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Everything posted by Motoeric

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/motoeric616/b/353445654 go to 39 mins in the player (me) is horrible at this spec 1100 dps, yet we cant even cap 1 door. what does that say?
  2. you guys are SOOO dramatic. ive been in warzones on 4 different fresh 50s, in full recruit, and i can remember specifically on each of them topping damage/healing and 1v1'ing people regularly. granted there are times when 1 more or people connect with you in the right way and you get blown the **** up. but your damage itself is still high enough to kill someone, and top damage/healing if you are seriously getting your **** pushed in this hard, when your fully geared it wont be much better, that or maybe you didnt learn your class at all leveling 1-49
  3. we as a pvp community need this. i think this game can eventually have solid pvp that makes everyone happy. but bioware has to realize this and realize that a big portion of its playerbase pvps regularly
  4. yea because achieving this "100% balance" is easy right? right now whoever wins is whoever hit their buttons faster. honestly
  5. can post screenshots of multiple 800-900 DPS games on lethality operative, balance shadow, and i haven't played enough lightning sorc but its really not that bad guys lol. lethality op: you essentially have unlimited energy with the right crit setup and your two 30m range internal damage dots ticking and restoring energy. corrosive dart deals more damage and costs less energy than the sniper counterpart. these two dots alone deal a combined of 6k+ damage on the tooltip in full war hero. you dont even need stealth (however its quite annoying being held in combat after you die and respawn). dot stuff-> try to burst-> los offheal -> redot -> try to burst balance shadow: again, unlimited mana, spread dots, great rotting ability. 3 person 30m+ aoe that can crit close to 5k and above. only 1 class can dispel their dots (sorc). capable of multiple 5k+ backstabs in a row. 30m two second root. small self heals from dot crits. this class may be squishy but i think is one of the true glass cannons in swtor. lightning sorc: your filler also procs mana regen, you have bubble stun, knockback root, thundering blast isnt really that hard to get off, and if you have your haste cd up you dont have to worry about being interrupted. rotation: affliction>crushingdarkness>thunderblast>forcelightning>shock. granted with a decent melee on you interrupting it can be annoying to get damage off, however at the same time if you are doing it right, you can prevent 1-2 melee from doing any damage themselves for periods of time. so keep this in mind. granted its not nearly as efficient or desired as pyrotech/rage, you can still do decent, and with the right rated team im sure you could find a niche for these specs. that being said, i do think these specs need severe overhauls. along with others i didnt mention.
  6. i like my movement keys as follows: W = Strafe left; E = Move forward; R = Strafe right; D = beckpedal (rarely use this); swapping your movement keys over one adds more possible keybinds, and changing keyboard turn to strafe makes it easier to move while your unable to camera turn (targetting an enemy or an ally on ops frame) from there just start binding abilities to things like: Q T A S F G Z X C V B 1 2 3 4 5 6 You can then make shift and alt modifiers for these if you need more.
  7. not all classes are going to hit for the same. but that doesnt mean they arn't capable of the same kill times and overall damage. get epic augments, itemize your gear for power, and then see how it goes
  8. .....................streaming
  9. you realize how hard class balance is to achieve right?
  10. twitch.tv/motoeric616 streaming all kindz of pvpz n stuffz
  11. a good sorc will make them not want to train him/her anymore
  12. sorc is amazing lethality best sniper spec
  13. being able to choose what warzone you play in is a horrible idea. you should probably just learn to enjoy huttball, and not blame boiware for the fact that you alt-f4 your game
  14. well said OP, smaller battle type PvP (arena) and adding DR to Resolve would be a big step in the right direction
  15. i use it to dump focus for extra damage and vs tanks and people with parry cds popped. also i talent it to reduce cooldown on rebuke(cloak of pain)... so yeah its good. and yeah im a bad sentinel: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h412/Eric_Westphal/Screenshot_2012-12-17_09_08_55_245865_zps70c02f26.jpg
  16. one time i was dpsing on my bounty hunter arsenal mercenary and i was attacked by a gaggle of jedi knight focus sentinels. i popped kolto overload and they all fell over dead
  17. rated warzone win loss record for my sentinel and operative: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h412/Eric_Westphal/Screenshot_2012-12-17_09_07_20_410441_zps9f40ae21.jpg http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h412/Eric_Westphal/Screenshot_2012-12-17_09_08_55_245865_zps70c02f26.jpg
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