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Everything posted by Muwarr

  1. I installed the update last night before I played. It had no impact on the stuttering.
  2. I've had a similar observation. The early planets build nicely to Tatooine where a bunch of elements come together nicely. They way the Imperial and Republic quests come together so that both sides are running around doing the Czerka missions in the same space. The fact that there are missions in the main base open areas so there are fights going on as you move around, rather than being sterile and lifeless. The inclusion of an Open PvP zone. Then as you move on, that all gets left behind. The later planets are much less interesting in how they are structured. The wall get put back up between game elements. Bases are bases with nothing going on. The other side is way over there where you rarely see them.
  3. How much patience will EA show in getting my monthly payment?
  4. So the performance issues have not been addressed in this week's patch. I wish I could say I am surprised. It's not that the game is unplayable for me as is. It's just that watching such poor performance for such underwhelming graphics really makes me wonder why I am paying for this game sometimes. As it now stands I'll probably keep paying until it goes F2P assuming that's in the next month or so. After that I don't think I can justify making a monthly payment any further.
  5. 6 Enjoyable, but fragmented in it's parts. Warzones and space combat are basically side games that have little or no impact on the main game. My enjoyment has been impacted by server population issues and the disjointed responses to them, and by bug issues.
  6. I think that would be a likely item in the cash shop after the game goes F2P.
  7. Hmm, I will have to consider how this will impact my play in the meantime. I have a couple of characters I am leveling.
  8. So, what happens to former subscribers who have multiple characters?
  9. Is there a new team? Are these people being replaced? EA could just be shifting the development of this game into a lower gear.
  10. I don't mind the speeder suddenly appearing as much as seeing my weapons suddenly appear. It's always driven me crazy with my smuggler to have the shotgun magically appear in my hand when I use it. It's a shotgun for goodness sake. It's not like a could have had it hidden in my pocket. Plus it would look considerably more awesome to be running around with a shotgun strapped to my back. Also, on the bounty hunter ship, the space mission terminal is set directly in front of the captain's chair. So any time you are flying between planets you have the mission triangle displayed right in the middle of your view window.
  11. Good luck to Daniel. I hope he lands something good soon. This does not bode well for maintaining their schedule for new content in the near future.
  12. I see two major issues: 1. Overall poor planning and implementation. The best example of this is the server population problems. The past 6 months have fairly well been consumed by dealing with the effects of the miscalculations of the intitial server structure and the ad hoc responses to it. EA/BW seems to have had no plans for how to deal with server population issues. It's been a constant annoyance for much of the community. 2. Poor integration of the game elements. SWTOR has some really good things going for it. However too many of the elements, good and bad, are disconnected from each other. Space combat is basically a side game that can be totally ignored without loss. While set up ideally for RvR gameplay, PvP and clashes between the Republic and Empire have no impact on play. Light/Dark decisions have little impact outside of the individual class storyline other than a couple of vendors.
  13. I want to personally thank you for the time you've spent on this already. It is well over and above what should be expected from a member of the community.
  14. This is underwhelming. Can we at least get some official reaction to the multiple documented bugs in 1.4 and plans to resolve them? There is a great thread documenting many of them that has had no official reaction.
  15. They should be doubly embarrassed that there has been no Dev response in that thread.
  16. Let's just hope they've straightened out all the Patch 1.4 problems by then.
  17. Thank you dude sweat. The community for SWTOR is truly great. Sadly, it has to spend so much time making up for the developers shortcomings. I mean seriously, we got a patch that won't load, that when you do get it to load the shadows rather than being improved have to be turned off, campanion headslots don't work, and as a bonus they killed the GTN. After all that we rely on other customer for a work around to be able to play at all. I can't express how disappointing this roll out is.
  18. A general, comprehensive update on the status of the various items that have been mention as in the works in the time since launch would be appropriate at this point. A lot of stuff is floating out there that seems to just be in limbo. If stuff that was previously said to be coming "soon" is not, for whatever reason, show your customers some respect and admit that. Between the significant staff changes, the fact that servers population issues seem to have dominated the past 4 or 5 months, and the vagueness of the information that has been released, I think there is a sense that the game is adrift. I don't think the Livestream did much to change that impression.
  19. I get the feeling that a great many things were pushed back for months while they scrambled to cobble together responses to the server population issues. For reason's I still cannot comprehend that issue seems to have taken them totally by surprise.
  20. Is there an intention to allow players to choose to rename characters, including gender changes? If so will this only be a paid choice under F2P? After the multiple merges and forced renames many player's legacy schemes are kind of a jumbled mess. If the legacy system is to be a selling point for this game I think it would be appropriate to allow the players the ability to clean up the messes created by the developer's inability to create a workable means of managing server populations.
  21. How can anyone back up their claim based on the vague description of the criteria given, especially when they say that there are other factors that have not been shared with us?
  22. In one of the other threads BW stated that play time and whether you had been forced to change names in the previous "voluntary" mergers were factors that were taken into account.
  23. I would humbly ask that we be allowed the option to change all of our character names if we are being forced to change one or more character names. In come cases people's character names have a certain theme going with the legacy name. When I checked on the test high cap server I saw that I would have to rename the character that that was the basis for my legacy name and all my other characters names. If I have to do that I would like at least the option of starting fresh. It's not a huge deal, but it would take some of the sting off.
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