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Posts posted by CaptainApop

  1. You missed the point, the thread title is implying that operatives are being nerfed with 2.8, yet they are getting buffs.


    No the thread is about how in the previous patch operatives got gutted within a week of being buffed while juggs have not had a kneejerk decapitation even with the 2.8 patch.

    A somewhat mitigating buff in 2.8 is not the point.

  2. This thread title confuses me, how does getting 30% AoE damage reduction, a interrupt on opener, and a new DcD qualify as "overnerfed"


    An interrupt onto an ability that previously stunned.

    Another damage-dealing cooldown also being a defensive cooldown which even BW were saying was bad design.


    and an AoE reduction that has been requesting since 1.1 finally got implemented.


    Cherry being concealment still won't be ranked viable.

  3. Then make an expertise cap for unranked, and disallow premades of any size. You want to penalize the undergeared who are trying to get carried, and yet the overgeared can easily queue up and make it infinitely harder for the undergeared to get gear... so, save your tears. Maybe you should get on the ranked players that are too busy stroking their "ego" by dominating pug noobs in huttball.


    Till then I'll queue ranked naked and try ever so slightly.


    Maybe you should aug/tune your gear for bolster and stop deliberatelly being a tool? Ranked or unranked.


    The ranked players don't have a noticeable gear advantage over you unless you are going in half cocked. Half assing things in any competitive game is going to produce losses.

  4. Yes I was fully geared in 55 pvp gear, Oraban (sp?) Stalker is what I wear as a DPS sorc because I like the mix of crit and power. NO it is not augmented (I will not augment gear when I plan on getting rid of when I get brutalizer). Now I am also not saying I am the best pvp player by any stretch of the imagination, but I can hold my own.



    OP is officially literally hitler, doesn't understand the concept of ripping out mods and we can all get back under our bridges. Threads over folks.


    You are inviting ridicule if you go into "ranked" half assed. Welcome to the internet, where everyone hates you as a default and you not being an idiot will never be taken on faith.

  5. Classes counter each other. It doesn't matter if a healer is countered by another healer, or rather by a tank, or by some DPS specc. You just have to make sure that everybody has a class that counters him so that he doesn't come in god mode. Medics supposed to be countered by sorc healers? Fine with me. Better than medics not being countered by anybody.


    One healer per team.

    Your teams healer counters the enemies healer.



    2-3 DPS on a team. One teams dps counter one but not another so on so forth.

  6. If you're rarely even using surgical probe nevermind kolto you are healing easy content, pve or pvp.

    You'd also have to be clipping your resources and that's bad play. You're talking about flashpoints and that makes sense. I haven't bothered doing those on my main in a long time but generally recuperative nanotech alone is enough to out-heal them. BW decided after lost island that challenging 4m content was just not going to be a thing anymore it seems. Which is a shame really.


    That said the spec has been getting less and less dynamic recently (wasn't mechanically exciting to begin with).

    We've been being handed more and more TA's and less ways/reasons to spend them. Kinf has a cooldown, stim boost became a 2min cooldown and emergent emergencies got changed from emergency healing to more passive TA's (because derp) so it's just surgical probe all day everyday now.


    I stopped healing anything that wasn't a guild raid a while ago. I don't find it as engaging a dps'ing in pvp and pugs.

    When I'm back playing more I'll probably go back to heal for ranked but that's more to do with the dps specs being awful than medicine being particularly fun.


    So no, you aren't alone.

  7. I hope I haven't given the impression that I'm going to ignore medicine, certainly wasn't my intention to do that so sorry if it came across that way.


    From speaking to PvP and PvE players the message I'm getting is that Operative heals are performing well in both aspects of the game and I'm not sure bioware would look to redesign a whole spec that's performing well and is considered "balanced" in order to add some spice to it. Maybe in an expansion when they can introduce new mechanics but I'm not sure how they would do it otherwise.


    Nah didn't mean to imply anything Snave, just referring to the vibe I get from the forums. Medicine only seemed to come up when people want to have it nerfed but the way it is now you couldn't do that even if it were warranted.


    Reason I'm concerned mostly is an expansion came and went and we didn't really see any increase in complexity or meta-gaming on the healing scene.

    I actually remember when they used to take weekly questions and the healing forum were constantly trying to get them to address the mechanical dullness. They never really did and a lot of those folks are gone now =/


    Your right though, an expansion would be the time to do it and we have one coming up so who knows.

  8. Probably poking a sleeping beast here but I want them to do something interesting to medicine. Not to diminish the dps concerns but it's all anyones talking about and we have 3 questions to ask.


    We're naturally very strong in pvp and the raw numbers carry over well to pve granted, been that way since 1.2.

    It is isn't performance or strength that breeds my concern though.


    We're boring.

    Don't misunderstand, I still love healing on my operative but mechanically we are obnoxiously simple and we only seem to be getting more so if recent trends are any indication. More dependence on instant hots, more dependence on spamming surgical probes. No new heals since launch, a cooldown on infusion to promote even more surgical probes.

    No real interaction between abilities or ways to play them off each other.


    It's making us very samey which in turn is making us harder to balance. Can't exactly inch away from surgical probe when it's 50% of our globals.

    Then we end up with weird designs like having two procs on separate ICDs that do the same thing rather than a proc that actually changes up gameplay.


    So I guess the question would be is the any hope of a healing rework to make us a class with a bit more depth?


    Despite how well the AC performs I'm beginning to feel like my level 30 alt mercenary has a more robust and interesting healing toolkit than my level capped, raid geared operative.

    That feels weird.

  9. Always with the lame bad or l2p excuse. I am not bad, I am not elite, I know that; but I am better than average for sure. I am so sick of people trying to pass off sentinels/marauders as fine. Most classes have stuns and knockbacks on real short cooldowns. My force camo is on a 45 second cooldown, my break free is on a 2 minute cooldown. Snipers can mitigate my damage, just by rolling away, when i can actually get to them to do damage.


    The only person who defends the current meta are premade players with a pocket healer, or ranged classes. Its that simple, there are enough people who play teh class that know it has serious deficiencies. Guarded by the Force should give NO hp loss, or they should nerf Agent/smuggler version of tech and force immunity.



    Maras need buffs, operatives need nerfs.


    Forums as usual. Carry on folks.

  10. No word that I've seen, conclusive at least. I think in the operative Q&A they admitted that +5 energy "might be under performing" so we'll probably see something new in the next 2 years given BW's record thus far. Followed by an immediate nerf.


    So yeah meanwhile you're basically looking at +1s evasion/+10% shield probe if you're set on pvp gear or bolster cheesing to acquire +15% RN or +15% crit on shiv/backstab depending on your spec.

  11. If you want to play hybrid heals as an op just play full leth and put enough points into medicine that you can cast effectively should you need to. Quickening is awesome now.


    Concealment lost it's knockdown but you wouldn't have access to that anyway so it doesn't matter.


    Hybrid sorcs are still a thing I believe but I don't know **** about that so I'll not comment.

  12. I find it amusing that operatives (dps) are denied proper survivability due to the ability to heal-to-full.


    However having played a bunch of ranked games this week as lethality (the dps spec with the most healing utility) I am frequently outhealed by juggernauts using self-healing passives and medpacs. Go figure.


    Not saying it needs a nerf but the observation amused me.

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