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Everything posted by Motoeric

  1. OP stop repeatedly bumping your own thread with useless retorts about an even more useless topic. Drop it already the only reason your thread got any attention is because people wanted to tell you what an idiot you infact are.
  2. not true, you are bad, cant keep someone alive just spamming surgical probe in a 1200+ rwz nothing to see here people, simple l2p issue
  3. the fact that people cant detect the sarcasm solidifies my beliefs that this community is comprised of 90% idiots.
  4. You dont want to buy gear. Part of the fun is gearing up. Also i think your placing WAY too much value on gear and not enough value on skill. When i first hit 50 on my sentinel, full recruit w/ bm weapons, i didnt feel undergeared whatsoever. Same with my operative healer. Its an L2P Issue.
  5. Motoeric


    stun =/= root roots ignore resolve
  6. Also if you are able to form these questions, that is half the battle. All you need is to play Warzones and develop answers to your own questions. Good players will constantly view their own gameplay and look for ways to improve it.
  7. spam underworld medicine followed by diagnostic scan/emergency medpack until you have agro. If you get agro LoS if its ranged, stun/mes/slow if its a melee. Meanwhilest hotting yourself and others and casting instants. Once you lose agro go back to spamming UWM
  8. When a "bad" player asks me for help in-game (which they do all the time) or posts a genuinely constructive post that doesnt have glaring holes in its idea and thesis, then i will gladly respond with the most helpful answer i can provide. However when idiots post on the forums sayin ridiculous stuff like remove all stuns, its silly. Thats all the pvp forums have to offer these days
  9. After reading all this retarded QQ about resolve, ive finally come to the conclusion that people get CC'd to a full white bar and dont trinket the last stun that fills their resolve to full. You know what, i cant even articulate the idiocy that probably flows through the mind of 99% of these forums posters. So i'm just gonna continue to tell them they are bad
  10. Ok so when a mara/sentinel pops hit 99% dmg reduction, and i stun him, thats just bad pvp right? Using my cooldowns to counter his cooldown, that sounds ilke some jacked up PvP, who would ever want that? Chaining stuns on a healer to get a kill? Oh hey more smart thinking from good PvPers. Guess what, after we double stun that healer, tahts TWO LESS STUNS THAT we CANT USE for usually a minute. ZOMG! And you are complaining about random CC in regular warzones.
  11. Bump because teh idea on the original post was freakin amazingz
  12. ohhh so your complaining about a pvp mechanic that is one of the most primitive aspects of pvp?!!? Oic. Your pretty much breaking new ground here sir. P.s. Ever heard of wow arena? How u think that would have played out w/ no cc? there needs to be stuns
  13. And you know this because youve looked at every single bm and wh set? Sorry bro but thats not true. Its reverse for some people. But keep thinking your smart
  14. Yes and those people "Deepsing faster" are doing that by just randomly hitting buttons as they come off cooldown. ...rofl.
  15. Stopped reading at "watching hackers run rampant" Lmfao! this is almost as good as the QQ about operatives stunlocking people for 10 seconds. Theres no hacks for this game. It's called **** *** lag that bioware needs to fix. But go on, keep thinking its the other players cheating/playing op classes thats stopping you from doing well in PvP
  16. Motoeric

    Not a PvPer but...

    Because everyone posting stuff on this forum is BAD. Good players are in game perfecting their strats and getting better, bad players are stuck thinking that their class is bad or that another class is way too strong. So they post their little whiney rants here to try and get attention. You need to play and think to be good. Crying on the forums and thinking you are the god of MMO balance is not going to get your anywhere in PvP. So basically if you want constructive discussions on PvP, the SW:ToR forums are not the place to find them. They will be filled with bads crying about things they generally have little understanding of
  17. Whoaa we got ourselves a hardass!!!! bro can u teach me ur trix?
  18. this!^!^!^!^!^!^ (OP) SRSLY! game getting stale! ! make more stuff
  19. Lots of people are enjoying PvP just fine. I think your just not doin it rite, like most of the people complaining about resolve. Guess what, if they stun you, thats someone else that they CANT stun. People cant just go around stunning everything and laughing, its a choice when they use it and if they are stunning you then they see you as a big threat to pop a CD on. You have a stun too! zomg!shift1 but who am i kidding, you stopped reading at my first line of reponse.
  20. You must have missed the part where he mentioned adding more situation cooldowns so the game isnt just a zergfest. The stun break cooldown is a good example of this. And you see so many people use it wrong which makes it obvious the skill ceiling that these types of cooldowns have.
  21. Theres a lot of possibilities for arena that would still fight into Star Wars nicely. For example in KOTOR 1 they had an arena on Taris. It was like an event for the town. You could have screens up around fleet broadcasting games. IDK. arena and situational cooldowns is what pvp needs next.
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