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Everything posted by Sappharan

  1. I have not noticed this much, and I AM on Ebon Hawk. Of course, I only pvp in later hours eastern.
  2. Really looking forward to this. I do not have a youtube account, but I will try to remember to create one so I can give you props there too.
  3. Glad to see that everything is fine. Looking forward to part 3 of your guide. I learned things from the first two, and I have been playing my Sentinel for a while now, though not Combat/Carnage as much. I would love to know how you take down Operatives who have better reactions. Your timing is impeccable but, with respect, that one operative you fought should have cleansed the burn before he used his 3 minute cooldown. He also failed to use his 100% dodge chance during your ravage and he failed to use his shield that absorbs damage (forget what it is called). I am sure he panicked. I probably would have too. Most people have difficulty with Snipers. I can usually handle snipers. Operatives give me problems. Any advice against some of the best Operatives would be a huge boon. Thank you. Great second part to your video.
  4. Hi HPs of Marauders, eh? I have seen operatives and Sages with more HPs than I have in warzones. I am full war hero with elite war hero weapons. Very itemized Marauders will only have mid 19k HPs with all buffs. We do have strong defensive cool downs and that is because we are a medium armor class who has a very strategic and ephemeral cloak which lasts a MAXIMUM of 6 seconds (talented late in Annihilation). Otherwise it lasts only 4 seconds and it is on a 45 second cool down. We also have virtually no ranged capability and while we are meant for protracted engagements, we have to build our resources which places us in awkward positions at times necessitating those cooldowns. I have no fewer than 26 keybinds, any one of which I might need at a given moment. It is a complicated class with a lot of options which is both a celebrated feature as well as a curse. Look, I tend to agree that Smash needs a nerf. It's a bit ridiculous right now (incidentally, I am carnage), but before we nerf anything, stun bubbles and the 100% armor penetration of Assault/Pyro PTs needs to be investigated (100% armor penetration because they largely use elemental damage and it ignores armor ). Another thing. Mercenaries and Commandos need more--something. Unless I encounter only inexperienced players, they are not that difficult to remove from the field.
  5. I am sorry to learn about your RL issues. Hopefully these issues are merely routine and nothing untoward. As far as your video, it was amazing. I was wondering how you would deal with Assault Vanguards/pyro powertechs? Also, do concealment operatives give you problems?
  6. The players I would celebrate follow: Pfeffa: First rate player with amazing heals. Drazzen: Amazing Sentinel. Go-to carrier, awesome soloist with a brilliant talent for survival on the battlefield. Octavia: I rarely struggle with sorcerers when I catch them. I cannot catch her often and her lightning is painful. Alecia: Amazing heals, unmatched situational awareness and good strategies. Pebcak: Slippery, difficult to pin down and eliminate.
  7. Probably Pyro Powertechs are the problem. Same with Assault Troopers. The problem is that they do elemental damage which ignores armor. Only Rebuke saves you and that's at a paltry 20%. Watchman also has Defensive Forms which can mitigate a further 4%. Negligible. You need to overwhelm them with dps, use Force Valor to get 30 stacks of Centering so you can use Zen to make those burns crit. Don't be afraid to use Awe and/or Force Stasis to keep him off balance (use Awe first so maybe he'll blow his Resolute). Finally, use Saberward when you reach about 50% or so health. Otherwise it's just speed, skill and a little bit of luck. If your cooldowns are all gone when he attacks, you're probably not going to last long.
  8. -Stasis is largely overlooked for use on snipers. It does not do a tonne of damage, but it will lift them out of entrench. If you spec for zero range FL in Watchman you can immediately leap and get even more focus. Use Cauterize to snare him for 50% movement for 6 seconds. It will help. -If you are knocked back, and you have the focus built up (I usually do), hit a sniper with Crippling Throw or Blade Storm. People almost always forget about these ranged attacks. Often enough the sniper fails to knock me back until I am almost done with him. By that time, Dispatch is up and I can throw it while rooted. If not, Force Camo so he cannot target you. -If you forget to use stasis, or it's on CD, make the sniper pay for entrenching with Master Strike. It does a lot of damage. Often enough they will simply run away from you. Keeping snipers off balance can help win a warzone. Obviously healers are primary targets, but snipers should never be overlooked. -Don't forget to pacify snipers. For six seconds he/she is de-buffed by 90% to accuracy. That's when you can attack with impunity. -Don't forget your cooldowns. If Rebuke is down, you may still have saberward. For 12 seconds that can help blunt his attack or avoid it altogether. What the above poster stated is correct. Snipers and Gunslingers are usually so myopic in their pursuit of damage and the kill at a distance many don't even notice me walk up to them. By the time they DO respond it's often too late to do much. Soon you will be seeking out snipers, not dreading their presence in warzones.
  9. k I think the subscription price is MORE than justified. I find it unnecessary for people to have to come and explain that they are quitting for this reason or that. I love the game. It has its problems, but I love it. See ya.
  10. That's kinda where I am at. It's not a big deal. I love the game. Even if legacy does not fit completely, it's a neat idea particularly for RPers.
  11. Because I enjoy being level 50 and working toward my pvp gear. I enjoy the game, the story and the community. Because the game is simply the most superb mmo that I have ever played. You don't have to play, but why herald your leaving and try to ruin my fun? That's called just petty and uncool.
  12. What bothers me are people who feel the need to bash the game before they quit. I did not do that in wow. I just quit. Done. I love this game. I am sure it will be around for years and years. It's just too much fun.
  13. Excellent post. That is how I feel. I love Bioware. It has long been my favorite gaming company. That does not mean I am unable to name flaws and things I wish were different, but I intend to play this game for years, at least.
  14. The game has been out less than 2 months. Give it time. Everyone wants everything perfect, and they want it yesterday. Then everyone complains about paying a measly subscription fee as though its breaking their entertainment banks. I am sure your complaint has merit, but recognize that all mmos have growing pains. This one is brand new and very well implemented. I have some complaints as well, but nothing I think is *yet* worthy of bringing to a forum. And, whatever complaints I may be holding in reserve are very much outweighed by the enjoyment I am deriving from other aspects of this wonderful game. Just be patient, Xinika. Things will find their balance before too long.
  15. I think you wish MMO companies would reward vast amounts of time spent doing something with game breaking gear so that you can gather every advantage and claim victory. You wish to be a big fish in a small pond. But what would have happened if you and all the other 'hardcore' players had no more fodder to feed upon and the other, more skilled players, began to feed upon you? Would you have returned and begged for a nerf to surge or some other change to suit your needs? I agree with many of the other posters in this thread. Defining 'hardcore' is probably more in line with dedication and skill than simply having the best gear available so that you can haze new players. Incidentally, someone here mentioned that CoH pvp was ruined by...something--it doesn't really matter. CoH pvp was an afterthought at best. It is a turn based game in which only certain very refined specs of certain ATS and powersets can compete. Every AT is so homogenized in the zones that they don't remotely resemble what they are on the PVE side. That's not pvp, that's just raw number crunching.
  16. No, I have not played Sith really yet. But, I plan on playing my female Zabrak Marauder as a Light sided character. I will have to deal with stuff, I suppose.
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