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Everything posted by Xenthum

  1. Xenthum


    Global cooldowns make "exploiting" macros almost impossible. Not having macros in this game means you have to go out and get a gaming mouse with macro functions to be able to compete at any respectable level. It's bad design, and I don't care WHO hates that phrase. Macros are NECESSARY in the world of today's gaming, and I can't believe a high (highest ever) budget MMORPG didn't launch with a macro system in place. It's honestly shameful.
  2. Xenthum

    Fix ilum

    Tenacity worked out so well in Wintergrasp right?
  3. Were the 3k hits effective hits, or were they overkills on a low health target? Just like Healing, you must have dealt an effective hit, as in they have 3001+ HP, and you hit for 3,000, it counts as a 3,000 hit. If they have 400 HP, and you hit for 3000, it's a 400 hit.
  4. They don't want you to hit 50 and have a full set of PvP gear waiting for you. Then you wouldn't keep subscribing to grind PvP gear.
  5. You have the same chance of having no BH as they have of having no Agent. This is not a good argument against it at all, classes should be present to counter other classes.
  6. Which is the map that Imperial players get about 75% of the time.
  7. Simplicity attracts the masses for quick money. Instant gratification is not only present in the playerbase, but in the creators and earners as well. Complexity is awesome for gamers, but it doesn't get gamer's mom and dad to come play with Junior, too. Vanity pets and 3-button rotations do that.
  8. There weren't in Pre-CU SWG, everything after the CU is(was) garbage. Restuss is not world PVP. Restuss is the SWGNGE equiv. of Wintergrasp.
  9. In reality the problem isn't "Hardcore PVP", the problem is "Hardcore gaming." Min/maxing has become so widespread that everyone does it. Everyone is expected to do it. Designers now have to account and develop with it in mind. This has effectively sucked the soul out of gaming. If you aren't doing something to the maximum potential, be it stats, currency grinding, rotation... you're a "noob" and unwelcome. People didn't used to say "Require 400 Biochem to raid," they didn't care if you hadn't written a thesis paper on how to properly attack a boss. You would go in with the knowledge and experiences that you gained while levelling, not thrown that experience through the door because you read a 1400 word blog about how to do it "right" the minute you reached the level cap.
  10. Yeah, Blizzard taught her the lingo, how to respond off-the-cuff, in ways that new players would never understand, and paid her to do it on this nobody's late night TV show. Come on. ActiBlizz would at least spring for Conan or Leno if they were paying for it.
  11. World PvP can't coexist with battle areas with specific incentives. People (general, whole population) will NOT, ever, do a similar activity for lesser or nonexistent rewards. Developers are therefore stuck. They say "Give us a reason to PvP! We need something extra!" Then the developers give them this. Now those same people scream, "The other side has more people, this isn't fair!" or "There aren't enough people doing this, I can't get my rewards, this isn't fair!" Developers now have incentives, and push them into a specific area (Battlegrounds, Warzones, Objective PVP areas like Restuss or Ilum) and the aforementioned people scream "Oh my god, bring back world PVP, this is boring, I hate this area!" It's an inevitable, cyclical battle that the developers will always lose. It is impossible to please hardcore PVPers, period.
  12. 4 seconds is long enough to get 8k damage in. He needs 7.5 seconds to heal that much back, assuming you don't interrupt him.
  13. And a fresh, ungeared 50 vs a valor 60 50 is basically a level 10 up against a level 40.
  14. If it's tiered and there are time gaps to catch up it's fine. But as it stands you will HAVE to lose your way to rank when 50 brackets release, because you're up against teams of people who farmed level 15s for their rank and gear for a solid month ahead of you. If you haven't been here since early access, you might as well not play at all. You will be at a disadvantage forever
  15. Make a level 10 (20 minutes if you spacebar) and you can play with whoever you want. You just won't be able to give them easymode carry wins anymore.
  16. Further punishing those who haven't been here grinding every minute since day 1 early access? No thanks.
  17. "Hey guys I didn't get accepted at my local CC so I bash people (who are completely correct by the way) who make intelligent comments on the internet!"
  18. Until 2 competent DPS show up and knock you apart, CC you, and gib your healer. Class doesn't matter when you're talking about coordinated teammates working together against puggers, let's all be realistic here.
  19. Especially when that hurt doesn't have a cast time, can't be interupted, is easy to target, and is going to net you 4 times the medals that the healers are getting.
  20. Which in reality is "at least 50% of the playerbase, regardless of machine." Cool PR spin, bro, just what you need when your subs are already flocking away en masse.
  21. As it stands any single player can solo a healer in no time whatsoever, with equal gear. A geared operative will kill you in a knockdown. Working as intended..?
  22. Fix constant disconnects first, please.
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