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Everything posted by TheEvilEeyore

  1. so the first 2 hits of ravage hit within 0.296 seconds? that's cute.
  2. hahahahahah right.. best burst in game.. please.. here is me getting hit by a sentinal [21:44:30.250] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (2546* energy ) [21:44:30.251] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] Damage ] (387* energy ) [21:44:30.546] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (2541* energy) [21:44:30.546] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (0 -parry ) (5474) Ravage opening hit. [21:44:30.846] [@Me] [@Sent] [sever Force] [RemoveEffect : Immobilized (Force) ] [21:44:31.846] [@Me] [@sent] [sever Force (Force)] [Damage ] (252 internal ) [21:44:32.737] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage ] [Damage ] (5074* energy) [21:44:32.738] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage ] [Damage] (652 energy ) (5726) Second hit, i finally get out of range 11k dmg in 2.3 seconds
  3. So story time... It's Novare Coast. I am on my way back to south from west where i went to helm a push. out of nowhere a wild sent appears out of stealth. it should be noted that i just used my force speed, and force stun helping west so i can't run away from his ravage, and thanks to the REDICULOUS range of the melee ability i take 2 swings as i am terminator walking away. i have 1163 expertise so that's 18.17% damage reduction I have removed all the crap from the log.. the important bits remain unchanged [21:44:30.250] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (2546* energy ) [21:44:30.251] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] Damage ] (387* energy ) [21:44:30.546] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (2541* energy) [21:44:30.546] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage] [Damage ] (0 -parry ) (5474) Ravage opening hit. [21:44:30.846] [@Me] [@Sent] [sever Force] [RemoveEffect : Immobilized (Force) ] [21:44:31.846] [@Me] [@sent] [sever Force (Force)] [Damage ] (252 internal ) [21:44:32.737] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage ] [Damage ] (5074* energy) [21:44:32.738] [@Sent] [@me] [Ravage ] [Damage] (652 energy ) (5726) Second hit, i finally get out of range [21:44:33.043] [@Sent] [@me] [Force Charge ] [ApplyEffect : Immobilized] Yay snared again from his leap [21:44:34.044] [@Sent] [@me] [Force Charge ] [Damage ] (976 energy ) [21:44:34.888] [@me] [@sent] [sever Force (Force) ] [ Damage ] (252 internal ) [21:44:35.169] [@Sent] [@me] [Force Charge] [RemoveEffect : Immobilized ] ) [21:44:35.595] [@Sent] [@me][Vicious Throw ] [ApplyEffect : Damage ] (3100 energy ) ( 4076) execute+leap Damage breakdown: Ravage: 11,200 with only 2 of 3 hits.. Force Charge: 976 no surprise this is a gap closer Vicious throw: 3100 yay for finishers. 3 globals = 15,276 damage.
  4. Where are the Boot and Hand patterns? So far the only patterns that have been found are Chest/Legs/Helm which means that in order to get a augmented Gloves or Boot mold you must use the pvp gear.. which in turn means you must be valor rank 60 or above. This is not an issue for me as i am above 60 but what about those other people that just enjoy PVE? they are out of luck and can't get as good of gear? this seems highly prejudicial against PVE only players.
  5. Um yeah so i leveled my sage from 1-50 100% by myself through every major quest line and 100% of the story quests and died maybe 2-3 times on story bosses. Not sure what is wrong but you are 1) missing the mechanics or 2) severely under leveled.
  6. 10 minutes for a queue? what server are you on? i waited two and a half hours today before just logging off.
  7. I have played balance up to valor 70 and i have never had it 'not break' on damage. HOWEVER there is a skill in the balance tree that allows for when the lift is broken the target is stunned for 2 seconds or something like that. this could be what you are getting. you could be getting graphical delay much like force choke does for me at times.
  8. It's funny because you didn't realize the case was in the USA where we use the stupid Imperial System. 32-212 is the magic numbers in imperial system.
  9. Server merge or server transfers. average daily population of entire server is around 60-70 people on my server
  10. So my question is this. What happens to my legacy once i server transfer the character that bears the legacy? First off let me say this. i have 3 50's and several mid 20-30's so my legacy is getting pretty high level. i would hate to lose all that work once i transfer servers. My server population is super low and i would like to transfer my whole server. IE my entire legacy in one fell swoop so i can keep my legacy intact. Anyways just a question i had for the dev team. If anyone knows the answer it would be great i can't find it anywhere.
  11. i would rather wait in a queue. then have 4 people on the fleet during prime time.
  12. Read carefully.. "to certain servers" meaning they are still doing whatever the **** they want with your character unless you pay.
  13. Um F1-F12 is not a great idea.. that is HUGE hand movement. you shouldn't have to move your hand that much. Q and E are duplicate keys.. use them.. also Shift+Q Shift+ E that is 4 mroe key binds. there is a button for guild tab so F shift+f, g shift+g. there is 8. being able to whip out your lightsabre to show off with the Z button isn't a necessarily bind. there is 2 more that are easy. X isn't bound to anything by default i don't think. Use F1-F4. but moving your hand clear to F5 and beyond is silly.
  14. yep my server is dead to.. 9 people on the fleet at this moment.. 52 on the whole republic side.
  15. me and a friend were talking about this. It is really annoying having to log over from character to character to send out their companions.. one comprehensive ui would be awesome.
  16. You probably don't have 4 people on your fleet during prime time i am guessing. Also i am paying these people every month for a service. I would really appreciate timely feedback from people that i pay every month... this is not the case.
