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Posts posted by CaptainApop

  1. missing the point. The bad doesn't want to get carried. he wants to play with other bads just like himself.


    Projecting affable attributes onto these people is just as ridiculous as the others demonizing them.


    Nobody WANTS to play with terrible teammates because few people accurately acknowledge their skill level. Get real.

  2. Also from his AMR profile, since he is using UW Serendipitous Assault and Ephemeral Mending relics together.

    I thought these two clash with the "cannot be shared with similar healing or damaging effects"?


    He shouldn't be using EM but not for the reason you're listing.

    The similar procs wording means one SA relic will not proc independantly of another SA should you equip two.


    That said EM is an awful relic that should never be used by a healer. Tanks with self heals used to get good mileage out of it but it's always been a bad healing relic.


    Also didn't check last time but yeah your augments are horrid. Put the alacrity and endurance augs away. They're terrible.

  3. Ah I see what I did, I mistakenly thought the leaderboards by default ranked peopleby their rating. Silly me there's an entire page or two more of guys.


    Hey sometimes playing with the trolls is fun. Dealing with frustrating people is an unfortunate and common roadblock.

  4. Btw, he has at least made reference to his character being a Scrapper, which would place him as a pub toon. From the looks of the Pot5 yolo ranked leaderboard, that drastically narrows down which toon he could be (since he claimed 1500+).


    Rev'ing up the internet police. Going by solo first since I find the concept of 3 other people tolerating this guys presence unlikely.


    4 possibilities, one I've seen on sigs around so that's out and two more are potentially not even on POT5 judging by "clones" on the board. Those two also likely would have mentioned 1800+ rather than 1500+ as a brag.


    So my money would be on Goldfish if any.

  5. I should also mention I play concealment .. lol


    Its my only character that I've played since launch.


    Well that's something I guess. Might not be worth the pain and suffering on average but I guess it depends how the pvp'ers on your server are. Concealment is among if not the worst spec in ranked arenas, especially in solo.


    Long as you win the odd the game it'll still be fastest but conc won't see too many medals in losses since you're pretty much going to be the squishiest thing on your team every game (first target). Up to you if it's worth the hassle over just regstarring your way to brutalizer.


    Silver lining is this is pre-season so it's not like anyone with any sense gives a **** about their rating.

  6. Thats what I was asking. Would I get ranked comms faster by playing ranked. I wasnt sure if it was just about the same or faster playing ranked. I could care less about rating. I'm fully geared/augmented in obroan with a few brutalizer pieces, but it takes me forever to play regs to gear up.


    The answers yes then, I'd imagine this is true at primetime on most serves. if ranked is totally dead on your server then obviously this point is moot.


    A win in ranked will net you as many ranked comms as three wins in regs would. The average arena game is around half the length of the average warzone, if that. Even with the added time spent queueing it's much faster.


    The most ranked comms with the least effort I would imagine involves doing the daily warzone quests (thus completing the weekly over a few days) and filling the remainder of your time with ranked queues thus completing the ranked quests once they are added.

  7. Efficient in what sense?


    If you need regular comms then you aren't getting those any faster in ranked arenas when compared to regular warzones. Factoring in the added queuetime almost all servers have for solo/group ranked.


    If you don't need regular comms for any upgrades then you should be geared appropriately enough for ranked and there's no reason you shouldn't be queueing as such. Of course you'll get ranked comms faster in ranked.


    Not that I'd condone the following actions but if you think you're just going to lose every single game then from a comms/hour point of view it's probably still worth it as long as you area DPS with access to either taunts or viable offheals. You'll still likely get you your 8 medals or close to even in a losing match.


    As a tank/healer I wouldn't say it'd be worth it. In a losing match(2-0) you'll likely walk off with 2/3 medals due to spending half the game CC'd or dead being a primary target for such things.


    However if the previous two paragraphs are relevant I'd say you're missing the point entirely. If you don't actually want to play ranked then don't. The gear is not ahuge upgrade, getting it slower will not affect your quality of life in the warzones in the slightest.

