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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. 1. GSF progression is per character, not account wide. Extremely disappointed in this.

    So you can't use your alts to help you blast through the progression and actually have to work for it? Oh ****. Heaven forbid someone have to actually work for something.

    2. I am unable to adjust the sensitivity for the aiming reticule. Just a tiny movement and it goes all the way left, right, up , down making it very difficult to aim accurately. Since this is basically just a War Thunder but in space you should just copy War Thunder and have the reticule locked in the center.

    Now that's actually an issue. Give it a few months at least and EA will think about adding the capability to adjust the sensitivity.

  2. Yea it's most likely a typo, unless Bioware wants to require all PvEers to PvP in order to get BiS relics :D

    Wouldn't put it past them. They did that before. Remember the (Elite) War Hero relics with the static power?


    I dislike that you took an axe to the diversity of their play-styles.

    Haven't you heard? Diversity is the nemesis of balance. Instead of just fixing the problem most people would rather just gut the diversity, because it's easier and takes less effort.



    Upon reading the final notes it's now been confirmed that EA is once again turning its nose up at melee and lavishing ranged like a new born. I expected this, so I can't be surprised, but I'm still disappointed. Though I feel 'disappointed' is putting it way too lightly.

  3. Seems to still be working for WoW.

    WoW is playing by it's own rules and they have at least sextuple the population of any MMO I've ever seen.


    But back on topic. The box sized expansions will be released as soon as EA puts away their exsanguination equipment because it's been my experience that the two are mutually exclusive.

  4. I'm saying that as long as the 1-max level PvE game experience remains ultra-simple and blandly repetitive, the game has no chance of keeping the majority of players who try it.

    Never underestimate MMO nerds. Or people that like or work in data entry.

  5. So, here we are, playing a MMO. Star Wars, the Old Republic, actually. It's actually free to play, but we subscribed, because we want full access to the game, right?

    I guess, technically it is FTP, but as someone who's lapsed into FTP quite a few times and experienced its restrictions, I can say for certain FTP is just subscription bait.


    See, the problem I have is that for any other game, we wouldn't expect to receive rewards just for buying it. The reward would be the game itself. If we bought Halo 4, we expect to be able to play... Halo 4. There aren't any special discounts for being a long time Halo fan. There aren't any random in game drops that are like "Hey, you're awesome, just like everyone else who bought this game! Enjoy a rocket launcher for the next couple of stages!"

    Well to start, I don't really care for Halo or any other FPS for that matter. Name one time when has EA EVER said "Hey, you're awesome." to it's customers and actually meant it and didn't have a hidden agenda. No it's fine, I'll wait.


    We bought the game so that we could play it. Yet we demand that we be given extra for doing exactly what we do with every other game. You paid to have fun, to enjoy the storyline, to have a good time with the other players. And instead of just one storyline and character, we have at least 8, which split into further playstyles. This game has an incredible replay value for the $15 we paid for a month of subscribing - it would be the rough equivalent of, say, Halo 4 for $15? That's if you only stuck to one character, when there are many many different possibilities, as I just said.

    From the looks of it, this is your first online game (MMO). They are completely different can of worms than retail games. Incredible replay value for the people who like to make more than one character. Just so you know there are people that don't like making more than one character. No it would NOT be the rough equivalent of getting Halo 4 for $15.


    Then we go and hate on Bioware as a whole for displeasing us over one little thing! Bioware, the same company that made Mass Effect, for Emperor's sake. Yes, the ending was bad but was the ride there not spectacular? Let's not even talk about KOTOR the original, or Baldur's Gate, or any number of the great titles they've put out.

    Well, anybody that's owned by EA gets that displeasure. Displeasing me what this one little thing? If you think one little thing is all that's wrong with game, than you need to take off the rose tinted glasses man. They made Mass Effect? Oh yeah I heard about, it was the game they completely and totally, in ever sense of the word, flopped the ending.


    My point is, Bioware and this game aren't perfect, but I really, really feel like I've spent my money well on this game. I enjoy the time I spend with my guildmates, or questing, or dominating the GTN, or whatever. Getting upset over Treek, or the Sub appreciation thing not being 'good enough' (when they didn't even need to do it in the first place), or whatever other excuse people use to get mad - it just doesn't work for me. I'd rather be playing The Old Republic with a smile on my face than complaining about the few flaws that it has.


    ... and that's all I have to say about that :p

    You're right, it's definitely not pefect. You like dominating the GTN? That's so American of you. :) People are getting upset over Treek? I actually didn't know that, but don't really don't care either. I'll unlock her, just like HK-51, but I'll still never use her either. Unless she can heal better than Doc. As for sub appreciation, no, they didn't need to, but I'm glad they did. It's never too late for EA to start trying. But honestly, there has not been one "I absolutely NEED to have/do that" feature/item yet that has been sub only, not in the Cartel Market, and doesn't cost cartel coins. I like playing TOR with smile as well, just not one of blind faith or ignorance. And that's VERY loose use of the term "few".

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