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Everything posted by JustinxDuff

  1. I assume you mean rated AND regs, right?
  2. Pyro PT is fotm. Case closed.
  3. Screw ranked. We need cross-server WZs period.
  4. Thanks for the views! Seems you have trouble reading video descriptions as well.
  5. Great idea! The Pot5 facebook is a circle j*rk of terrible 4chan jokes and "trolling".
  6. Welcome to the circle j*rk of terrible 4chan jokes and "trolling".
  7. Do yourself a favor and don't join.
  8. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    That's ability queue.
  9. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    I don't understand why people are so fervent to brush this aside or act like morons. The bottom line is that these scripts exist.
  10. Nobody cares whos the best,
  11. The game engine is too terrible to support large scale battles.
  12. Marauders tears, delicious!
  13. No. No quests should be focused on rated WZ until class balance is fixed.
  14. If they have hunker down up you will not win. Pacify is you best bet, do not rely on CC against a sniper 1v1.
  15. No. Bubblestun needs a nerf. Sorry.
  16. Make Huttball randomize factions and teams! As in, it could be 4 imps 4 pubs vs 4 imps and 4 pubs. I think it would add a cool dynamic to Huttball.
  17. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    This isn't about whether or not it can play the entire class for you but rather triggers specific abilities automatically. For instance: Using off-gcd abilities Finishers Medpacks
  18. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    This isn't about the 1337 people or rateds. Why do people keep bringing it up?
  19. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    Sorry mr "i am so pro lol i do legit dps all the time im awesome". You are the minority and everything you just said is irreverent to the matter at hand.
  20. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    I don't think you understand how scripts work.
  21. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    Why does it matter? The bottom line is people are using them. Calling people out will get a you a warning.
  22. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    It reminds me of RIft. Macros ruined that game.
  23. JustinxDuff

    Scripts in PVP

    This, and other exploits, are definitely prevalent on Pot5 even in regular WZs.
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