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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. The DG Energy Proc Relic is BiS for Combat Sents and Focus Guards/ Sents. Elemental for every other force class.


    When paired with the DG Boundless Ages relic that is.

    I'm using the elemental proc relic right now and I've heard that these relics are on hit procs. Since burns aren't considered "hits" they don't have a chance to proc the relic. Wouldn't an EWH power relic be a better fit for Watchman?

  2. Burst damage beats sustained all the time

    Hmm.... if Combat is so superior to Watchman how come I never see them in Ops? And rarely see them when soloing or in a HM FP?


    But then again I don't participate in the giant dick measuring contest known as PvP so may I'm just looking the wrong places.

  3. After reading the text on the Dread Guard Proc Relic:

    Equip: Damaging attacks have a 30% chance to deal 210 additional elemental damage to the target. This effect can only occur once every 4.5 seconds, and shares this limit with similar damage-dealing effects..

    Really, what they mean by damaging attacks is On Hit. Which means only when you create WHITE numbers (because it has to be an actual hit with your saber) do you have to chance hit the proc and since Watchmans are DoT heavy, most of our DPS isn't eligible to proc the relic.


    Therefore, I would recommend either pick up an EHW power relic or an on-click DG power relic. Be careful with the on-click DG power relic though. Unless you use it EVERY time it's up it result in an overall net loss in DPS.


    Remember though, this just my opnion of what works based on my personal experience. I do not claim to be the most knowledgeable Watchman or most the geared or the best theorycrafter.

  4. Welcome to Game Update 1.6: Slapping the Faces of Our Customers

    Been that way since launch. Nothing new here or changed here.

    you had better stop listening to EA money monger and start listening to the player base or you may find yourself expanding your employment criteria.

    I wish that would happen to, but as soon as BioWare stands up to EA and stops listening to them EA will just write the game off and move on to destroying the next IP they own with another shoddy, half-assed MMO from a developer they've comepletely broken the will of.

    Get it together Devs this game is falling apart.

    Once again, been that way for a while. The only EA every does it just delay the collapse instead of avoiding it.


    Also, my 2 cents. Damn! Hood toggle must be a VERY, VERY, VERY complicated thing to create because it's been "in the works" since before 1.2. Apparantely creating a button to change a small part of chest gear models takes a super long amount of time.

  5. Oh I already don't mind him. It's common knowledge that Combat can parse higher than Watchman because it's got more burst potential and you practically don't need to stack any accuracy at all because of Steadfast, Ataru Form, and the 1% you get from your melee tank companion.
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