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Everything posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. £6 ... and since I play on the PTS when it is open, I don't intend to be locked out of new content. If you aren't subbing, why should we care? Sub. Wait until status improves. (receiving the preffered by default when month is up) and pay the half price for the expansion ... you get the expansion and a month of subbed. Win win. If you want more benefits, pay up. Simple. Anyone who owns a game company is out for cash then keeping people happy, although in an ideal world it's the other way around.
  2. This is the nature of tier-gear based games. They'll keep adding new levels, make it real easy to get previous types compared to old hard grinds. SWG did things differently. They basically switched stats around every couple of months, forcing people to get new suits. But the stat amounts remains mostly the same. Maybe EA will figure it out, people want crafting to mean something, instead they went for this lottery + grind system which is failing hard.
  3. Before you can even start asking for basic fixes, they need to actually run their testing server full time and respond to anyone that bothers filing reports. As it stands, any reports filed are ignored - making the player testing server worthless. If they ignore those of us who play on the server, what kind of hope do you have of getting these perfectly sound things put in game?
  4. Thread is simple, keep it short and sweet. Trolling is just bad form. What I would like for Christmas, from EA, is the PTS to be left open over the duration of the holiday - because some of us really do play on that server full time when it's up!
  5. Operatives have droid CC ... and both have stealth-sleeping, meaning fights with droids or several gold NPC's you can very easily pre-plan who gets CC'd and wipe the floor with the remaining before any go out of sleep mode.
  6. Rift had, not sure about now, a need and greed system where if you didn't have the ability to use said item - you could not need it even if you wanted to. Period. Naturally, some mage items and warrior items could be ninja'd by clerics or in some cases rogues, but ultimately, it works. Sad thing is, this wouldn't stop someone rolling a bounty hunter or trooper and stealing all the armour that drops.
  7. Producers have the time and get paid enough to do this. Once a weekend, month... from their home, 20 minutes... something along the lines of MSN, twitter... some kind of live-chat (sub access only) on the site itself that is only open for those few minutes - all of which is then copied / edited if abusers are on then posted. When creating roleplay characters, roleplaying plots... creating self-content for stuff, 15 minutes of chatting with someone who loves your work... works wonders.
  8. It's a trashed planet, rahghouls and other things realtively annoying. The pathing of the speeders and how the map lights up the wrong stuff is just plain annoying. Plot wise and general access - both versions of Balmorra is preffered. However, the really REALLY bright morning lighting on the Republic hurts. Although accurate to the normal light levels of KOTOR 1's version of the plenet. I enjoy the dusk setting way more.
  9. I'll have you know, the throne suits my Sith quite nicely. Then again, she is Sith... point moot. Sith throne = for sith. But those giant speeders, should not be allowed anywhere near - Mail boxes - GTN - Medical droids *or* within 5m of any vendor. Bad enough when the fleet is multi-instancing and you have several people on speeders AND a horde surrounding the GTN... but then the speeders are 3-4 times larger than required? Urgh. At least make big speeders hold more people before making them big.
  10. I've seen some use it. Jung ma and on the PTS. Typically by those who can use 2... male characters, using the invis torso cartel item... so they can be all barbian like.
  11. Try grouping with someone, of a different class, have them taxi you over. May help, may not. Good luck.
  12. You may have spent the extra on the game, I myself got the Delux... not as much as you, I know, but... the condition ontop of buying the CE was *paying* at least a single months sub *before* free-to-play came to be. I got plenty of emails warning that F2P was coming ... and I had time subbed. So if you quit a month in, you only have yourself to blame for not reading between the lines. Callous maybe. But EA don't seem to have handled this entire thing too well to begin with.
