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Everything posted by Khalhazar

  1. Khalhazar


    I agree with the general thing you're saying. But because I'm pedantic, I just want to add: in Huttball, all bets are off. I often guard other tanks there, if they are carrying. And of course you can click it off (which is a pain) manually.
  2. As of 1.7, it was healing power, with coefficient 1. You can see this by clicking to show details at: http://www.torhead.com/ability/a074iXB/sonic-barrier (Assuming TorHead is up to date.)
  3. Juggs scale very well with endurance in PvP. I'm geared similarly (although it looks like he's got many more conq pieces than I have) and it works well for me. Watched the video; liked the video except for the showboating at the end of the last Huttball match. Sportsmanship!
  4. It's not just a tooltip error, because it's been tested on the character window as well. So either there's a 1% DR bug, or a bug with stat-reporting in the character window --- either of which is an important bug to fix. Yes, several of us have filed a bug report. :-) 1% is small enough to be difficult to confirm without a lot of parsing effort, given that most damage abilities have a range over which they hit. If anybody knows an ability that hits for a constant amount of internal/elemental damage, please let me know, and I'll go check. But since I don't know of any such, It's reasonable to ask the devs: "What's up with this?" Edit: Someone suggested the fires on Dromund Kaas, but these seem to be energy damage; they are mitigated by armor.
  5. This. I would stop constantly complaining about bolster if we had a toggle between bolster on/off for both gear stat display and tooltip comparison. Edit: and bolster on our starships, for dummy use.
  6. This issue was _not_ fixed in 2.1. So guardians continue to have their advantage over juggernauts.
  7. Why wouldn't you augment your pvp gear set? That baffles me.
  8. Sometimes I pretend I'm explaining bolster to a dev on a secret alt. ;-)
  9. Can you say more about this, or link to a bit more detail? I saw the "bolster howto" thread, and it said the same, but didn't indicate how much one loses by mixing whole PvE pieces with whole PvP pieces. You're right --- nobody gears up by building the full set before putting it on...
  10. Troll thread is troll thread. Taunting people who aren't very good is bad for the PvP scene in general. It makes people upset, rather than motivating them to improve. That's not even considering how people have off days sometimes... But seriously: trooooooooolololololol?
  11. I am sorry that they are being silly. If it is nothing, surely the guardian community on your server would be willing to take a 1% nerf! But seriously, 1% adds up. If it didn't, why would any of us spend skill points on 1-2% more strength, shield chance, endurance, etc...? Still hoping for an official comment here. It's obviously an oversight, and probably easily fixed. The only debate is over which direction the fix ought to take.
  12. It's great in PvP. It's also good for mobs with AE or mobs that are taunt immune.
  13. From what I've heard, Friday queuing start pretty late. Are we still talking about a slot (casual or otherwise) that queues earlier?
  14. This. BT 1&2 get way too many geometric advantages. (Remember that holocron that only a BT 1 could get to for a while?)
  15. We should make this a dev-tracker impression thread. "What's your favorite part of awesome SWTOR? My favorite is the stories! Because they bring the world to life!"
  16. Do we have a way to determine when a shot was taken yet? This is going to get extremely awkward.
  17. This. This. If the devs read only one post today, this should be what they read.
  18. Zabraks can be pretty!
  19. Kylen is very good at corner-capping and things like that. But that's not cheating IMO, I classify it as "ninja skills" in spite of the fact that I have no idea how to do it. I did catch someone in a PvP guild (not in Infamous) abusing the augment glitch last night, though, so we do see some of that on our server. It makes me sad when people go on about how OP warriors are. It seems like whenever I switch to a new class, that class becomes OP.
  20. Do you tend to do these 1v1s in tank gear, or dps gear? I'm working on improving my 1v1 game; if you do this stuff in tank gear, I am encouraged. :-)
  21. I don't know about sorc bugs, but I do know that juggernaut tanks are currently taking 1%* more int/ele damage versus guardian tanks. Somebody didn't check talents for equivalence. ;-) * Flat 1% DR differences, so actually ~1.27% after adjustment.
  22. I just received an answer to my bug report for this issue. Referring my "idea" to the suggestion box forum. :-(
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