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Everything posted by blackphantome

  1. Yesterday, a old guildmate and I started to get back to the game we loved since many years. Today we are in this "post-5.0 situation" of not having any fun in this game anymore, again. We hate this RNG crap and are trying to motivate for the new uprisings (those we did not play) and are frustrated because there is no enjoyable (cosmetic) loot an pre-5.0 we were happy to not have a leveling bar after reaching max level. So it is my question: what do you do to have real FUN in this game? Our complete guild left the game after 5.0 and so did we but what is your motivation to keep it up playing?
  2. My problem is not the delay itself. I'm doing my A-levels in Germany right now, so I have more than enough time. But the moment when the information was released is not acceptable. There was a stream and when there are so many difficulties there was a opportunity to talk about that sooner.
  3. "Aufstände im Meister-Modus: Verdient neue Erfolge beim Kampf in 10 neuen Aufständen - jetzt verfügbar." Translated: "Earn new achievements while fighting in ten NEW Uprisings - now available." I didn't know that there were plans for ten new Uprisings for 5.2. --- Or is it just a translation mistake from the english patch notes into the german ones?
  4. Denk dran, RNG ist AUFREGEND! Bin froh, dass es nicht nur bei uns so ist, sondern auch bei anderen Gilden, habe mir schon Sorgen gemacht. I'm glad that it's not only a problem of my guild but also a problem of many other guilds. I guess I'm not excited enough for such an ECXITING gameplay.
  5. Vielleicht ist es ja nicht mal ein Witz, sondern trauriger Ernst.
  6. Hello everybody! Post-5.0 was one of the most inactive time of my guild (including myself). Out of ca. 80 people five were actively playing the game after the release of 5.0. Pre-5.0 was not that easy, too because of the lack of multiplayer content. After the release of 5.0 the very old bridge crashed because of many reasons: Still a lack of multiplayer content (okay, there are Uprisings but..meh) GEARING SYSTEM nothing that new We tried to motivate ourselfes to play the game but there was no chance (lower than the chances of good gear in this RNG system) but there was nothing left that hold us. We played nearly 3-4 years, we loved the time of 2.0-3.0 (BTW: there was something "magical" in the period of time of 2.0, 3.0 - maybe because we didn't know us that well? I would like to read if there is something like nostalgic in other guilds too regarding 2.0/3.0 ). The changes made with 5.1 etc. were not able to bring us back. The complete RNG system made us leave the game. But 5.2 sounds better... BUT: will it be more alt-friendly (is alt what you call your other characters? In Germany, we call them Twinks)? We loved to do many things with different characters but since 5.0 we were not able (due to the fact of missing time and motivation) to gear ONE character the way we want it to be equipped so the time to equip other characters wasn't there. Many of us will come back with 5.2 - but will patch 5.2 be the great return of many players? Since 5.0 the server population was lower, too. What do you think?
  7. Thanks for the replies! The thing is that we quit temporary. Maybe the game gets better. And I don't want to kick players I like but I know that they don't want to lead a guild. ^^ There are 300 characters in it, it would took long to rebuild if things get better.
  8. There is a big problem in my guild that has to get solved. We were a big guild that quit to play with the launch of 5.0 (stories in other threads of mine). All my friends quit their subscriptions, too. I want to do the same because game is not fun anymore. The problem is: who will get the lead? I do not want that a random person gets the lead of a nearly 4 years old guild. All those I can trust to lead a guild left the game, too. Moreover, I don't want to pay for a game I do not enjoy anymore. Are there any solutions?
  9. Ich fands ja schon traurig, dass das wirklich alles ist, was angekündigt wurde. Aber naja, ich muss mir um nichts mehr Sorgen machen. Ich werde mein Abo auslaufen lassen nach mehreren Jahren non-stop, weil dieses neue Gear-System für mich wirklich das komplette Spiel ruiniert. Neue OP in Stücken? Zeigt doch nur, dass sie notgedrungen irgendwas machen wollen und sie gerade erst angefangen haben. Keine neuen FPs? Schade, war abzusehen, aber seit dem neuen Gear-System habe ich eh auf nichts mehr Lust. Schade eigentlich, ich mochte das Spiel sehr. Neue Ruf-Fraktion? SUPER! Gefällt mir echt. Hält mich wegen des ganzen Desasters aber auch nicht mehr. Mal ehrlich. Früher sind wir Schwarzes Loch etc. 100000000000000000000000000000000000x gelaufen und es wurde für uns nicht monoton, wir hatten Spaß. Was macht das jetzige SWTOR falsch, dass man einfach keine Lust mehr hat?
  10. I don't know you really much because most of the time I spent in german forums but the lack of communication (there is no communication between BW and french/german players) brought me here. We are in mostly same situations. I play since 2011 but I also think I'm done with the game - like my guild is. I'm sad that the guild left because of the game but I can understand them now. Hope it's not the same for you. Wish you all the best.
