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Everything posted by SwordofSodan

  1. Why Bioware would allow speeders in fleet instead of adding a speed buff of like 110% to movement, I don't know. Some people in fleet can be inconsiderate and just down right immature. Also, having speeders in fleet has to effect fps some how I would think?
  2. What augments for my Vindicator BM geared Jugg? Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. But in your sig it says: "I pew pew you QQ."
  4. My new 50 Pyro PT gets 2-3 shot by every class in a WZ and sometimes hunted and griefed by a better geared class because I'm an easy kill. This angers me but I understand. I have 2 other fully BM geared 50's on a different server and I can tell you honestly that there is a huge difference with survivability between a BM geared player and a recruit geared character. Recruit gear is garbage in my opinion. In all honesty Bioware should just remove the cap to WZ comms pre level 50. This would alow people to enter level 50 WZ in full BM and make WZ much more fun and enjoyable while not taking anything from the game at the same time. People will still have WH gear to grind out for and look forward too.
  5. I see where your coming from but recruit gear is garbage imo (aside from the expertise) so I guess people do what they want with the credits provided by the token.
  6. If its like that, then instead of watching him fly by and die, why not stand next to him and fight as well. If each of you thought along that line, then perhaps, just maybe, you may turn the tide of battle, or at least get kills that equal experience. I am not a pro. I am only level 24 and ranked 32 in the non ranked pre-50 WZ. So, I am not one of those Pro's who is a hero, but I did not come to quit. I am not saying don't use tactics, or get objectives....read what I wrote in my rant. It is against giving up! How do you think these pro pre-made teams got so good? Standing around? No, they used tactics and battled, honing their skills and abilities to work together until they are a well oiled machine. Fine, you people who will stand around and simply watch a PVP Hero pass by to die alone while you get easy medals, I'll be on the speeder right with him, and one day there will be others. And if we then pull out a Win, don't you dare comment. Its easy to point and laugh at someone trying to take on the other team alone...but why not join in the fight and help them instead? Or better still, write the universal sign on the boards for "We just want medals!" so that when seen, both sides can just quietly walk to a node and stand for medal collection. No fighting at all. That easy mode enough for ya'll? QQ' some moar? Are you kidding me? I'm out there fighting and dying, but still fighting and your shivering in your panties with fear cuz 'I just can't win it all'? You cowards and leeches had better hope I never get to be pro at this. Your tears and suffering will be sweet...and Legendary at my hands. You need to grow up a little.
  7. OH MY GOD I JUST CAN'T RESPECT HIM NOW BECAUSE HE DID SOME BACKPEDDALING!!! /sarcasim. Seriously now, please submit a pvp video of yourself so the rest of us can revel at your uber L337ness and see how a true god of pvp moves around in a WZ.
  8. Nerfing a class while buffing another is just stupid talk it just creates more imbalance in the game.
  9. SwordofSodan

    Pt op

    Whaaaaaaaa! "I can't solo him so nerf his class!" Cry cry cry! What class will the swtor community kids whine about next month I wonder?
  10. I don't know why Bioware didn't do things like Cryptic Studios did with STO, and just link the players account name to their E-mail account. This would have solved everything.
  11. Bioware should just revert everything back to pre 1.2 and DPS Mercs/Sorcerers would be viable in pvp again. This is a result of past nerf whining, mostly about "1 button grav round/tracer missile spam" whines from pre 1.2. This will get a lot worse as time go's on with other classes as well, as long as kids continue to whine while developers continue to listen and then act.
  12. Looks to me like some people are cheating by way of a hack. You should report these people when you see them.
  13. Compared to others Powertechs are NOT overpowered! We have best burst in the game.. thats all! -No stealth -No reflect (marauder rebuke). -No healing through our attacks -1 defensive bubble on 2 min cooldown. -grapple on a moderate cooldown. (compare to force charge 15s cd) -One 4s stun and one 2.5s AoE stun -No knockbacks. -No cleanse. -No escape.
  14. Perhaps I should have put an age restriction on this thread.
  15. With all the nerf whining going on about some burst classes it wont be too long before healers can run around warzones in god mode without worry. Because there will be no dps capable of bursting them down! Has anyone given this any thought? It just seems that some people in this community are just out to destroy the game completely without much thought to the overall consequenses. Discuss..
  16. Umm.. we already pay to use our ships. Each planet destination has a credit cost.
  17. yup I agree, the lag is dam annoying. I started out at launch with this with an old system that I originally built for Eve Online about 6 years ago. It had a dual core AMD cpu and 9800GT gpu with 8gig of DDR2 ram and couldn't play this game. Warzones were a slide show and even running around doing missions was incredibly taxing on my fps. So I caved in and decided that It was time for an upgrade anyway. Now I have a FX6100 six core AMD cpu (black edition) HD6870 gpu with 8gig DDR3 Corsair ram along with a new mobo. The change with the new hardware in WZ was substantial and missions were somewhat smooth compared to before so I was quite happy with my new upgrades. Now it seems that fleet has reverted back to the way it was before the upgrade. The fps are really bad and choppy causing me to sometimes crash into things and I sometimes experience terrable lag spikes in WZ where my fps dips way below acceptable levels. As of right now I'm not too impressed with EA/Bioware.
  18. Where is the irrefutable proof to support your claim that penalties for quiting a warzone are what the "majority" of SWTOR subscribers want? The people that post on this site and thier opinions do NOT represent the SWTOR subscriber base as a whole fyi. With that said, whats ridiculous is that you think that such an action will actually help an already dwindling subscriber base. I've been on both sides of the fence, I've quit, and I have have stayed while others have quit. I've noticed that the majority of the time the people that choose to quit are replaced by people that are willing to put the effort in. So whats your problem? You don't pay for my subscription so grow up and learn to respect other peoples right to have fun, and quit all the forum crying over sillyness.
  19. Penalize people for jumping ship and they will just afk or eventually quit all together. It's that simple! Also, this game doesn't enjoy the same subscriber base that a game like WoW has, so implementing such things could cause further negative subscriber issues for EA/Bioware. Too risky just to appease a vocal minority in this forum. So quit whining like a bunch of little nancy boys and Just deal with it for god sake!
  20. Whaaaaaa! Honestly, grow up or just leave! With all the MMO gaming that I've done over the years I've never cried "nerf" in a forum over anything. Maybe I just understood that nerfing anything just creates unbalance elsewhere and is a never ending circle of frustration. Just common sense. Perhaps the whiners are just kids who lack the required common sense to know better? After all.. I find it hard to believe that any self respecting adult over the age of 25 would whine like a 12 year old over such sillyness in a forum, without using any common sense to begin with.
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