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Everything posted by Xenthum

  1. Were you afk for 60 hours?
  2. Yeah all 45 people (literally, in the whole world) that killed HDeathwing Spine before he had to be nerfed, right?
  3. Merging != Locking/deleting, that's just moving the conversation. Not ending it.
  4. In exactly the same way that fanboys (hate the word, but there's no alternative) will flock to a constructively negative post and flame it. This thread isn't constructive at all, and I'm fairly sure that by the TOS Bioware should lock it. But they won't. Because it's positive.
  5. This game definitely doesn't have 3 months worth of 1 character for content. All of their content is the levelling game.
  6. Anyone know the max Legacy level available? I'm already 5, by March I'll be at like 15 if it goes that high >.> I won't even want an alt if I've already levelled 4 of them to 50, so Legacy will be worthless. @Revenaught, Legacy is as "in the game" as Anti-Aliasing is. You can see it, you know it exists, but you have to hack your game files for it to do anything.
  7. Bioware locks all negative feedback now. A lot of people have quit, because frankly this game has no end game and the level system rushes you to 50 without you even having to try. The only two Full servers when I logged in last night were RP, and the majority of the PvP servers were Light. Indicative of the staying playerbase, imo.
  8. Top damage is nothing if you're not focusing healers, not interrupting, not using CC properly, if you're breaking others CC, if you're just spamming AOE, etc. Nine times out of ten the "Top damage" is the most useless player in a Warzone.
  9. Except all the Sorc rerolls are out in force. I haven't lost a game on my Sage alt yet but I have seen a 7-Sorc Voidstar. The baddies on my (PUG) team exploited the door and that's the only reason we were able to win.
  10. This^ Massive decrease (for me) in Comms earned and huge increase (85% if I recall, didn't math it out) to costs for no apparent reason.
  11. Doesn't it instantly fill a resolve bar to full..?
  12. Xenthum

    Game Director:

    In 2004. PROGRESS!
  13. Really? Does this work in Warzones as well? Losing 1 GCD to a buff isn't nearly as wasteful (or dangerous, in the case of CC breaking) as having to tab through and hit stuff to get my Kill medals, this would be awesome.
  14. 9 matches on my 25 Republic alt on a full server, 100% win ratio. I saw one Imperial healer the entire time I was playing, and only had to suffer through Huttball once. Enjoy your rerolls <3
  15. Yes, that was it. You can view, but General had a sticky that said "No posting is going on, folks, move along." Basically, they shut down the forum during long downtimes to keep the people who would normally be complaining in-game from coming to complain where it's visible. This happens 2-4 times a week, depending on website traffic and downtimes.
  16. Republic could do exactly the same thing. The community did this to itself, Bioware didn't do it at all. Everyone wanted to be cool guy Boba Fett and Darth Maul.
  17. No cross-servers, ever. EVER. For anything.
  18. It's their way of fixing the group stealth exploit, which they announced was working as intended.
  19. No MMO has ever had even half the budget. No AAA MMO has really had this much time in open development. No MMO has had this much attention. "Other MMOs suck too" isn't a logical reason for allowing this one to suck.
  20. Unfortunately in that time, those abusing the exploit will be about 2 weeks ahead of anyone who missed this 24 hour window. It's too widespread to ban them all, so it will be huge gains for zero consequences. Rollback or server shutdown is the ONLY way to respond to something this massive. But it's PvP so who cares I guess.
  21. Yes. Because saying "Please don't exploit." has always worked for MMOs in the past right?
  22. MMORPGs are not for you. I suggest a different genre. They are an always have been largely dependent on your time investment.
  23. "Rushing"? You can easily hit 50 with like 40 hours played, and we're over a month in now. If you started in early access you'd have to be trying not to be 50 by now.
  24. God I thought that was just me
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