  17. Nothing should be done with your mouse if you looking for "elitest" performance. maybe targeting because tab targeting never really works well in any mmo. but anythign your using for damage hsoudl be keybound. there are 22 keys within a decent reach of your left hand. Q-T, A-G, Z-B, `-6. all of which can have 4 mod keys. CTRL, ALT,SHIFT, CAPS.. yes caps is a legit mod key. that gives you 88 possible key combinations. no class in game even comes close to that amount of abilities, and as you don't have macro's to key in focus target cast buttons that pretty much settles that. Suggestions: If you move with WASD learn to not use S to back up.. It is more efficient to turn and strafe in a backwards direction. That gives you the S key to bind to something. get used to using the shift,ctrl modifiers. they help you immensely. most classes in game don't really use that many different buttons. the Jedi knight in my experience is a different story there i fill 3 full hot bars with ability i use ALL The time. Bind every ability you have to something. it might take ea little while to remember all of them. but once you do you will find yourself a better player for it. gone are the days that you see someone. target them then go down to find an ability and look back to the action to find them gone cause it took you between .25-1.5 seconds to find that key again.
  18. THIS My favorite UI of all time allowed me to seperate target effects into: debuffs cast by me, Debuffs total, buffs cast by me, buffs cast by others. before you say spiting Buffs is silly.. your probably not a healer looking at a tanks buffs/debuffs . If you wont let us unlock these from the target windows and such. at least let us scale personal buff debuffs on target to be lager than the others. 4 sorcs in an ops groups makes for lots of dot clipping.
  19. 1) strip the *****. I don't need all the frilly borders and such. i just need to see my buttons. the target windows are excellent example. I personally HATE portrait blobs they are just wasting screen space. the entire target windows are just way to wasted space. all i need to see in that information is hp/force/buff/debuff.. why the blue graphic designs? Another example is the cast bar. Why do i need this giant blue box with a little bar inside of it? why not just a cast bar with simple text above the center of the cast bar? Another example the quest tracker Shrink/grow button? why not just the blue around with a box around it. no need for the filly background that juts out into my screen. In the words of the brilliant Horatio Greenough, "Form follows function". 2) Scaling debuff/buff sizes. This is a two part request. First let us choose how big we want our debuffs and buffs to appear on every single frame not just he main target frame. Second let us scale self debuffs vs others debuff's respectively. As a Sage DPS if i am in a raid with a sage healers and 1-2 other sage dps then i am clipping my dots ALL the time, and losing huge dps, because there is no way to tell which of the 4 dot's showing is mine. 3) Just give us a total combat log already. people have already designed work around for your system. 4) open source. Why not? generally speaking player created UI's have been better in EVERY mmo i have ever played. no offense but the brainpower of 100k+ of us that communicate with each other more than once every 5k forum posts generally are able to make upgrads faster and better. 5) if your not going to let us have open source PLEASE let us change the color. not everyone likes blue for god sake.
  20. 1.2 might have just come out.. but there are guilds that cleared the new ops in hard modes in week 2 if not week 1. they will probably have their main and alt fully geared in about 6 weeks so what to do now? for all their hype about the legacy system it has done pretty much 0 for me or any of my friends.
  21. this is the worst analogy you could possibly use. really your comparing split screen hack and slash vs AI to an MMO? you do know what MMO stands for correct? I originally had a short post on this but i feel that artards need somethings straightened out here. The reason all of you QQ'ers are getting rofl stomped by a pre-made group is pretty much 2 things. (1) they are working as a team. They all dps the same person at the same time. (2) Using CC properly. when they CC someone they don't hit him immediately after and break the cc. (3) they have tanks that know how to guard swap and protect healers. THIS is probably the biggest one. a team that knows how to keep their healer alive while doing damage. ESPECIALLY after 1.2 is going to win 99 times out of 100. (4) They come in with a game plan. examples: novare coast: hit south with 6, send 2 west? or rush east instead. huttball: ranged dps runs high to let guardian leap or sage pull. I think we get this point. (5) they are probably better geared than you due to the fact that they care enough to form pre-mades. QQing that players can help each other is a stupid argument. The OP, that i think is you, stated that he should go back to playing FPS's. Apparently you don't realize how important your team is in an FPS either. i think what you need to say is "i should play tic tac toe". You are QQing because other people know how to use their class better than you know how to use yours. PVP has always been about control. If you know how to control the situations and know the right reactions to make then you win.
  22. So according to you. the only mechanics in game should be dps and heal mechanics.. so its bascially a race.. who can do more damage than healing.. sorry but your thought proccess is flawed. I think i missed your healer suggestion the first time i read your post..... really...... is this seriously the answer to you? so in your mind a healer just gets to sit there and wait for a dps to kill them. HEY .. HEY GUYS I HAVE 20K hp.. but i can't heal my friend unless i die for them. LETS CALL THIS CLASS JESUS!
  23. Yeah i am gonna report all of you guys at bioware. I am a hard mode raider and BM-pvper on Krayiss Obelisk and i really enjoy the game. But if this is garbage that you guys keep spewing keeps up i am gone. It is now 5:01 pm server time and there are 2 people on the fleet, and a total of 54 people on my entire server. Your game is dying rapidly if you don't do something soon then i don't know a lot of guys on my server that are gonna stick around much longer. It is time for a server merge or you better be rolling out server transfers in the next few weeks. "this summer" isn't a good enough answer like 99% of the vague BS answers we get from you people. I have been on my character since 10AM sending him out on crafting missions and watching reading a book. not one pvp queue has popped in this 7 hour period. Sincerely someone who gives a **** about this game. How about you join me.
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