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Everything posted by Philelectric

  1. My previous post was reported for quoting the truth. Sorry for being able to tell the truth about this kind of op
  2. PvP wise, i dont think it would be very good. Taking dot damage over burst damage isnt very good. It could be better to pressure a healer but ''cough'' cleanse ''cough''. PvE wise (dont consider myself a refference in pve because last time I ran a FP/OP i was tanking in Champion gear XD ) I heard its good,pretty much like the pre 2.0 mad maul build
  3. You might be completely retarded or very terrible at pvp and/or be clueless about pvp and any classes in this game, I'm an assassin, mostly tank since 2.0 Talking about guarding a healer in my sign and you think I'm a smash monkey? *** is wrong with your broken logic??? OOOOh! I got it, the truth of my post hurt you. Get real, you have issue with mercs, you have a l2p issue period.
  4. I was wondering why some people are actualy defending the ''Mercs are overpowered'' idea until the signature with the server in it pop in my face. When you think WUT DA PUK is this?!? Just look at the signature, there is often a lot of informations in it.
  5. 1: If you think Deception is low damage because you are not top damage of every WZ, you are mistaken. 2: If you think Deception is low damage in pvp, you are doing something really really REALLY wrong aka l2p issue. 3: You can try 12/31/3 the substained dps isnt good but the survivability is higher than deception. 4: If you want to top the damage in a WZ, try Madness, dot every single ennemy you meet in a team fight and be a burden for your team. 5: Deception is a VERY HIGH burst damage spec so...you might be doing something wrong if you think this build is low damage. 6: You can alway reroll
  6. Biggest single attack (maybe? lol) 9.4k (after relic fix btw,so it should be legit) http://s1343.photobucket.com/user/Philelectric/media/Screenshot_2013-05-31_20_15_54_957723_zps8cc6e918.jpg.html P.S Dont care about the loss, we should have won because the ennemy team couldnt pass the bridge faster than we did and eventualy ran out of time to plan the 2nd bomb.
  7. Firebrand armor ''caught'' Firebrand ''CAUGHT!!'' CAUGHT!!!!!''
  8. Hi sir, I hope you are playing on a pve server. Otherwise,you should stop being a carebear and reroll on one of those pve server. If you are playing on a pvp server, ganking is obviously intended so you might aswell go to a pve server if you dont like when pvp is happening on a pvp server. Also you must be one of those crying because pvp happened in a pvp zone on a pvp server. I love the Gree event and the pvp area too. To the OP. If you are an IMP go to Makeb, Avesta plantation. If you are a pub, idk
  9. My idea for roll Cost no energy (or a very low amount ) and dont have a CD (or a very low CD) when in stealth to help them catch a target. Cost 10-15 energy when NOT in stealth and can be used 2-3 times before a 6-10 sec CD is applied.
  10. Not that bad, simply bait their CC breaker or have a very good awareness and ninja the node when you know their CC breaker is on CD and GG your ninjaing a node defended by 2 players. Thx god it isnt possible anymore well technicaly it might be possible. Mind trap guard no.1 for 8 sec than cast you specced Whirlwind on guard no.2 for 1.5 sec, you have 6.5 sec to cap.
  11. Things to consider in 2.0+. - You cannot use discharge everytime you want - Duplicity isnt a 1rst tier talent anymore. I say, go madness till you can put 3 points in duplicity
  12. Don't listen to this guy. This single sentence tells every1 how clueless he is. There is severals good (if not optimals) hybrid builds 32/11/3 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcMszdfdGbZfrz0zZc.3 (Combat technique + shield generator) 12/31/3 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601bf0szZfrcRzGbRr0zZc.3 (Combat technique) Those two builds are the two I recall. 32/11/3 is my favorite when its comes to support or be an emergency ball carrier in Huttball. 12/31/3 have better dps than 32/11/3 but less than full infiltration. 12/31/3 is very force hungry. If you think you dont have enough survivability as a full infiltration, try 12/31/3.
  13. How to prove that noxxic is a garbage website: Put willpower before power for a dps assassin. Sorry but in 2.0 Power is the main stat of every class without any mainstat boost in one of their trees. 1 pont of power give you more dps than 1 point of anything else. Pre 2.0 power vs willpower was equal because the crit given by willpower was the equivalent of the extra damage on power. Now in 2.0, the crit diminishing return on the main stat give a lower total damage so power> willpower.
  14. I stopped here and started to laugh very loudly Instan whirlwind allowed my to ninja cap a node defended by 2 defenders. Why would you absolutly need it to ninja cap a node? Please,dont bring the ''operatives have flash grenade so I have to have instan whirlwind''. We have a lot of tools they would trade their flash grenade for so please leave this advantage to the operative
  15. Maybe the mara kill people faster so his total damage isnt pumped by tunnelvisioning? Long live the tunnel vision scoreboard hero.
  16. Philelectric

