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Posts posted by CaptainApop

  1. Arenas must be removed from the game completely. They do not teach people to play objectives. It's just pure deathmatch. Deathmatches must happen elsewhere, for example sieges.

    So why to bother to fix it?


    There is ignorance.

  2. A nice nugget for the healers too. Since we're the ones who definately have the energy for it.

    An extra 5-6k in the right place can win fights.

    PvE wise I think this is going to make it even more niche for any dps specs. It's pretty expensive and if it's going to hit softer then it might not be worth the GCD.



    Gotta ask though ,weren't we told lethality changes were meant to be in the works for 2.10? Like it was going to be one of the main spec addressed since it saw nothing substantial in 2.8. Can't remember where I heard it though so I could be talking out my proverbial ***.

  3. Just an update on this spot. There is a limit on the amount of times you can reset it in a day. This limit probably exists with every quest in the game, although I don't know for sure. I also have no idea how many times you have to reset it before hitting the limit as I wasn't counting when I hit it, but unless you're farming this for more than three hours, I doubt it'll be an issue.




    Worth mentioning if you hit this cap you will be unable to reset ANY quest or abandon any quests until the following day.

  4. Did this today in between ranked pops.


    Got a nice chunk of change out of it, if you were just doing it though and no intervening activity you'd hit the daily reset cap within two hours or so I'd imagine. I managed it :')

  5. Not really a paradox.


    Derping in the mosh pit and fighting instead of over objectives let's you get kills in regs.


    Those same people fighting in arenas get killed repeatedly.

  6. Guild Leader: Let's go to Voss to do the achievements (see SWTOR_Miner for the current list).

    Once there you realize that the other faction has a guild there doing the same thing.

    Guild Leader: Okay guys, Sins of the Sith are here, let's go to Tattoine instead...



    Once you commit you can't move the ship for 3 days so there's that.

  7. With difficulty.


    Comes with practice. TorAssistant/Parsec can help when set up if you are planning on just keeping it up on tanks or some set group of people. You can use a focus target or your self frame to time a series of probes but if you do too many targets like that you'll end up crippling your ability to spot heal.

    Enough practice and it'll all basically end up second nature though.


    Only other solution is to wait until BW cop on and introduce UI elements that make buff/debuff tracking less painful and stupid. Blacklisting/Whitelisting for example.

  8. Could be partially to do with the loading of the questions but nothing in that post was terribly exciting to me.


    It all seemed to just be a summary of what was said in the suggestions thread and a number of non-committal statements. About the only tidbit of interest is the utility-dps trade-off bit and the possibility that we might be getting some group utility someday.


    The set bonus commentary has me depressed honestly. They've been so bad for TWO YEARS and it's just clear BW think that's ok. Our raw dps/hps being in a good place is not an acceptable answer. Set bonuses don't have to buff those. Of the set bonuses anyone cares about (the 2-sets) half of them are survivability for gods sake.


    You could buff survival, interrupt potential, group utility ANYTHING. It's ridiculous that I don't care about my 4-set as an operative. Running 15% shiv crit on my healer because "why not" is a sorry state of affairs.


    I suppose at this stage I just need to hope that 3.0 is a significant revamp (a few classes need it not just us) and that our utility-numbers trade-off in the works is something a bit more inspired than a tacked on pseudo-sniper shield or bloodthirst coupled with an output nerf.

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