  13. Personal opinions... the Republic quest locations are plain better and the plots, although mostly stale do have very nice points. Especially the Trooper towards the 35 area+. Empire side, the placements of quest areas is poor, random and annoying. However, the plots of all Imperial characters is well written and give real choices. I've been pleasently suprised at how many people I can spare playing as a Sith Warrior or how OTT the Inquisitor can be with her choices. Over-all ... I enjoy playing the Trooper (Vanguard) and Inquisitor the most gameplay wise... and you're right, the Imperial side just feels... better. Maybe it is because the Republic hides all of the evils it does and hides behind veils of light - where as the Empire is exactly what you'd expect. You can expect a knife in your back on the Imperial side.
  14. This game took over SWG, at least at first. The first thing they should have done - was include all races from the game it was taking over - period. With the exception of Wookiee; all other species can speak basic or Huttese. If you're truely an Alien player, that would not bother you in the slightest and you'd get to look how you want. I am a little put off by the lack of speed of adding new races though. They have several options and they aren't adding them at an acceptable rate - the Free-to-play update is the perfect chance to add in the new races for 500 cartel coins (the amount we get for FREE if paying subs).
  15. Considering the Free to play players still need to pay 15ish Dollars for normal access, it isn't completely free-to-play. I just hope they don't go over board with the micro transactions like some MMO's do.
  16. We paid for extra, we get extra... I'd be content with another 150 coins personally, but not ever player gets the digi upgrade package, so for those who do, should get on board with the CE and get something out of it.
  17. I paid into it too, some extra coins would be nice... no items though, if we got an item... the CE would get it too by default. Only fair.
  18. Short answer... If you pay for a game, with services supplied, you expect those services in full. No exceptions. So I'll complain all I like, because venting makes me feel better. If it makes EA feel bad, good.
  19. This just proves even further, that EA shouldn't be running in the MMO market... for all their Flaws, SoE and Blizzard are just plain better. and I don't even like WoE ... Also Trion are very able with their community support, unlike this game.
  20. I've played a Tank-spec Vanguard through to 50... no way in hell am I a 4-10meter class... I may get closer to cyroban grenade someone or bash their skull in, but I can very happily sit 30m back and blast people, pull people; end people. If your goal is to solo without much issue, the tank spec is for you. The DPS varients of the Tank classes, personally, feel rushed or an after-thought. One thing you may like, OP, is the ability to gain medals easily in Warzones as a Vanguard - you can guard people, granting several medals quite quickly... and if you stick around healers / defending points solo... groups will usually vote you as top guy in a match even if the stats always back you up... do that enough, you may find yourself a guild who'll hook you up when you hit 50. As for Huttball... Vanguards, personally, make the perfect stallers. Longer stuns and you can yank ball handlers into acid/fire or off the walkways. Granted, they don't have the mobility of a Tank-spec-tank-gear Assassin/Shadow, but they make up for it with their heavy armour and innate high defences.
  21. Whilst Vanguard carries the smaller weapon - it doesn't make sense for a Tank to also have access to massive heals they could use on themselves... because that would mean, aoe/aoe/taunt/heal/heal/heal ...wouldn't work out fairly for the other classes. Healer commando's have the option to use heavy weapons or rifles, without any downside - and from a pvp point of view, the appearance of a rifle grants them a small window of safety from the other side ( until they see you healing ). If you hate the abilities so much, it really is quite simple. Remove them from your toolbar - end of. If you've chosen the DPS spec like alot of SORC/SAGES do then that is what you are; accept the advanced class has 2 options and move on. Removing heals from the class will *not* benefit the class as a whole and you have to remember one thing - Not everyone who selects Commando does it for the DPS - some like the massive weapon and others like the healing side of things... and all 3 types of healer have strengths and weaknesses over the others.
  22. Female Lethan Twi'lek ... that's uhh, red, to you Non-Lekku lovers. Combined with a Half-top... Sexy and completely insane.
  23. Yeah, because we all enjoy mindless hours mindlessly mindless grind mindlessly on the higher planets I support 'Advanced' Class changing, as for basic class... if it's been brought up, you roll a new toon.
  24. I was sure they said, sometime ago... they would be giving us the option to mute the ship droid... but all we got was a reduced chance of him talking. Can't I just get my lightsaber, stab him in the chest and rip out his vocal motivator?
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