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Everything posted by Acyu

  1. Shame on me for getting trolled. Forgot what kind of poster you are.
  2. So you're talking about Ilum. It's pretty much dead already, and will be buried in 1.1.5.
  3. I think this is a good idea too. Experience increase, unlike valor increase, encourages rerolling for both PvE and PvP. You can't just depend on PvP population to balance the entire server population. Easier leveling make people who are tired of long queues or server imbalance want to reroll without thinking, "damn, I will be wasting a lot of time rerolling."
  4. When you buff one side, you're punishing the other. Because they will either have to fight against the buff, or they will have to reroll to benefit from the buff. But hey, if you want to play word games, sure, why not. And lol, the worst kind of player? The worst kind of player are those who think they are entitled to a buff because they happened to roll a faction that is underpopulated. Do you want better gears and better abilities too? Maybe you want a bolster buff that make you 1.5X more powerful than an imperial because your faction is outnumbered 1:1.5? I like how you ignored the second part of that sentence. They evened out way before cataclysm, or whatever that patch is that added this. But anyway, the person that suggested cosmetic buff to republic gear, better story, etc. Those are awesome.
  5. Seriously? buffing underpopulated faction? That's just ridiculous. So you're punishing one side for exercising their freedom of choice. They didn't pick imperials to purposefully unbalance the factions, they picked imperials because they wanted to pick imperials. Locking the creation screen is much more acceptable, though it is still forcing someone to choose a particular faction in order to play a game. If I just bought the game, and I can only choose imperials on one server, I will either play on that server, or I will call SWTOR customer service and demand a refund. WoW had the same imbalance problem, but they sure didn't do any of that to balance the faction out. I wonder how they did it. Though horde had awesome racials though, which were nerfed before faction balance anyway.
  6. WHY MY SERVER NOT ON THIS CHART Hyperspace Cannon!!!
  7. What can they do? Would love to hear some suggestions.
  8. I have no problem with people copying their MMO predecessors. Every good game is based on a previous game unless they're the first of its kind. BUT, it must build on the previous and IMPROVE on it. SWTOR has not done that.
  9. uh. healers have -30% in pvp to begin with. With a crap ton of expertise, they're still ~17% down. A warzone team with half healers are going to be hard to kill, or nearly impossible to kill, if they travel together. But neither can they kill your team if you have half the healers as them, or two. 4:4 is a horrible comp for anything other than huttball. And the chances of 4:4 is completely random unless a premade runs with 4 healers. All this translates to... it's not an issue, hence no one replying when you put it in context of HEALERS OP. I thought this thread was actually about the intent behind expertise, it really is not.
  10. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    bubble is actually the highest consistent HPS spell a healing sorcerer has. The highest burst HPS would be a crit dark infusion affected by innervate buff. (a 2.5 second heal buffed by -1 sec cast time from channel heal that crits). That will yield ~1K more than bubble in combat. You play a sage, and you didn't know this?
  11. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    by definition of self-healing, it's not bread-and-butter heal. If your shield is only self-shield, same thing If your shield is percentage based-neutral-shield, same thing. They're more like survivability CDs. While bubble goes beyond that, especially for a healing sorcerer. If you cannot see the difference between the two, you go an issue here. I have no problem with bubble not counting, I just said I'm fine with it. Because I REALLY don't care about healing medals or stats, and that is especially the case come 1.1.5. All i care about is keeping people alive and healing them efficiently. Stats and medals are secondary. I can get all the healing medals without bubble counting just fine. But apparently it is a very important issue to you, so I will leave you to it.
  12. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    I don't need to argue for it. It's already in the game as such. You're the one who's arguing that your heals should count, or that the bubble heal should be removed. All you're arguing for are medals and stats. Bubble is one of a sorcerer's bread-and-butter heal, while your self-heal and shield are not. They are fundamentally different as abilities, and they count differently on the "healing meter." I think bubble counting is okay, because it accounts for a significant portion of our healing, especially for a healing specced sorcerer, which I am. The thing is that you're not complaining about how you cannot get the same medals, but just not as easily and as fast as another class. All this QQing is getting tiresome.
  13. well no, means he is on the edge of the flame not in the flame. The chain stun makes no difference. He was continued to be stunned OUTSIDE the flame.
  14. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    then those abilities weren't designed to give healing. end of story. Or do medals really matter to you? I don't understand what is more important to you: On the one hand, the ability to heal yourself and shield yourself top prevent yourself from dying? Or the need to have that count on a stats sheet for medals? All you're complaining right now is about the latter. Your class is not "gimped" because your self-heals and shields are not working or whatever, but you're only complaining about them not giving you medals in a WZ. None of that matters in 1.1.5.
  15. that means he wasn't in the fire. it's happened plenty of times where the graphic lags when someone runs through fire and is stunned. especially common when that person is force speeding. He was stunned AFTER he got through the fire, but graphic lag shows he is in the fire. This also makes targeting him for melee hard. So he prob didn't have 3-4 people on him at all.
  16. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    then i'm sorry. we should change that so you can get more medals. too bad 1.1.5 only makes the first four count. but i guess e-peen matters.
  17. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    First, bubbling is not part of DPS rotation, so you ARE breaking it. Second, sorc/sages are a "healing" class, how they choose to heal is irrelevant. Marauders, juggernauts, powertechs, snipers, and assassins are NOT healing classes while sorcerers, mercenaries, and operatives are. Juggernauts, powertechs, and assassins can GUARD while not in tank spec. Sure, sorcerers have the easiest time out of the healers for healing medals, but that won't really matter in 1.1.5.
  18. 1. Clicker 2. Doesn't dispel DoTs. 3. Bad opponents. 4. Backpeddler. 5. Zoomed in for tunnel vision.
  19. Probably because they realized there is no easy fix for FPS lag in Ilum and no way to "balance the factions." Until they can do so, there is no point in allowing the Ilum nightmare to go on any longer. This is a band-aid on a gushing wound, sure. But 1.2 is removing the daily/weekly bags. This is just giving them a buffer in between the two patches to get people to stay long enough for them to fix the system. Battlemaster right now means nothing. It doesn't. Neither does 70V or 80V. The only thing it proves is that some people play more than others. Getting 60V requires no skill, and the battlemaster title is not a representation of skill. Getting battlemaster bags from weekly/daily doesn't take skill, Ilum or not. Until there is competitive PvP (patch 1.2), I can care less how easy people get BM and how fast they gear in full BM. Maybe when everyone gets full BM people will stop whining about "LOLGEARBASEDPVP"
  20. Except there has been like 5 patches after release, and people have been whining about sorcs all throughout those 5 patches. Still no nerfs in sight nor are nerfs even suggested. YEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP keep trying
  21. Acyu