    PVP team

    I hate to admit it but you are probably right. Also, even if bolster is ''screwing'' the pvp gear, I've not found a pve geared player able to pwn me because he is under the effect of superbolster. Right now, my full partisan gear is, acording to my feelings, better than any pve gear. Also, even if the pvp is very low on Bioware's priority list, they are throwing several updates to fix most of the bolster bugs
  17. Me: Hey! I'm back for a couple of months! - I will play with you a lot more Minecraft: Cool your faction on the server will be happy to have a more active ''chief engineer'' - What about Defiance? Me: Oh! Yeah! I will play this one aswell Defiance: AW YEAH! thx bro! Me: np.
  18. I'll start with something pretty simple. If you use electro net on me, PLEASE oh PLEASE do not stand inside a 10 meters radius of me. You cant imagine how many mercs/commandos are doing this and my discharge and shock have a 10m range. In other words, if you stay inside 10m when I have eletro net on me, you are wasting it because I can burst you harder than you will burst me.
  19. I had the same thing on my mind, thats why I made my thread. One more thread on this topic is always a good thread.
  20. aaaah, I remember this Voidstar where the enemy broke the 1rst door 2 min faster than us and only had to open the bridge to get the easy win but an operative and I interupted them long enough to win. Our PTs and Tank assassin helped us a but by pulling some ennemies on the doors side and a jugg or mara (cant remember) leaped on our side to save a bit of time for us but it was pretty much 2 stealth for 1 min 30 sec lol. The Chat was a fun thing to read.
  21. Pretty simple, give us relics with flat stats. RNG relics are stupid in pvp.
  22. My main is an assassin. I can give you some tips on how to beat an assassin (or at least survive till the backup arrive) Disclamer: I dont think its the best way to do it since I'm not really playing a Sniper/GS and some1 playing an assassin and a sniper should have better tips. However, my tips should be good because the snipers doing this are usualy the snipers able to survive till the backup arrive The assassin will open with the usual opener: Spike (knockdown)+ maul (backstab). The assassin will have recklessness up (increase the force crit chance by 60% for the next 2 or 3 force attacks,usualy 3 and give 3 static charges to make discharge useable) After maul the assassin will use discharge. At this time you should be on your feet but you will be around 50% hp, you should use a WZ adrenal to get 15% damage reduction. The assassin will go all out because he want to get a quick kill and cap so discharge should be followed by shock and bring you to +/- 30-35% hp. Use a WZ medpack to go back to 65-70% hp. If the assassin is glowing (using Force shourd/Resilience), you should roll and pop your CC immunity skill( i forgot the name) and more def CDs . Right after you roll, start casting you rotation, by the time your skill go off, Shroud will be down. At this point, its all about Class/skills/gear. The assassin have the class advantage and the gear should be pretty similar so its +1 for the assassin. The only thing you can do is outplay him but it wont be easy. The assassin is made to kill you. He can Force cloak to re-open and kill you so chances are you are going to die anyways. If your team isnt full of clown, some1 should be there to help you. When you fight an assassin/Shadow as a Sniper/GS you should NOT: - Use your CC breaker on spike(knockdown) or Low slash (low slash is easy to notice,the force user will hit you with a quick...low slash lol. - Try to root/stun him while he is glowing - Stay out of cover to kite him - Cast Orbital strike on him when he is not at 10m or less Orbital strike should be used after your melee stun or flash grenade (or whatever is the name of the skill lol) and it should be used on YOUR position. After the assassin's shroud/resilience if possible
  23. I'f I'm not mistaken, bolster is not bolstering augment slots anymore so yes, it is worth to augment your gear with the best augments you can affort.
  24. I agree and disagree at the same time. Maul hit perfectly fine and too hard at the same time. Its wierd but imo its because of the crit nerf vs no power diminishing return. Every assassin/shadow is stacking power and almost ZERO crit. There is the power proc relics. High power + double relic proc + crit= the overpowered maul. Our burst potential is too high but its an ''uncontrolable'' burst. If the RNG god is on our side its too much. If nothing crit, we need to work a lot to win. If bioware FIX the crit rating and main stat diminishing return and add a diminishing return on power, you will see less ''OP'' maul. Assassins and shadows are going to stack more crit rating, we wont crit for 8.5k. We will crit more but its going to be 6.5k to 7.5k. More total damage in more hits. And 6.5 to 7.5k is perfectly fine in 2.0 If I'm not mistaken it would push the game toward what BW wanted in 2.0, higher time to kill. P.S. I'm not min/max yet but I'm pretty close to it and my maul are usualy in the 6.8k to 7.2k range depending on the target (light armor or heavy armor, armor debuff or not). It can reach 8.2k to 8.5k but I need a relic proc.
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