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Everything posted by JustinxDuff

  1. Swapping to 4 healers is not "dynamic" lol its cheese.
  2. What? We are in cover....we are essentially rooted. If we move we lose entrench.
  3. And if we roll we lose entrench.
  4. It would give incentive to leave it.
  5. Bolster will no longer affect augments after tomorrow. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.1.0/customization
  6. Oh just wait till' you join!
  7. LOL! So you speak for the entire pvp community huh? Rating means ****, take your e-peen elsewhere.
  8. God Xerain, I have been stroking your e-peen for days! How long until you can actually get off on being an elitist? My hand is tired.
  9. Quick! Everyone line up to stroke Xerains e-peen!
  10. They shouldn't because the AoEs mentioned don't apply a rdebuff. Shrap bomb, for instance, is an AoE DoT that actually applies a debuff and does not interrupt caps. Orbital Strike is a DoT but only in the AoE so it should interrupt caps.
  11. Yea I thought unremitting was a ***** but HtL is a huge pain in the *** for a GS...especially SS spec. Then add the reflects and boom goes the sniper.
  12. Throws an incendiary device that sets the target area on fire, dealing 3416 elemental damage over 18 seconds to up to 5 targets within 5 meters and slows all affected targets by 50% for 3 seconds.
  13. Sure, if the sin saves all his CDs for just me than I am screwed most of the time but this rarely happens.
  14. Bubba lol...his skill is abusing the bolster bug.
  15. And what if my trinket is up but your vanish is down? If you wait for entrench then my roll is off CD again.
  16. Then I just kick you in the balls, roll and pop entrench. Good luck with that rotation.
  17. Exotech helm has the mask on it.
  18. Well that is your problem. You are using old gear and power crystals. Tip: Partisan and Conq relic procs stack.
  19. The difference is negligible really, especially since we get the 9% cunning talent. I am going with skill augs myself.
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