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Everything posted by AshlaBoga

  1. Which is bad design, because we're going to get a lot of people waiting around for respawn.
  2. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Seriously? I mean, I can 4 man it, but it either has a long respawn or it respawns in a different spot. An +8man group saves me the issue of fighting over it.
  3. You see, I've heard that term before, but I find it sort of strange. Didn't Jesus advocate turning the other cheek? It would seem that a lightsaber would be something that Jesus would refuse to wear, let alone be incredibly proficient in using.
  4. On my merc I almost killed myself because I was just outside the circle that reflects damage. On your slinger pretty much you want to be humping her. If you're close enough to touch butts you don't need to worry about her reflecting your attacks and you killing yourself.
  5. Uh, actually the OP is correct. You need 2,400 shards + the drop from Tyth to get Tyth's Power Relay. Assuming that each of the 5 bosses requires 2400 shards that's 12,000 shards total. However, I suspect that you don't need the 5 Power Relays on the same toon, merely in the same group. So 5 of 8/16 players need to spend 2,400 shards. Given that the power relays are useless until the 5th boss is released, we've got over 5 months to get 2,400 shards - plenty of time.
  6. Palpatine is less frail than most people who work in a cubicle 9-5 and then go watch tv or play CoD.
  7. It might actually be 2 different people. If you pick the Republic it could be Lana, if you pick the Empire it could be Theron.
  8. Malgus. Why? Because it's BioWare and reusing the same villain is one of their cliches.
  9. He did say he'd travel the universe, but the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour. If he didn't bother living a normal life with healthy relationships in the SW galaxy, he probably wouldn't have done it in other galaxies. I suspect he'd get to our galaxy, or Andromeda and then after a while just decide to eat the whole thing. Again. His closest attempt to normal life was his relationship with Senya, Thexan, Arcann and Vaylin and we've seen how that went.
  10. Huh, good catch with that. I'd assumed all the missing modifications were based on a full inventory not leaving room, I never considered item level.
  11. The issue occurs only if you didn't have enough room in your inventory for all the mods and enhancements. Hopefully they can mail those out later.
  12. It's a bug. Submit a report because the more reports the get, the higher they prioritize it.
  13. This bug has finally screwed up the Star Fortresses. Heroic SFs are level 70, but they only drop loot from the Exarch if you're level 65. Why? Because aaaaaaaaah!
  14. I agree but for a slightly different reason. If they give F2P players more, they might remove things from subs to make up any financial losses. I prefer $15 a month getting me everything in the game, and most of the time it does (and when that's not the case, the forums general rail against stuff like Command Boosts being CM only hard enough that they add them to vendors a couple of months later).
  15. The exception is that the game assumed I pissed off Koth. Not sure why, but I skipped Chapters X-XVI on my merc and game had Koth quit.
  16. Dude, it`s not how fast you hit your keys. It`s where you kite Vaylin. You have to get the puddles between you and her, otherwise you'll just use them up and she'll take nod damage. Also, remember to only attack her within melee range. It's really not that tough on Story or Veteran mode. Only issue is that if you do Master Mode having A) killed Arcann, and B) having freed Dramath you are in for a fight from hell.
  17. So I'm guessing you picked LS in Chapter 7?
  18. Pretty much. Arcann was ignored by his father, but that describes many people who turn out all right. "Oh no! My father doesn't really care about me!" Yeah, you and millions of other children on earth buddy. At least your dad didn't try and skip out on child support. Vaylin was brutally tortured as a child. Drugs, Isolation and Electroshock are not thing you do to a 6 year old.
  19. You can't get them between you? In that case, she's probably focusing Dramath and not you. Put him on passive and make sure to run around the healing pools since they dissipate when you run through them.
  20. I just managed it on my Gunslinger. I needed 230 gear, a Rank 35 Kaliyo (so I spent a fair amount on gifts) and used Heroic Moment + Unify.
  21. 1. Black Talon/Essles 2. Boarding Party/Taral V 3. Foundry/Maelstrom Prison 4. Directive 7 5. Battle of Ilum 6. False Emperor 7 + 8. Tython + Korriban 9. Manaan 10. Rakata Prime 11. Blood Hunt 12. Battle of Rishi So there's 12 you can do for either faction and 15 total.
  22. Hmmm, I like La Puerta, but THE BEST FISH TACOS EVER is a compliment I'm reluctant to give. La Puerta is amazing though.
  23. You are a cruel, cruel person:d_evil: Also, that was indeed a great story.
  24. As a Guardian you should be able to Intercede and Blade Rush away from Junior when your DCs are on CD. Also, Influence Rank 1-10 are really quick and cheap. Just buy some 5k/10k gifts from the vendor on fleet and get Theron up to at least Rank 10. It should only put you back +80k to get those extra 5 levels.
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