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Everything posted by gamervear

  1. Separate the healing issues between what is actually our class's shortcomings and other classes's lack of CC/interrupt usage. There are issues with our mechanics, no doubt. But the list is actually far shorter than most believe because they are confusing "can't sustain high damage" with "tank/dps isn't interrupting/CC predictable damage". I believe the list will get clear as other players settle into their classes, learn the encounters, and start to realize CC is used in more than just PvP.
  2. Rodian. Basic models are in game, easily customizable via skin/eye color/frills, and they would fit well in certain classes well enough. Maybe in the future.
  3. Must be a WoW player. Goes straight to the attack, rather that ask for their profession to be tuned up to the "working" professions. Why not suggest X crafting skill get epic use items, like a short-term damage enhancer for armstech, some short-term single/aoe damage reduction spray on coating for armor, quick use shield boosting mods for ships? No, that would be constructive and creative, wouldn't it? And you don't like that.
  4. What I see are three groups. 1. Resource sellers. 2. Crafters that price to sell. 3. Crafters that price to screw. 1 is fine. Resource demand will always exist and as long as you keep your prices around market averages, you'll always sell. 2 is also fine. You set prices that cover your expenses with a slight mark up to keep the incentive. 3 is WoW crafting mindset and is not fine. It just will not function within a credit-limited economy, like we have here. You cannot expect to get rich off one item, like some WoW sales, at least not now when the average person cannot afford a mount. 3 is often the same people that see crafting and non-profit or 'broken'... usually. New MMO, new economy, new mindset. Change with the times or stay stuck in the 'its broke' threads and non-selling items.
  5. What about space missions and PvP? Maybe those people talking about dailies making them credits are clearly delusional slicers?
  6. Wasn't directing my post towards you, to be honest. More towards the folks, like the OP, that seem to enjoy the whine rather than ways to fix the whine or find out how to live in the new slicing. As you say, there is STILL profit in slicing. Sad that some do not see it that way.
  7. The guild hall mall with the 10 vendors in it all with one guild/player's name was an intimidating sight to new crafters, no doubt. Still, it never really stopped anyone from setting up a few resource gatherers, a factory or two, and set up shop. It was competition. The key was getting your 1/2 vendor shop known... hopefully without annoying the server with a starport-side droid with a 5-line long advertisement bark. Can you honestly tell me you never wandered out to nowhere Dant and found the odd vendor with the rare crystal, top of the line ship part, or some other really unexpected crafter item? I know I did, many times, and those shops got waypoint markers from there on out.
  8. Slicing required a nerf. It happened. Accept it, switch skills, or quit. These 'boohoo, I lost my ATM" threads are about as useful as the 'go back to WoW' responses they breed. If you really cared about slicing, and not just your wallet, you would lay out a detailed post on why the nerf was too extensive and why it should have been 50 or 60, rather than 70%. You know, something more constructive than "you took my toy away! break all other toys!". In short, your whine thread only confirms the necessity of the nerf. Congratz on being your own worst opponent.
  9. So, I read a few things here. 1. Someone powerleveled X crew skill, are now broke, and blame the skill because at 400 it won't instantly return their investment. 2. Biochem is useful, but "my skill" suxs, so nerf Biochem. 3. Biochem's recipes are better than mine, something MUST be done! 4. Pay more attention to gathering professions and you'll be better off. 5. Don't demand Biochem gets nerfed, instead ask/suggest for ways for X skill to be improved. Two of these are constructive and useful for most players. The rest are short-sighted and ultimately harmful for everyone. Can you guess which two?
  10. Old School SWG was my favored crafting system in an MMO career that has spanned a number of games. And I mean OLD SCHOOL, not the NGE or the Combat change, or anything, I mean the old original sandbox crafting. The complexity, the useful items in every crafting profession, and, personally, the old fashion trial and error research needed to be great at some professions always appealed to me... but, I'm one of those odd folks that enjoyed crawling, VERY slowly, up to mutant rancors for samples and experimenting with bioengineering DNA for days/weeks on end to fine the one perfect combination. Instant rewards are fine and all, still I prefer a little work now and then. To be fair, most MMOs do not try and use crafting as a selling point, usually focusing on 'end game' pve and pvp content that appeal to the masses. Crafters and merchants are an untapped minority of the MMO genre these days. So, I rarely fault new MMOs for weak crafting. Its like catering to Mac users... they could, but there are too few to really make an effort.
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