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Everything posted by Sappharan

  1. With an option to ignore people who insist on being negative I think it could be an excellent addition to the game.
  2. That seems awfully close to win trading. Intent may be different (😉), but the result is the same. You have openly admitted you're playing against the spirit of the game, and you're telling us to blame bioware??? Sure, they have a share in it, but you're not going to acknowledge your own fault in this? No accountability.
  3. Yeah, you guys got the shaft in Australia. If I had to deal with your ping on a regular basis I probably would have quit long ago. Maybe they'll open a server that is better for you? Yeah, that would just break my heart if I had to go from 230ms to 4-80 back to 230.
  4. About a decade ago, maybe less, someone accused me of hacking on these forums. Even provided a picture. Guess what? Nothing happened because I was not hacking, cheating, or in any way exploiting anything. It was simply that I knew the game a lot better than he did. That was an uninitiated player who knew nothing. That same player would have cried oceans had he been matched against a good player. No, your whining savors badly of someone who cannot do a thing and so condemns that thing.
  5. Why? "...full of exploits and hacks..." straight from someone who cannot play. I'm a middling pvper but my ego is not so fragile that I require those excuses to explain my performance. Take your own advice and try not to take your failing grade at pvp so seriously.
  6. LOL...so I am the butthole here. Heh. I am very, very tired tonight.
  7. Instead of arguing the merits of your position, or dismantling the merits of mine, you're going to poison the well. Bravo.
  8. Would that your experience were the one most prevalent for all.
  9. I am reading such wildly differing accounts I do not know what to believe. More and more I am glad my subscription runs out in april.
  10. It is not my job to fix the system. Sure, it's nice when we offer suggestions, but it's their job to address issues we raise. I do not like their solution, so I am telling them about it.
  11. Fair enough. Problem is that, from what I have read, they have had numerous recommendations...but they went another way. More's the pity.
  12. Because they're making us pay double for a convenience. Quality of life advantages do not contribute to the quality of life when players are bled for using them. It only hurts newer players...and while I have a lot of credits, it's annoying as crap. I cannot stand being nickeled and dimed for everything in life, or in a game.
  13. Speculative, but I believe they just told us something without actually DOING anything. That is, the "priority" of the queue that they informed us would be changed from low wait times to matching premade versus premade...wasn't changed.
  14. They continue to amaze me how much they hate their own players.
  15. deserter debuff is all the rage. Why not apply it to players randomly throughout pvp and pve? Let everyone enjoy it. Brainstorm: let's have a login debuff. Players must wait 15 minutes after logging in to get to character select screen.
  16. So you agree that premades intentionally "not always focusing to win" should be penalized? Good I believe they should be penalized severely. btw, the only thing I misunderstand is your hypocrisy in celebrating a deserter debuff while concomitantly making excuses for players who premade and are only there to kill and ruining the quality of matches. And no, we are not entitled to enjoy the game as we please...hence rules, such as those in place to report win trading. Since win trading is bannable, so too should be the players in premades that endeavor to delay a win as long as possible, or do not try to win at all. And you have STILL not answered the question. What is "game quality" to you?
  17. Sophistry. Who are you attempting to deceive here? Me, or you? You did not answer my question. I did not expect, and have not received a serious rebuttal to the question. How do you justify a deserter debuff in the name of in light of premades farming and "not always focusing to win?" Hmmm? So the fundamental question is: What is "game quality?" For me (and the vast majority of others) it is a balanced game where everyone tries to win. Premades ruin our game quality, especially when they do not try to win, in a variety of ways that I will not delineate here. There should be a debuff penalty for that. What do you think of my suggestion? It's a rhetorical question. Your answer is meaningless.
  18. Clearly, you don't understand the concept of entitlement. The deserter debuff trap allows them to have fun wasting our time because: but still hold this opinion: which allows them to have fun wasting our time because: but still hold this opinion: which allows them to have fun wasting our time because: but still hold this opinion: ...
  19. When you're not focused on winning it is griefing. There is an inherent conflict of interests here. Why should people play a game when the premades are DELIBERATELY not focused on winning??? Why should they be penalized for leaving when THEIR time is being wasted? That is beyond disrespectful, but you expect us to conform to your notions of "fun".
  20. rik was being disingenuous. deserter debuff needs to be abolished. Why do premade players care about a deserter debuff? They ignore the objectives, so winning is not their goal, and the deserter debuff disproportionately targets people with game issues or internet issues beyond our control. It needs to be ABOLISHED!!!
  21. Of all the myriad problems that this game has, that is not one that particularly bothered me. Perhaps I do not play enough. Perhaps I do not do enough open world stuff. The worlds where I notice it the most are Oricon and...well, I forget the name of the second world (Yavin I think...the second part of the Revan story arch). I simply avoid those fights where possible on Oricon (which are all of them) and on Yavin I simply interrupt or use Force Camouflage. On second thought...Black Hole has a lot of that nonsense too. I hate being the target of a leap, I loathe being pushed, and being pulled makes me apoplectic. Yeah, on second thought, you're right. Of course, the only time it's an issue is when I am in instances on Black Hole...and you're referencing the open world stuff. Still, I agree. There is a bit too much of it.
  22. Nah. Evidently you believe that a vote of some sort means that the voter agrees with all points and all sentiments expressed by the poster. That is asinine. I am not going to bullet point every post where I do and do not agree to satisfy you or anyone else. When I agree with an overall argument I will support it. If you want to lump me in the "all premades are bad" category, have at it. Don't care. Same as above.
  23. You're framing it so that it appears we're persecuting premades as a whole. I am only really concerned with 8man premades. I believe most people would agree. More to the point, I would like to see 4man premades be the maximum number again. That should not be considered a radical position. Again, bad framing. At the center of all of this controversy is matchmaking. Matchmaking is abysmal in the game because the queue grossly favors speed of games presented over quality of matches. We're complaining about premades because it's easier to reverse premades to 4man, and we have no faith that adjusting matchmaking will work. We'll see. That Bioware will address the issue properly is highly dubious. I know my rhetoric has been rather strong, but if the matchmaking is really addressed, I may come to prefer playing (as a solo player) on a team with a premade. Though I would love a solo only queue if the game could support it, because I believe it would improve my quality of games, I agree. Abolishing groups for PvP would be patently absurd. Again, if you look at my post history, you will not find me advocating for the abolition of 4man premades. I once mentioned a solo queue would be "ideal." I still believe that. But that is a bit selfish. I know that the game could not support a premade only queue.
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