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Posts posted by CaptainApop

  1. Nowhere near as much as the other way around...


    Full set of Arkanian gear, optimized and augmented is perfectly fine in regular warzones >.>


    You lose ~33 expertise, get better set bonuses depending on class and the same raw stats as brutalizer.

    The biggest hit is your trinket procs so just wear a matrix cube until you can buy pvp trinkets.


    Augmented, optimized PvP gear in PvE is alright for storymodes and non dread hardmodes provided you know what you're doing. To DPS you should probably sort out the accuracy problem as most have mentioned but healing would be fine. Tanking I don't know the gearing for in PvP so I won't comment.


    Source: Have healed 4/5 DF NiM before realising I forgot to change gear.

  2. He's talking about his Ranked Rating not his Expertise...


    As for help... Reroll to PT Tank, is an option, or if you really want to stick with Jugg Tank for PvP... you have to know how to guard-swap, who to taunt to reduce damage, when to AOE taunt, when to use your DCD's etcetera.


    if he was 1800 ranked he'd be one of the highest ranked players in the world at the minute. He's not.

  3. Hey guys,i am playing jug tank in rankeds with full oboran augmented and,almost every match,after inspecting my gear,ppl send me to play tetris,i got 1800 rating and i cannot understand how will i get brutalizer when i can't play rankeds without any one whining and even more,out of 11 matches i lost 10 and won 1......so,i'd like to ask for some advice from some tanks.



    If this is expertise rating then you aren't in full obroan. 2018 is full expertise. Going 6-12 down to pick up a set bonus with arkanian gear is good for some specs (I do not know juggs) but going ~200 expertise low is asking for abuse.

  4. They were actually pretty decent pre 1.2, just no one played them and they had a stigma of being bad and people didn't pick them up to try em till after the major nerf to merc/sorc. Same with marauders. They were considered terrible at launch up until around 1.1 when better players saw what they could do and other players started to notice them.


    Pre 1.2 you stunned an operative and he lost all his TA's and RN was about on par with licking wounds to heal them unless you had two operatives HoT'ing.


    Add to that TA munching if your random proc went off during a cast.


    How about vanish being worthless because you couldn't heal for the next 10s regardless of whether you stayed in stealth?

    I won't go into old kolto infusion because it would be ironic in a thread where people are complaining about dark heal.


    Operatives weren't unpowerful pre 1.2 they were terribly designed from a foundational level :p

  5. Never understood the "PvPers are poor" posts.


    I don't have any expenses to pvp. ONLY gains. Small ones sure but they're there.


    Running crewskills is free money.

    Selling medpacs/adrenals is free money.

    Warzone and weekly/daily credit rewards are free money.



    Even if I wasn't biochem/whatever-gets-the-reusable-grenades pvp'ing can pay for a set augments and kits over a couple weeks of casual play. Then it's just profit. This is assuming I just sit on the fleet ************ while in queue =/


    I'm not against credit rewards, would be kind of cool to have prize-money but not in lieu of an actual reward since credits themselves have almost no real use to me.

  6. Hehey, that's one of the "All-Galaxy" guys here :D


    Now we just need to get As'ana and all the others to play Rep, too :p


    I am way too *********** lazy to level a third scouperative, sorry =[

  7. “Ultimately we don’t do hybrid roles. You can do them (by mixing different skill trees), but by design, all our classes are meant to be fully capable in the roles they fill. The ‘hybrid’ tax would be the fact that you won’t be able to get the top tier talents in one skill tree if you spread yourself too thin into others.” - Georg Zoeller


    "Should things outside our comfort zone be discovered in testing or after launch (e.g. Operations ending up requiring that one specific healer AC because they are deemed ‘the absolute best and a must’), we will adjust the game accordingly. We want player skill to be deciding factor in your choices, not which class they picked hundreds of hours ago. That’s pretty standard for MMOs." - Georg Zoeller


    "A scoundrel, for example, is capable of producing rather significant burst healing output by using Upper Hand gained from Underworld Medicine or Kolto Injection to trigger an instant Emergency Medpack or Surgical probe when needed."

    -Georg Zoeller


    " We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe."

    - Georg Zoeller


    Not disagreeing with you but really the words of a man who left BW almost 2 years ago and gave us such comedy gold as the lines above isn't going to necessarily tell us BWs thoughts on hybrids NOW.


    Personally dislike most of the hybrid specs in solo since as a healer they're usually a detriment to the match-ups I see. They don't really have that significant of an impact though and well...it's solo queue at the end of the day. Everything could be objectively balanced and it would still be a crapshoot.

  8. Bumping old but making a new thread over this seemed wasteful.


    Doing this only for my healer full 162 arkanian seems to work fine. You lose the same 3 expertise in warzone and other stats aren't raised or lowered when I checked so unless I'm missing something there's no need to downgrade the enhancement correct? Might as well have the extra 20 or so stats I'd imagine.

