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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. On Tuesday I guess we will see what EA cares more about. Their revenue or their playerbase. Is anyone actually expecting them to choose 'playerbase'?


    ie a title or mount.

    That will probably do more harm than good. If they give something like that it'll just be known as the "good-too-shoes" title/mount/whatever


    Did it go out the door because free loot was involved?

    Yes. Instant gratification is very a big incentive.

  2. A new Star Wars MMO has already been confirmed, but it's not a SWTOR sequel.

    It's gonna be published by EA because they have the exclusive rights to produce licensed Star Wars titles so if SWTOR is any indication the game is already doomed.


    I just hope the team that working on it actually has experience making an online game, experience communicating with their customers, stand by what they say, don't cheap out on the engine, and don't gut the team a month after it launches.


    Wishful thinking I'm afraid though.


    Don't be silly, of course they did... $150+ million wasn't invested to have 300k subs...

    No they didn't. WoW has reached critical mass just like CoD. Meaning that no matter what happens Activision will have a consistent income stream from WoW. That is what EA wanted and really every publisher who's made a "WoW clone" wants. Not WoW's subscription levels, but the consistent income stream because in today's FTP dominated industry WoW is the exception, not the rule.


    There's only one that will ever kill WoW and that's itself as evidenced by the sub drop during the MoP era.

  3. Is not removing the gear by itself punishment?

    No. The hypothetical ban would because they violated the ToS in general. The gear removal would be from what they actually did.


    But if we're being real here, nobody will probably get banned. EA can't afford to lose subscribers. If the exploiters do get banned it'll probably just be a "slap on the wrist" duration like 3 or 7 days. Short enough that they don't lose a lot of subscribers, but long enough to say they actually did something about it.

  4. Accuracy to 95% (so 388+ accuracy rating)

    Why do you say only 95% accuracy on a companion? Their attacks can miss just the same as ours, can't they?


    Now, how would you gear a tank companion or tank stance treek? Also, I know using a healer comp on a class that has self heals is largely a fruitless endeavour, but could you humour me on how to gear a healer companion or heal stance treek?

  5. It's definitely worse and more wasteful with it being 8 hours instead of reusable. I would gladly take a slightly weaker version of stim, but never have to craft it again.


    If your group can clear an op it usually only takes an hour. If you have said op on farm then it's usually around 45 minutes tops. If you're beating yourself against the wall the mean quit time seems to be around ~2.5-3 hours. Even in the "best' case scenario. That's still 5 hours that's effectively wasted on content that doesn't require that kind of stim.

  6. I disagree there, Sir! It would make perfect sense and will suit BW class balancing! There are never enough merciless slash stacks!:D

    I concur Leafy. Following with BW class balancing there is never enough MS stacks. :D


    But back to the thread, what I would really like for 3.0 is for the Juyo Form and Merciless stacks folded into their abilities or at the very least get decrementing stacks. However, if that's too "technically challenging and unfeasible due to engine restrictions" (much like hood toggle is/was :rolleyes:) then remove their duration and make it a static buff/effect like you did with Flechette Round.

  7. in otherwords removing it would be an over-correction

    Sorry for going a bit offtopic. That's exactly what the Guarded by the Force change was, an over-correction. BioWare didn't seem to care though. They are no stranger to over-corrections.


    The problem was never GBTF itself. It was the Focus set bonus that allowed people to have a 45s cooldown on GBTF.

  8. Just did the same thing for Annihilation. RNG used to decide if Annihilate and/or Vicious Slash finished the cooldown of rupture. It was actually a buff. It made bleeds tick for a lot more. Also somewhat irrelevant to the subject at hand, they also made the DOT non-cleansable.

    The rupture reset is still bound by RNG. BioWare tried removing it, but there were a few elitists that didn't like that so they put it back in.

  9. Watchman does good sustained DPS even if it is a tad behind Madness

    I thought melee classes were supposed to be compensated with higher dps because of the melee range requirement.


    Therefore I think it [inspiration] should be removed from the game

    Yes. Take away this AC's biggest incentive. That will fix the problem. :rolleyes:


    We also need GBTF completely overhauled or reverted to its original effect as well Merciless Zeal being reverted to its original effect

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