the pre-order price but that is the gamble you always take with pre-ordering anything.
  17. Part of me is hopeful for vehicular missions of some type but I know those are very popular from other games. Alternatively, mounts for you and your companion would be pretty gosh dern sweet:D
  18. By the time the OP reads the replies here, he is probably 15 levels ahead of where he was when he made the OP
  19. Yeah that would make for an interesting pull for sure.
  20. I'd imagine they'd allow respeccing before combat begins like once you've cleared the trash and are just waiting for the pull. Nobody in the raid is in combat state, you can respec. Somebody pulls, no respec. That would make more sense to me anyways. Edit: But if you are actively attacking the boss(within 40m) and you respec like some I think are saying, that seems more like unintended bug or something.
  21. This is how I read it too. If you're out of combat between pulls, everyone is just standing around discussing strats, you can respec then. As soon as you pull, you can no longer respec.
  22. http://dulfy.net/2014/10/06/swtor-preordering-sor-allow-you-to-level-up-via-just-class-missions/ Third bullet point.
  23. I believe they answered 2...If you don't buy the field respec legacy unlock, you can still go to fleet.
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