  8. Yeah, I'm completely aware of that. I'm just continuing the conversation as a means of further pushing off starting my Differential Equations assignment. The nature of the discussion isn't really what's keeping me here, as far as I can tell he is a far inferior poster in comparison to Cretinus, it's the time sink that's key.


    Ah, that explains a bit. Nothing quite like calculus to drive someone to procrastinate :L

    In the same boat.

  9. 9/10 A little obvious but lots of responses


    I don't know man.


    Added voices can only help


    This might cinch the 10 for me we'll have to see how it develops.

  10. Carter, not that you aren't displaying a worthy and remarkable amount of temperance in your last few posts but judging by the guys recent commentary in multiple threads he isn't even remotely interested in actually having a discussion on anything.


    He's just railing against what he presumingly believes to be a ******jerk for the sake of it and anyone calling him out on it is "attacking his character". Everyone else must provide sources, videos and god only know what else he'll come up with if god forbid anyone posts them but HE is not required to show any such rigor or even reveal who the **** he is.


    For all we know this guy has 8 sages and hasn't so much as touched an operative or powertech.

  11. And we all know that ranked is just filled from top to bottom with healing sages and commandos, lol. I'm sure this change will be very disruptive to those 1/30 ranked matches where a team actually runs a healing sage or commando over an extra scoundrel.



    Any sage not picking up fadeout in 2.7 is not thinking clearly (it got moved to T2)

  12. Edit: did anyone experience the roll Bug After the changes? I had many situations where i was Sure to get the Root Bug, Bit i didn't.. For me it Seems the roll changes got rid of that Bug. If so: Good Job Bioware



    I've not been rendered immobile yet but it could just be a case where we aren't rolling 3/4 times in a row as much anymore. Still getting a lot of rubber banding with the roll however D:

  13. Poor guy, so hard pressed even has to help his buddy. Still waiting for that video.


    Still waiting on a rational thought to leak out of your brainpan.

    Repeating yourself ad nauseum doesn't make your points have any more merit.

  14. Currently if you say roll off the Tier 3 platform on Quesh hutball, your character will actually roll through the air continuing forward very far as if the roll made you enter a low grav environment


    Or as if you don't spontaneously lose all forward momentum mid air :p


    I like the roll, fact of the matter was pre 2.7 it was basically useless in combat and over-the-top godly outside of combat. Now it's great in combat and decent outside of combat.


    As to people claiming it's too easy a get out of dodge card, we're supposed to be "slippery" which is why BW refuse to give us real defences.

  15. ONCE AGAIN I just want to call attention to the fact that everyone thought Operative damage was fine. The forums called for a better defensive cooldown or an increase to armor or defense or survivability in general.


    The response of "these people" was to increase damage...then to remove the core ability of the tree.


    Its like if I ordered a hamburger at a chinese resturant and instaid they fixed my car.


    Except they then slashed your tires.

  16. If people ignore you, that's no different than if they had been CC'd. You're still attacking them, they're still not attacking you.


    This about the same logic as saying orbital was buffed since now that it does 57% less damage people happily stand in it :p

  17. Collateral strike has always had a 10s regrant on TA's since time immemorial. Collateral strike itself used to have a 70% proc chance and could proc as many times as you liked (the extra damage, not the regrant). The extra damage has since been buffed to 100%, always going off. That was in 2.6, it didn't touch the regrant (it buffed it by proxy actually) and 2.7 didn't either.


    Lacerate has only got better since launch. Other stuff has been nerfed but lacerate started out mediocre and has since become amazing.


    Concealments been bait-and-switched and shat on by player outcry and lazy devs but you OP, you are making **** up to cry about.

  18. I just don't understand why BW bothers giving us shells anyway. Just let players select the Armorings/Mods/Enhancements they want like we do on the Planetary comm vendors and be done with the paltry fashion show.


    I am totally ok with this. The crappy design that pulls in two different directions at once pisses me off as much if not more than the laziness of it.


    I mean, you know things are retarded when the dev hands you recolours with one hand and dye packets with another.

    I mean, what?

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