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Everything posted by Blarpped

  1. I hope it works out, but I don't want this game to be too successful because if it is we'll get more "story-driven" MMO's that are exactly like the MMO's we've been playing for the last decade. Something new needs to happen, and no, voice acting is not it.
  2. Why should players care if it's financially successful? FFXIV is a disaster financially, but they still have people playing it.
  3. "It doesn't happen on my server. It is not true on any server." Add logic to the list of things people (you) don't understand in your sig.
  4. I haven't played WoW in a long time, but could you tell me what the core design differences are between WoW and TOR? Honest question.
  5. If they don't merge the really low pop servers (I'm on one) within the next month or so, I'm out. I could re-roll, but I'd rather just quit until they merge or offer free xfers. I've never played an MMO that is so insular and quiet. At least, on my server, it's that way. I've never seen more than 50 people on fleet, and the 50 queue can take forever to pop. They def. have Warhammer syndrome with all these servers that they can't even come close to filling.
  6. I'd like to know as well. I'm sure it's unnecessarily tedious though.
  7. The storyline in this game is overdramatic and painfully obvious in the case of the Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter. I don't play MMO's for storyline. It was a cool addition at first, but it's not what's going to keep me around for years to come. When reminiscing, I'm not going to think, "Man that one time where my buddies picked a different option on a chat wheel... that was so cool!" I remember things I did in the game with other people. I don't remember how sweet a dialogue option was. All of the voice acting and writing is a novelty IMO. 90% of the game is focused around combat; it should have been perfect before they even considered voicing every quest. Instead of having 200 hours of voiced quests, I'd rather have a functional LFD tool or a combat log or macros or dynamic weather or add-on support. To each his own. I enjoy the game for what it is, but I could have done without every single quest being voiced and have better/more MMO elements instead.
  8. 30v30 PVP in SW:TOR. That's a laugh. Have you seen what your FPS is like on Ilum when there's 30 characters on screen using abilities?
  9. I'm really happy for the people with lively and well populated servers, but there are servers that are absolutely dead. I play Empire on Whitebeam Run. It doesn't matter what time of day you log in, you will see around 20-50 people on fleet. I'm questing through Hoth and I haven't seen more than 20 people in the zone since I've been there. The highest planet population I've seen is Dromund Kaas at about 70. It's been this way since I started playing. Bioware needs to offer x-fers off of these servers, or they simply need to merge them. It doesn't feel like an MMO when I see maybe two or three people the entire time I'm on a planet.
  10. Shrugs, it's such a noticeable sound effect that if I hear it I immedeatly start looking for the Trooper. I usually either **** behind a pillar, or CC/interrupt him. If you interrupt a bad Trooper (most of them who I run into in PUG WZs) who does nothing but spam Grav Round, it's pretty much a free kill. They have to turret to do good damage so it's pretty easy to catch one who has horrible positioning. If you let them turret and freecast then they are going to blow people up.
  11. I don't think people would mind the grind so much if they had a solid goal to work towards; even if, in the end, it took longer. It's human nature to want to clearly see what you're working towards and how much progress you've made. Right now, we get some dailies to do then we log off because there is no other way to progress towards the ultimate goal of BM gear. It's just a poor design decision IMO. Games of chance are fine, but not when you're participating in something inherently competitive.
  12. Next time you make a video can you show us fights where you don't have ever single CD available? I mean, pretty much EVERY fight you open, vanish right before they get up, then re-open.
  13. I'll have to go with EVE. Even with the soul crushing lag in large alliance battles.
  14. PUG WZ's are bad. News at 11.
  15. Are you playing the same game as me? Have you actually seen what TTK is like at 50? If he spent globals to help get kills, his teammates would explode. He should be more concerned with CC than damage as a healer anyways. Are his mediocre DOT's and long induction DPS casts going to help win a game and help his team survive? No, but helping peel and set up kills for the DPS will.
  16. I can't believe people think that Powertechs, especially pyro, aren't a threat. They can do obscene amounts of damage, and also have great utility.
  17. So you think the investors, the banker types who don't give a **** about video game balance, are the ones making balance decisions?
  18. Mind explaining that to me since they're pretty much identical except WoW has rated arenas and rated battlegrounds?
  19. Warhammer turned out pretty good. Oh wait... edit: i5 2500k 3.3 ghz 8gb ddr3 1600mhz hd 6770 Drivers up do date. 700 watt psu. Liquid cooling. Alderaan can go as low as 10-15 FPS. It's not a monster machine by any stretch of the imagination, but it's pretty close to a $1000 machine with current gen hardware. *** do I need to upgrade? I could upgrade my GPU but since it never even comes close to 80% utilization I don't see the point.
  20. I usually pre-bubble him and everything dies before it breaks. Pulls with strongs, I bubble him, kill the standard mobs, then burn the strong. He never comes close to dying on normal quest mobs. Some class story elites will require heals, but aside from that, he's a rock. I almost never heal him unless I'm soloing a champion. Don't be afraid to use CC on bigger pulls i.e. two strongs, or an elite and a strong. If he is low after a pull I either mount and dismount, or if I can't mount, I dismiss and re-summon him. I've literally never used casted heals to heal my companion on regular packs of mobs. I upgrade his gear more than I do my own. He has all main-slot oranges and the rest blues. I'm a Cybertech, so it's been fairly easy, albeit time consuming, to keep him in the best gear possible. Good luck!
  21. They had a blue set of PVP gear for fresh 50's and ninja removed it from the vendor. Absolutely no idea why.
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