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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. Bear in mind that this spec is still RNG reliant and contrary to its original inception with 100% cauterize

    It's never going to be like that. In the last PTS the entire Watchman community (a.k.a 3 well known people give or take) voiced their disgust in regards to, and quite vehemently at that, increasing the proc chance of Merciless Slash to 100% so EA listened and kept the RNG in.

  2. TLDR – Rarities and collection costs are right. Item rarity icons and collections tooltip rarity are not and are targeted to be fixed in 2.8.1.



    Nothing to see here but classic EA doing what it does best. Squeezing as much money out their customers as possible. Not that big a change for me I'll just continue to not buy cartel packs or unlocks.

  3. Zah'ik - Engineering Sniper - 4/36/6 - 3m 42'080 - 4503 dps



    Same AMR as hybrid. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/characte...a-7e8c9f7a3004


    Did not play this spec since months, that's for when you try to provoke me ..

    Are those live or 2.8 numbers? Either way that's nuts. 300 dps higher than any log I've ever seen.

  4. You probably dont know but most sites are intel biased.

    It seems someone doesn't actually know the definition of "biased".

    unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something..

    But to understand that definition we first need to know the definition of "prejudice".

    preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

    Now since you say all these sites are "Intel biased" they have to have passed judgement without any reason or actual experience, but since that is what they get paid to do is to have experiences and make a reasonable assessment of they we presented with, be it a CPU, GPU, or what have you. So, since they made a judgement based on reason and actual experience it cannot classed as prejudice which therefore means they are NOT biased.


    See, the amazing things about facts themselves is that they are unbiased, impartial and they don't require your belief in them. If you want to be perpetually ignorant and continue to think AMD makes better CPUs than Intel or that AMD makes better GPUs than Nvidia then please by all means; don't let us stop you. Continue to waste your time, money, and effort on objectively inferior hardware.


    http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html (You might have to scroll a bit to find an AMD CPU)



  5. If you had and AMD chip, with the card your using now it would be 2x faster even for i7.

    Oh the ignorance. Intel has been pummeling AMD for years in every aspect except price. You get what you pay for though so, in a way, they are still beating AMD in price.




    The first AMD CPU is rank 33. The second AMD CPU is rank 51. The third AMD CPU is rank 73 and that's not even a desktop CPU. It's a server CPU. If you want the third desktop CPU you need to go down another 2 ranks.


    I've always wondered if AMD is even trying anymore.

  6. Funny but I think the hate is squarely placed on ESO right now, I genuinely can't remember a release getting such a bad response for a good long time.

    Well, when you launch with a retail price, sub fee, cash shop, and you make Mt. Everest jealous with the amount of buggy and broken crap you have is it any wonder?

  7. WoW has reached critical mass. No matter what happens to it, it will still bring in billions. The only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard, but since they love money, don't count it.


    Same goes for EA. As long as SWTOR makes EA good money it will continue to be granted a stay of execution.

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