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Everything posted by SteelPiranha

  1. You can combat respec? I've never actually tried or had a need for that, but IMO that sounds like something that's not intended. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Maybe just wait and see if you like the changes before getting worked up. You don't even need to purchase the xpac to play with the changes.
  2. I agree that the Hutt Statue is the most useful thing I use as well. I'm honestly having a tough time thinking of any alternative bonus that would make the 16 AC's players happy in this situation that would compare to the statue. Edit: for clarity
  3. If you just look at your mission ("L" menu in game) rewards you'll see it's substantially higher than normal quest xp rewards.
  4. Actually something that just struck me...if you look at the Disciplines blog post, it almost seems that the skill costs are going out the window since they are following a linear skill path. Almost as if they've gotten rid of upgrades for current abilities. If that's the way this were to play out, the Hutt Statue may become obsolete... I'm just purely guessing here btw. That's just how I see it could work. Edit: I mean ability costs that you'd train as you level up not skills.
  5. So they haven't offered anything that you deem worthy of a preorder and that's fine. What would you rather have that would give you incentive along with pleasing everyone else?
  6. But you aren't the only market to be concerned about either. What if this bonus brings a preferred or f2p player to subscribe? What if it brings back some older subs that only wish to do class stories and avoid planetary quests? What if there are some current subs that just want to see the class stories once more but play DS or LS? Even though some people don't think this is a nice gift, there are plenty of players that do and it may end up being healthy for the game to boot.
  7. But they can't please everyone...that was my point previously. YOU aren't satisfied with this bonus, but others are. If they gave us another trainer, I'm sure there would be plenty of subscribers upset. Remember they are also trying to get people to sub either for the 1st time or resub. This I think was a nice incentive for quite a number of players.
  8. And I would have no use for either of those....see how the devs can't win regardless.
  9. What would you suggest they give the long time 16 AC subscribers? Serious question. CC's? -I'm sure they recall how the community acted last time they did that. Speeder? -See above Pet? -See above Title? -See above The point I'm trying to make is that no matter what they were to give out, somebody would complain about it. It may not be you, but there would be someone who thinks in worthless. Why not give the devs some suggestions on what you'd think would be a nice gift?
  10. What I plan on doing tonight is using my synthweaver and armormech to make all levels of gear that they can for my alts and Treek and send it so it's already in their inventory. Hopefully, this will keep me geared enough for class story content all the way to at least 50.
  11. I think the OP's problem with the schematic prices is that they're trying to max out professions on low level characters that can't access the planets to gather mats on causing them to run missions constantly. This is just what I take from everything said so far. OP, you're trying to craft things that are out of your level range on your "1st" character....stop it. The reason you can't afford to buy the schematics is because you aren't suppose to at your level (by original game design). As you level to the appropriate level, your income will increase making it easier to purchase these schematics. Once you get a bankroll toon(lvl 55) you can fund alt crafters much easier and they can max professions earlier in the leveling process. This is all my opinion of course. Others may have had different experiences with crafting.
  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=727607 You're seriously threatening to quit the game because the devs won't just give you the schematic that you feel you are entitled to? wow....just wow.
  13. Where they got the data in case anyone wants to see a full list(and didn't read the article) http://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/us-digital-games-market/
  14. I hate to be that guy, but we're all arguing in circles over a topic we don't have any control over. I'm all for community feedback. It just seems that they have already made the decision and they may decide to change things later. Eric said, "I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future." More than likely, BoP will not be allowed in Legacy Storage no matter how many threads and arguments happen. Personally, I'd rather the Devs just focus on meeting their major deadlines now and worry about this type of stuff when the new xpac is out. Luckily, there is a workaround that I'll continue to use until there is another option available.
  15. I actually was unaware of that lol. Shows how much seeker stuff I've actually attempted to do
  16. I should have clarified. I don't want to have this type of coin that OP is suggesting go into a CM type format. If it's offered in game for in game currency, i.e., comms, credits, tokens...I'm 100% fine with that. I have a problem with things that can only be obtained through CC's. That's all I was getting at.
  17. IMO, I really don't want to pay another fee to convert things from BoP to BoL. I believe there are other ways of making this happen(see my previous suggestion), which is where I chose to focus my discussion points. Also, ending your OP with a snarky meme probably isn't the best way to start a thread and expect people to stay on topic.
  18. I dunno. I think there could be some kind of system in place to earn endgame mats via solo content. Personally, I think it'd allow endgame crafters to compete at high levels with raiders. It'd breathe some fresh air into the market. Hear me out before flaming. Spitballing here: -Allow raid tier mats to be found via seeker droids for instance. Make them a low drop chance of course(1-5%) and put them in areas of higher difficulty mobs. The higher difficulty the area, the higher the chances to dig one up to a limit of course. -Make them very very rare drops from WB's. These still are tough fights and if you're grouped, it's similar to raiding. Just stuff off the top of my head.
  19. I wonder if this would be a better suggestion for discussion? A middle of the road approach if you will:) Edit: I'm speaking of making the all BoP items BoE(Legacy). That would allow you to trade it freely among your alts until it is equipped by one of them. Then it becomes bound to that character. Pro: 1.You can still trade valuable gear to alts that could use it. 2.You still need to work for it. Cons: 1. The need rolling could still prove problematic in PUGs. 2. This could cause problems in PVP(I wouldn't know since I don't PVP) Actually, that sounds very similar to Timeless Isle gear in WoW lol.
  20. Regarding this, I can buy a hypercrate and sell the crate for creds for the mats. No playing required.
  21. If the BoP restriction was changed to BoL....I could grind everything with my main and send the earned gear that drops to my alt healer. I could gear my alt through my main basically. Hell, make the BoP into BoE(within the legacy), then it couldn't be traded multiple times.
  22. Ok. I'm on a raid team as rDPS and I have an alt healer. The Guild Leader, who mains a healer, has an alt that's rDPS needs to be geared. We switch spots. I go healer on my alt. He goes dps on his. Since I have full Oriconian gear on my healer alt, I'm able to make up for his loss of healing. He takes all the dps gear to gear his alt. We clear and go home.
  23. The bolded is really the reason why I don't see an issue with making BoP restriction obsolete.
  24. 1 example I can think of: If I had a new level 55 decked out in full Oriconian gear that would give me(and my guild) 2 different options to raid. Some guilds can't have every person there every raid night. This would allow for a stop-gap fill in to allow the raid to continue. This could also work if the raid needed to sit my dps out to gear someones alt dps. I could take their place healing.
  25. But they also allow the action of circumventing the lockout mechanism so "working as intended"
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