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Everything posted by Motoeric

  1. most of the healers blow pretty hard until 30s-40s the brackets are 10-49 and 50 if you want a healer that will develop quickly id probably recommend a sage. MAYBE a merc, but mercs blow at 50 so dont bother. and yea some classes in general (like scoundrel) suck pretty bad no matter how you play them until 30s-40s when the start to dominate. hope that helps
  2. it starts on tatooine after nar shadda. you should see a lot of hte opposite faction there.
  3. because class balance is so easy to achieve? no, its not.
  4. sorry i play very fast. if i could increase the stream quality perhaps it would be less nauseating.
  5. nice vid man. you do it right on your operative
  6. Motoeric

    Merc Buffs Anyone?

    i dont think cashogy will be satisfied with anything lol
  7. I dont think your giving merc damage enough credit, and the fact that they debuff the killtarget with armor reduction, and have burst. Power creep and the recent addition of interrupt and increased armor pen to unload and railshot has helped. But right now they need a get out of jail free card, and yes, a disengage with a garunteed 2 second root ontop of their decent knockback will give them an edge. This isnt Wow, there arn't warriors with 10 gap closers, there isnt deathknights with 25 second cd deathgrips and mages who can global you in 1 deepfreeze. The addition of another escape which is a direct counter to melee in a melee heavy meta can actually change a lot edit: sorc grip also counters vanguard or powertech grip, and you generally only have 1 of each on your team, so thats not a problem.
  8. decent teams at most run 2 smashers, and right now bubble stun makes that comp nearly unviable. so you have 2 smashers (who are generally squishy) if they are using all their gap closers and force camos, that is a lot of mobility and utility they are forced to use, just to zerg you at the back of the group. Things like a disengage buy you time and force the enemy to use -another- gap closer. Sents/maras have two; force charge and force camo. Not including the focus/rage charge which is only 10 meters. I feel like your being very narrow-minded. And who needs a slow when your almost guaranteed to have a jugg or guardian alive spamming a 1 second gcd aoe slow on the enemy team?
  9. No mercs have an aoe knockback. Thats like saying why do slingers/snipers have a knockback root and a single target root. However these two help slingers stay alive and do damage. Hunters in wow are able to kite very well with their trap knockback, disengage and roots. I feel like the merc/commando AC is similar and will benefit well from these. Mercs rely heavily on positioning, and that of the enemy. Enemies rooted in place with a mercenary able to freecast on them get blown up. This helps both their positioning and ability to actually setup their own damage. Not saying mercs will be 100% fixed with this, but you have to start small, unless you want Bioware just buffing and nerfing things to the ground. The correct way to balance is to make small but frequent changes. League of Legends practices this, and it works very well for them.
  10. hahhahaha i was in this warzone i remember that. i think i was the one who laughed at him hes mad cuz u owned him on his beloved shadow. take it as a compliment and continue stabbing
  11. The problem is the damage. TTKs are too short. The JK/SW stun is channeled and is easy to stop, their only hard stun is in the tank tree. Stuns have been nerfed to 10 meters which means you generally have to be fairly out of position to use your hard stuns. If you haven't played rateds then you wouldnt know that its usually only the jugg/guardian tanks in the front line with the sentinels and the maras. The classes with derp 10m hardstuns are sins/shadows which are fairly squishy and generally tanks shadows/sins are guarding the node. PTs and VGs are very easy targets in rateds, and when they are in 10 meters to stun someone, they are very viable to swap to and kill. Currently the most broken stun in the game hands down is bubble stun. This needs to get addressed. 1 sorc or sage healer can bubble the entire ops in about 10 seconds. thats 30 seconds of stuns going out if they only hit 1 target each. granted not all of these shields will be stunning people but that combined with the amount of resolve it fills makes it simply game breaking. Tell me how lowering the cd on bubble is going to weaken the sages defense? It weakens their ability to bubble the entire ops in a matter of 10 seconds. Also tell me how a 25 meter blink on a 45s cd with a root built in is a minor escape? And if so maybe give a better suggestion?
  12. We will be looking closely at the strength of Snipers and Gunslingers in PvP after we roll out these next changes. Also up next for PvP related buffs are Powertech/Vanguard tanking specs, Sorcerer/Sage and Scoundrel/Operative DPS specs, and Mercenary/Commando healing specs. Thanks and happy hunting! Classes: Imperial: Sorcerer: Lightning: Backlash: Now also increases the cool down of static barrier by 4.5 seconds. Also fixed to fill the correct amount of resolve. Marauder: Obfuscate: accuracy reduction reduced from 90% to 50%, Cool down increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Rage: Shii - Cho Mastery: Armor penetration reduced from 15% per point down to 10% per point. Shockwave: Damage bonus per stack reduced from 25% down to 22.5%. Juggernaut Rage: Shii - Cho Mastery: Armor penetration reduced from 15% per point down to 10% per point. Shock wave: Damage bonus per stack reduced from 25% down to 22.5%. Mercenary (New Ability) Lucrative Escape: The Mercenary is launched backward 25 meters. Enemies within 8 meters of the origin and upon landing are rooted in place for 4 seconds (damage after 2 seconds breaks this effect). 45 second cool down. Republic: Sage: Telekinetics: Kinetic Collapse: Also increases the cool down of force armor by 4.5 seconds. Also fixed to fill the correct amount of resolve. Sentinel: Pacify: accuracy reduction reduced from 90% to 50%, Cool down increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Focus: Shii - Cho Mastery: Armor penetration reduced from 15% per point down to 10% per point. Singularity: Damage bonus per stack reduced from 25% down to 22.5%. Guardian Focus: Shii - Cho Mastery: Armor penetration reduced from 15% per point down to 10% per point. Singularity: Damage bonus per stack reduced from 25% down to 22.5%. Commando (New Ability) Retreat!: The Commando is launched backward 25 meters. Enemies within 8 meters of the origin and upon landing are rooted in place for 4 seconds (damage after 2 seconds breaks this effect). 45 second cool down.
  13. also, lmfao at the people trying to convince us that bubbles dont count toward healing
  14. actually, no root fills resolve
  15. notice how he specifically says sorc healers, even though sorc dps is what really needs it.
  16. edit: also, everyone has to blow a cooldown if they want to ignore a warrior or knight.
  17. are you forgetting about your 45 second cooldown aoe stun, your 1 min cooldown single target stun, your 2min cd 25% reduced damage cd, your 15% hp over 10 second cd? or the fact that you do some of the highest single target damage in the game? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  18. Motoeric

    Give us arena's!

    i present to you, my trollface: ^________________________________________________________^
  19. Motoeric

    Give us arena's!

    the problem i think bioware sees is the problem blizzard admitted that arenas had on WoW, which is that it is extremely difficult to balance classes for both pve and pvp, and when you also split pvp into two different categories (arena and objective based) you make it even harder. im not saying this should deter any game company from adding arena, which is undoubtedly very popular, but at the same time very difficult on the devs. Now if you added arenas that rewarded only cosmetics, and nothing else, you could focus more on balancing around the original two aspects of the game (pve and objective pvp), and leave arenas for the people who want them, so they can enjoy them, and let that be that. You could even theme arenas kind of like in KOTOR were the battles were like a boxing match, televised throughout capitals and stuff. idk theres a lot of easy ways to fit this into the game, so its possible that we could maybe see these in the future.
  20. agreed, its nice to have arenas and objective based pvp
  21. juggs in particular dont ramp up in power until the later levels anyway, this will show in lowbie warzones too. get on a level 10 powertech or sniper and you'll feel different lol
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