    Pvp Healing ?

    Well... A bubble doesn't count as healing unless it absorbs damage. Healing counts as damages are absorbed. So if you don't get attacked, or the people you shield do not get attacked, you get no healing counted. Not that it matters, but it's just a clarification that it's not an "instant free heal." And as far as your abilities not counting... probably so tanks can't get 14 medals? I mean come on, protection medals are the EASIEST medals to get. They specifically nerfed medpacks and shockfrozen water just so people that are unable to "heal" cannot get healing medals.
  22. the bags from daily/weekly are still there... patch only changed the PvP vendor.. as it stated in the notes.
  23. Acyu

    PTS Patch 1.1.5

    BM bags still exist in 1.1.5. And they will be until 1.2 at least. Anyone to speculates differently is wrong. So why is champion bag the only kind included in that sentence? Because you cannot currently buy BM bags from the PvP vendor. This patch note ONLY APPLIES to PvP vendors, where you can currently buy Champion Bags but not BM or Champion Commendations. It has NOTHING to do with the weekly and daily quest rewards. The reason why they're adding BM commendations is for the obvious cry over RNG BM bags and the lack of things to spend commendations on after you get pass 65V for the mount. They're adding Champion commendations, which costs MORE if you buy 7 than it does when you buy a champion bag (which contains 7), so people that are missing a few commendations for that one piece can just buy a few commendations instead of saving up for another bag. The BM commendation for 1000/1000 is an ADDITIONAL way of getting BM commendations. But to answer your question. No, there is no trading system. BM gear is easy to get, and will only be easier in 1.1.5.
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