  9. I like the idea of re-usable adrenals/medpacs for the top 96. You couldn't really give them to everyone since they'd just break part of the economy but less than 100 toons across the whole game couldn't really break anything long term. In addition to some title or other braggable item.


    I don't think the bejazzled gear we got in season 1 was necessarily a bad move however.

    More than just bejazzled would be nice though. Be it overly worn looks, more colourful etc we need more than some blinking lights thrown on. Especially for weapons which I believe are just recolours of the PvE 186's.


    Additionally some sort of token system would be nicer in the age of adaptive armor. I wear sorc gloves and some mercs pieces on my operative as I like covering my pvp suit with gay wings. However I won't wear the blinky gear because I only have access to the operatives one which I don't like. I believe people have also mentioned this but giving them to us augmented would be a nice courtesy instead of mailing us a 200/300k bill if we want to wear our new suits.


    Nice unique mounts would also be nice as people said. If you feel compelled to give us fully unique armor bits again I personally would appreciate the whole set if we get the top tier as personally I have yet to find something deathmarks helm looks good with.

  10. This sort of nonsense is why people like me dislike groupfinders on principal.


    Either the content is easy enough that the lowest commmon denominator can't ruin it for everyone or people start spewing vitriol because random strangers do not play well in groups. It's not just healers that get flack and no real practice by the way. DPS can't thrive when there's never a meaningful enrage and tanks...well I've yet to see an MMO successfully teach tanking through play.


    Hell I'm surprised you lot even get raids on GF. On TOFN it seems anyway that all that happens is people form an 8m pug same as always then queue together.

  11. From the annals of "a scoundrel produces significant burst healing using emergency medpac" to the present day NiM power nerfs I have never really had the impression that anyone at BW plays healer or even understands healer concerns.


    I could do the listy thing but it would be long enough that I doubt anyone would read it that doesn't already agree.


    It's awful. The current nerfing strategy makes the fights easier than hm (nefra for example) for healers and EXACTLY THE SAME for everyone else. It makes no sense.


    As to why it's being nerfed in the first place, who knows. Probably the same crack blizzard got on for awhile when they concluded that since only 5% or so of the population clear top tier instances it's not worth the money to develop without nerfing it for the rest.

  12. What makes Ranked so different? I've been sticking to unranked, since I'm still only middle of the pack, working on managing my resources properly so I can keep inching upward in the damage chart.


    The nuances of objective play versus deathmatch mostly. In addition to what's already said.




    Concealment operatives have good damage but ***** defenses alongside stealth.


    In objective PvP this means they can pick their battles, somewhat. Single people out and solo cap off nodes occasionally. They also make good node guards even if an assassin might be more "optimal".


    In ranked it makes them the obvious first target to focus down because they are squishy and you cannot afford to let them deal their damage. Stealth is almost a non factor since they can't afford to stay out of the battle for any significant length of time or their team will be out-damaged.


    A scenario where you could die, respawn and run back and the same fight could be going on leads to very different priorities than a 1-death per round game. worth mentioning a long warzone game could be 30mins. The absolute longest an arena can be is 15 with most being MUCH shorter.


    The gist is in ranked pvp being a little bit underpowered in some area (offense,defense, CC etc) quickly feels like being VERY unpowered in that area because it goes under the microscope.

  13. PvP forum is a hive of declarations that such and such a spec is utterly worthless and has been for a long time.


    Outside of ranked most class/spec combos are workable if not powerful and inside ranked things are so polarised it'd be difficult to create a meta where one or more specs weren't considered free kills.


    Don't worry too much about it. PvP'ers have an exaggerated reputation for crying but they DO cry plenty.

  14. Since apparently one word answers aren't enough...


    When healing outstrips dps, fights are prolonged. Good/moderate HPS results in large numbers.


    When dps get their **** together, fights are shorter. People DIE. Shorter fights lower the HEALING numbers, not necessarily displaying huge damage figures. That's why you don't see 2+ people with 1.5million damage done when the dps don't suck but frequently see even bad healers with 1million+ when the dps are mouth-breathers.


    Go into arenas, watch the average healing done by the healer who won the round and the one that didn't.

    9/10 the one that lost did less healing. Watch the same healers with different dps and look at the numbers again.


    You'll notice the team with the better dps consistently doing more healing in stand up fights.

  15. Out of curiosity how is it being handled if one or more people occcupy top three in both group and solo with the same character? I Know at least one case where this is true.


    1 less title goes out?


    4th place gets one?


    Or do group and ranked have different titles? (Didn't seem to be the case judging by the dev post.)


    EDIT: highest rated 4th place gets one it seems.

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