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Everything posted by Celacia

  1. Eh. At least she will like the companion gifts you give her. *muttermutter*joyless harpy*muttermutter*
  2. Yeah, It was at that point that I decided I was never going to speak to him again. (Not that I wanted him on my ship in the first place, I wanted to kill him.) Ugh.
  3. There is a nice dark colored one with light pants from Hammer Station, called, um, Hammer Lookout's jacket and pants, I believe.
  4. My point about that was that I don't think it's primarily teenagers who are playing, so I don't think that's really relevant. You realize that you are contradicting your point before you make it here? Also, it's not genetic, no one is genetically predisposed to play videogames. It's not even "natural" except in that socialization occurs naturally, and that it is usually gendered and reflects societal mores. Certainly it is (at the moment) more socially acceptable and expected for boys to game than girls, and because of that marketing skews towards a male audience. I know, and that part of what I said wasn't directly related to my response to what you said. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
  5. This, only it's my IA with whom I am smitten, and thus have been leaning heavily Empire. You certainly don't have to be evil to play Imperial, all my Imps are neutral to light. I don't let the alignment of decisions interfere with their choices though, they do what they would do regardless of light/dark consequences.
  6. I can see that. I think it's because the expectation is that one will be disregarded 'by the boys' because one is female, and yeah, I don't think it's really a conscious thing. It's there though - and worse, I have been dismissive of people for much the same reason: less so in our old EQ guild and more so in our WoW guilds, the female halves of couples that played together have tended not to be as good as the male halves (mostly because they were less invested in the game, I think) and so I ended up prejudiced accordingly, even as I tried not to fall into that pattern myself.
  7. Is your BH male? I was explaining Skadge to a friend the other day and it occurred to me that a male BH might not even see his objectionably leery comments and so he would just come off as a crazy ******e, which is acceptable, as far as it goes. I mean, I have no problem with that, just the ugh creepy factor that he has.
  8. To each their own, I guess. Considering this kind of thing is fun for some of us. Also, I am not sure about the chip. Mind control wasn't its point, or really what it did (in this context, I mean, not the one for which you had it put in, we know what it did there) so it may or may not be affected.
  9. If you are talking about the "average female" and not the "average female gamer" then your point is kind of irrelevant. Women who aren't interested in playing at all obviously won't be interested in playing well. Also, why are you talking about schoolchildren? Who cares about that? Do you think the majority of the players of this game are children or teenagers? Because I would bet that is very much not the case. Anecdotally, I play much harder than my husband does. It was a running joke in our WoW guild, because he was the go-to guy for people who wanted to stop sucking and play well and didn't really want to take the effort to figure things out themselves. (That is not a judgement on any of the people whom he has helped, they were pretty much all quality people, just not great gamers.) He would get told how l33t he was or whatever, and he would always be, "nah, I am not the hardcore one in the family," and no one would believe him (except the people who actually took the time to look at the parses). It comes down to the fact that I don't like to suck (in this context anyway) and why would I want to play at all if I am just going to suck at it? How is that supposed to be fun? I don't see that this attitude has anything to do with whether one is male or female.
  10. I really, really miss hearing my husband's op's sexy giggle as he heals me. I think he is starting to miss me hearing it too. *cough*TMI*cough*
  11. That was kind of the point of choosing freedom. My feeling is that at this point my agent's mind would self-destruct rather than accept further instructions if it was unable to simply ignore them. Maker knows it was difficult enough for her to get the second set to overwrite the first. What I am curious about is
  12. There are also the orange and brown ones from the pvp vendor on the fleet.
  13. You can always 'fix' any loss of companion affection by giving them gifts. Also, what your companion thinks is the right or wrong thing has a lot to do with who they are, and not always so much to do with what is right. So, really, you should do what you feel is best in any given situation, and not really consider what they think, unless what they think is important to your character.
  14. My sniper died a fair amount, but she also did most things slightly underlevelled. I didn't really have a hard time until Corellia, even with orbital strike. (Mostly my own fault for insisting on running with Vector instead of Dr. Lokin, though.) So I wouldn't say it's difficult, really, so long as you are sensible and use the right companion for the job.
  15. I understand that it's the logical thing for him to do. It was still unforgivable. He admitted it was unforgivable. And my agent had no mercy or softness or forgiveness in her heart for him. It was too violating, taking her control from her like that, even if he was not responsible for the mechanisms which allowed him to do so being in place. (And it ended up being a really hard thing personally, for me, as well. I had unresolved issues that I wasn't really aware of prior to this.) So, yeah he died. She'd probably have violated his corpse too, if she had been able to. She let Chance go - he was kind to her when she needed it, and she liked him. She could understand his use of it in a moment of panic, even though he was against using it on principle. Saber and Wheels did nothing to her, so she let them go. Not even sure if they were in the know about the situation - Hunter knew because he acquired the info, Kothe was in charge, and Chance was his second in command, so they all had reasons for knowing, and Saber and Wheels really didn't. Hunter... now, Hunter and my agent had a complicated hate-love-hate relationship. So much hate for that sadistic bastard, and yet, like Bazzoong said... and she was caught in a very magnetic kind of attraction to him.
  16. They aren't miserable though, they are all pretty mellow.
  17. I am absolutely convinced that the bit in his codex about his being only 26 is total bs. There is no way he is that young, despite how defenseless (and young) he looks in a certain scene. That is a shame. His voice sounds like pure sex to me. You didn't miss a lot, romance-wise though I think. He likes his space, but you know, he ends up liking you more, basically. He isn't very deep, but he has that 'I am a very young man who is so very serious about the things that are important to me (and that includes you, of whom I am kind of in awe)' thing going on, and also he is pretty, and I am a sucker for both of those things. (As my younger, pretty husband could attest.) Mmmm, Vector. <3
  18. I hate that. My ladies are always 'well, I will come with and help' and they are always 'no, you have your own stuff to do' or 'no, leave me alone' or 'no, i don't want my friends hitting on you'.
  19. I am pretty sure she keeps a collection of heads in jars. I choose not to speculate on what she does with them.
  20. There definitely should have been more lovin' for the lady agents. My agent is very into using all of her skills to accomplish her goals. I was sad at the lack of it. I was also sad that for the Imperial ladies there was no chance to flirt with Darbin Sull. I mean, he is late to your first meeting because he was with a woman. He should at least flirt with you.
  21. Chapter 1 is 30ish, chapter 2 is 40ish, give or take a bit depending on how you play.
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