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Everything posted by Khalhazar

  1. Eric, thanks for the reply. However, here's another case. X is the name I know, Y is an alt I suspect is them. "Just don't reply" isn't a protection when autoafk messages are in game: /tell X . To [X]: . Y is away from keyboard.
  2. Needs a way to opt-out. Even more, needs to be opt-in. Bioware used to be better at security and privacy. Edit: let me explain a bit more. This is very convenient, and it's good that they are thinking about chat problems (because maybe it means the chatbugs will finally be fixed?) However, there are serious privacy implications of this feature. Nobody can ever have a secret alt from anyone ever, anymore. Does Semah have a secret bank alt? What if you want to test to see if RP character X is really person Y? Now you can find out. With a single /tell. It also allows for harassment: if X is ignoring Y, and X has an alt Z that is not ignoring Y, Y can send a tell to X which will be routed to Z with no problems. Unacceptable. Needs to be opt-in at per-legacy granularity at least. Needs to protect against harassment. Needs to be thought out better. Needs immediate dev comment.
  3. I watched the full video. He did not immediately begin rolling on the upper platform, nor did he use the energy-restoration ability to facilitate spamming. Exfiltrate is *extremely* useful for side-capping if it gives the op a higher chance of finishing the cap and being able to enter stealth without interruption. Assassins may still be superior; I don't know. The video doesn't make an unbreakable case, and the bias on both sides of this issue is intense.
  4. * The argument for arriving with low resources isn't spurious, but you don't need any energy to stop a capper. My concerns about this ability are primarily strategic (and to some extent tactical, when used vs. a sniper). * I tested runspeed vs. an assassin over longer distances, and it pretty much worked out massively in favor of the op, like you'd expect by staggering rolls intelligently to stay in the high-regen phase. How far is the west/east run in CW? Farther than 75m. * The CW example completely disregards the advantage of getting the first tick on a side turret. In the common sides-owned, middle-contested situation, the team with the first tick has only to prevent a cap in middle, rather than actually cap it. My question is: can intelligent roll-use (and in the CW example, he didn't start rolling until later than he could have, due to racing the shadow) get you to the turret fast enough to prevent a non-shadow, non-sent from interrupting? I think the answer is "yes". * It's nowhere near speeder-3 speed, unlike the rumors. * The point of triggering 1 second of dodge isn't the dodge so much as the removal of all hostile effects. Unless I'm misunderstanding, you can trigger a complete clear every 15 seconds now by tapping roll a couple of times. However, it's important to note that that won't apply to roots. I don't mean to be abrasive here, and apologize if it seems that way. I am in a hurry to run to work.
  5. I'm also fine with snipers capping in cover. I'm not fine with operatives having drop-to-knee cover at all, but that's a different story.
  6. I use grenades exclusively for CC in PvP.
  7. Snipers die all the time. "This thing frustrates me" is not the same as "this thing prevents them from dying ever". Not even sure why I'm replying to this obvious troll.
  8. As a warrior, I'd like to register how completely dumb it would be if I could leap to snipers at will. I don't want that. I'm not even sure 3m cooldown grenade to break out of cover --> leap is balanced.
  9. I bought one of these, thinking at least I'd get something more useful than a grade 25 armoring/mod/etc. It had a grade 25 armoring inside.
  10. Ray, I know you can stand the heat. So get back in the kitchen and bake me a pie. <3
  11. Confirmed. Sometimes it's bad enough to cause a DC.
  12. Wow. This is after their bolster-fixing patch? Sigh.
  13. This is a big concern for me, as well. If we can't trust that the system works, how can we properly gear ourselves?
  14. My big concern with bolster: There have been many bugs, all in succession, for months. Bolster was bugged on the PTS for a long time. There's no way of knowing that, a month after they fix _this_ problem, there won't be some other bug that people are abusing. I like the idea of making the gear grind less awful, but at this point, don't really have a lot of trust that things will be truly balanced. I'm reminded of the bear tanking talent fiasco in early WoW cataclysm, where a removed talent was left around for those who already had it, leading to months of division in the community: bears rocked for some, and sucked for others. Naturally this led to a lot of "learn 2 play noob"s from the people that had the ghost talent...
  15. Agreed. This is ridiculous. Bind to legacy makes sense.
  16. Because people are idiots. But this is a good topic to discuss from another perspective. I come from an RP server. There's a huge difference between: (1) What choices your game-play character makes in flashpoints, etc. and (2) What alignment your character is in roleplay. (2) is different because it's frowned upon (for good reason) to RP as the Bioware plotline characters. This means you have a lot of freedom. Let's not pretend that "light side" means innocent sweetness and that "dark side" means puppy-killing child-eating evil. The one-dimensional characterizations in canon lead to bad RP, IMO. Lots of people love playing Darth Darksausage of Darkness, flying around in their ship made of ewok skulls, but it's hard to get in good RP with those people. If you want to annoy LOLEVIL and OnlyJediAreGood RPers, check out: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Potentium (Yeah, I know that "canon" sources have claimed the philosophy is false, but so what?)
  17. Nuh-uh! I just saw a grade 9 node. ... inside a cliff wall.
  18. Maybe we should try running these missions naked and in PvP areas?
  19. I wanted to echo the frustration here. I hit master craftsman this morning, but I'm pretty dissatisfied with the state of gathering. You guys know that many people are going to keep running rich slicing and saving purple augment components, blissfully unaware that the rate is likely to be quadrupled in a coming patch. Those people are going to take a hit, and that's not cool. (No, I'm not in this set of people.)
  20. And the 2+ heroic area, perhaps the most annoying 2+ heroic in game, had only tier 6 arch spawns last night.
  21. Fleet trainers have everything (edit: well, not EVERYTHING): you just need to have the skill to see the recipes unless you filter by "all". Default is "trainable". The first patterns come at 410. (This confused me for quite a while, too.)
  22. I'm pretty tired of taking screenshots and transcribing them. It's rather sad that we have no chat logging feature.
  23. Every single huttball match: /ops Hello folks. Please try to get over fires to receive passes, be leapt to by juggs, or pull the carrier. Please drop guard if you're carrying the ball as a tank, so I can guard you! And please pick up the ball, even if you have to pass or ditch.
  24. No time to say everything I want to, but: never assume that an RP server can't have a good PvP scene and good PvPers. I know multiple people (me included) who take PvP very seriously, but came to an RP server for the community. Since I have alts on both sides, I can say that there are skilled players and the occasional premade on both sides, but that there are enough good people that sometimes premades will lose to a pug. (Full disclosure: my "premade" is usually a tank jugg and a sniper; I mean real premades.)
  25. There are a couple people on my server who RP as sith-turned-mandalorians. I think it's a fine thing so long as you do it carefully. The fact that you made this thread is a good sign! It'd also depend on clan, I think. Are there any mando RP guilds on you server that you could partner up with?
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