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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Bugattiboy

  1. Just looking for honest opinions here before I make this gripe in the suggestion box. Assuming equal skill of both players is rDPS going to out DPS mDPS?

    Yes. In fact, range doesn't even need skill to beat melee most of the time.

  2. Clever, but such a sham that one needs to resolve to such dirty tricks (which well cant really be reasonably replicated in an operation environment) to boost marauder dps to WHERE IT SHOULD BE.

    Well, when there is **** development there are dirty tricks.


    I just feel like non-pure dps classes do more dmg than pure dps classes nowadays. It just does not feel right to me.

    It doesn't feel right to anyone except EA and the people playing the OP specs.


    This is why both acs need to resort to "hybrid builds" cause the other single target specs r just falling behind due to crippling rng, or just plain not enough dmg output.

    See above.


    E.g. jugs were quite literally nowhere, all of a sudden boom. I sincerely hope marauders get a comprehensive overhaul for some refining touches.

    They weren't nowhere. Vegenance was the like the Carnage of Juggs. RNG Dependant. Then EA removed that and they do more damage than Marauders.


    P.S: I hate using assault so much! Permanently swapped to pure rage, till some comprehensive changes.

    Have fun in rage :) As for me I see no reason to continue playing a game run by incompentent developers.

  3. So the answers are pretty much identical to the ones on the Sentinel forums.


    "We know your class is underpowered and we don't care solely due to the fact because your melee." Or to paraphrase Don Mattrick, "We have an playstyle for people that like damage and it's called range".

  4. But as some may argue, SWTOR's engine wasn't designed for massive open engagements, so we'll have to see what Bioware intends to do with capital guild ships.

    SWTOR's engine can't even do hood toggle so the probability of a tie-in is 0. Unless an increase in profit is involved then the probability is 1. Also, EA has said that guild capital ships are PvE only.

  5. Any holo statue will do, not just the Hutt. There's plenty.

    Yes, but the Hutt statue is faction neutral and it put in your mail box whenever you make a new character.


    The generally available statues are faction locked and need to be purchased for each character.

  6. If you would at least release both nightmares at the same time it would have been okay to wait 2 months, but 2+2 is just stupid.

    They make more of the one thing they care about this way.


    It's actually even more amusing to see PvErs who get content on a regular basis complain that there's not enough content.


    Goes to show which crowd is easier to satisfy and should be catered to more. :rolleyes:

    Yeah because it's not like every single "balance" change is made because of PvP whiners. Oh wait, they are.


    Remember my words, it will happen like this.

    If that way makes EA the most money, then yes, you are correct.


    with your digital expansions you will be spoiling us!

    With what we got in the last 2 "expansions" I would say it's us who are spoiling them.


    or good reasons like your feedback

    Surely you are joking Bruce. You've had over 2 years to show you guys care about our feedback. Why start now?

  7. I have been waiting to hear what the road map would be for 2014 before I decided if I would get ESO. And after reading this today I think I will pre-order ESO. There is just not enough end game content to keep me busy.

    If you spent less time on the cartel market and giving us things like speeder / pod racing and free roaming space like Galaxies had then you might have kept me.

    ESO won't be any better. They are making the exact same mistake EA did. Retail product purchase plus $15/month fee. After they've recouped their costs, they'll switch over to FTP. The only difference is, unlike EA, they will have probably planned for this and have developed a FTP version along side the PTP version.


    And SWG was done by SOE. Not EA.

  8. Very scarce D:


    Super existed for March! And hoping for the June update to feature a hood toggle. l

    They put out just enough content to keep making money. No more, no less. And about hood toggle, I can assure it won't be coming. We've been waiting for hood toggle since 1.2. I think we've all collectively agreed that hood toggle is dead.

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