  11. Chronology: 1.X People found together and founded a guild 2.0 WE LOVE THE GAME 3.0 WE STILL LOVE THE GAME - new OPs are cool Pre-4.0 New group content would be cool. Strong guild, people became "close" friends and helped each other out (even in RL) 4.0 No new group content, story was nice. But what to do as a guild? Some people went away because of no new content, one of the "leaders", too. I started acting like a chicken because I wanted them to stay. Pre-5.0 Let's recrut some new nice players - and we did. Let's collect some motivation and optimism, they announced group content!!! 5.0 A roaring silence. People stare at each other. They know what 5.0 means for the guild. Make the starship ready, we'll move on. Deep silence. Guild lost in a jungle where no one could ever find it. Pre-5.1 "Hopes" 5.1 IIIIII'M GONNA SWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING FROM THE CHANDELIEEEEEEEEEEEEEER....not. Because I love Sia, I quote her: "It has to end to begin" - something has to change in a way the unsubbed ones will come back. It is sad to lose a guild - maybe it is just temperary. But this is not the game we are willing to play. Move on. We'll move on. It was a great time but the last two years were not that enjoyable. From 83 players 4 remained and it is not a lie. I was the chicken that tried to hold them together but when 5.0 launched and the motivation after the great chapters was gone I fell into a deep space, too. A guildmaster cannot hold people to the game when the game can't hold a guildmaster. A little essay-
  12. I'm not sure if I missed it but wasn't their a thread about alternative things to buy with those tokens like decoration etc.? Or am I mistaken? Thanks for replies!
  13. My T7 got stamina. But now he is lonely because I stopped playing the game. Maybe I can bortow my T7. I got fed up of the RNG grind-fest, too.
  14. This live stream seems to end in a way like fire meet gasoline
  15. Is this stream about the new group content or is the group content stream that one on January 26?
  16. Auch ich habe im Moment große Beziehungsprobleme mit SWTOR. Nicht nur ich, meine gesamte Gilde, meine anderen Kontakte im Spiel auch. Das "Gespräch" heute - gewiss nach amerikanischer Uhrzeit - wird hoffentlich ein bisschen Klarheit bringen. Wenn nicht, dann ist es wahrscheinlich echt bald dabei. Und das sag ich, der sehr lange dem Spiel treu geblieben ist, viele Twinks hat und viel Spaß im Spiel. Aber das ist nun vorbei. Leider.
  17. I've got 28 characters on level 65 and one on level 70. My level 70 juggernaut is on command rank 20 but I do not have interest to play him. So I've got a total of 29 high level characters and in the moment I use 0. 0. 0. 0 0 Pre-5.0 I used ca. 22/29 characters.
  18. I'm asking only because of interest (I never had PvP gear). But why was it too easy and why was it an problem? On the one hand, you had the opportunity to play many classes or the classes you like and you were able to equip them fast, so you had no problem playing RBG with many characters. For me, as someone who is standing in the outside in connection to PvP, this gave the players liberty and the freedom to choose, - and: because you mentioned the non-friendly way for newcomers. In my opinion, gearing fast - let it be PvP or PvE - is a friendly way for newcomers. I can't read all the thoughts of new players but I know because of experience that many newcomers hate this system. After 4.0, I had to rebuild my guild because there was no content. After 5.0, I have to rebuild my guild because veterans AND newcomers hate this system. We invited some new players who started with the end of 4.0 or with the launch of 5.0 and talked to them on the TS. We had fun. For a few days/weeks. Now they are gone with the reason: "I hate RNG". My complete guild stopped working because of RNG. But what I want to mention is that I think that the pre-5.0 system was much more friendly to new comers. They leveled (too?) fast but they reached the endgame. With not much effort or with the help of the guild (we made OP runs with giving all the loot to one character) they were equipped fast. RNG does not allow this to veterans nor to newcomers.
  19. Maybe "RNG is perfect for SWTOR" because they lost players like you, players like me or other players that wanted new group content or a non-RNG endgame? It is really hard to lose me as a custumer because I loved this game but they did it. Maybe it was all part of a plan. Maybe they are happy now. Maybe. Mayb. May. Ma. M. . ....
  20. In Germany, on "Jar'Kai Sword" - a meanwhile dead server (!) were hypercrates buyable for 4,5kk credits (I'm asking myself the question how much credits they sold it on the high populated server in Germany?). Today - on the high populated server - you do not get any hypercrater less than 25kk. I guess it is because of the inflation that came in with 4.0. 3kk pre-4.0 were more worth it (correct english?) than 10kk nowadays.
  21. Happy new year to you and everyone else! Greetz from Germany! (We are in 2017 already)
  22. Viele aus meiner Gilde beschäftigen sich jetzt mit anderen Spielen. Die einen sind zu anderen MMOs gegangen, andere spielen beschäftigende Spiele wie Skyrim oder Fallout 4, ein paar von uns spielen Anno 2070 online, aber das wichtigste: es sind alle auf einem TS. SWTOR - danke, aber gerade nicht.
  23. /signed! Here is my idea. I thought it would be easier to link it here, so we have this thread as a collection of ideas. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=908522
  24. So what? The singer Sia was an drug addict and alcoholic, too. And still, many people honor her for her work. Try to understand WHY they took drugs.
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