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Everything posted by blackphantome

  1. "Don't give up, I won't give up, don't give up NO NO NO"
  2. And why do we need this system? - I am able to think myself and I am able to evaluate and choose my gear - I don't need a system that gives me random loot -> I am able to think myself, thank you! - I don't want to desintegrate everything I get because it does not fit to MY gameplay - Thank you but I do not need more reputation nor do I need new pets - I don't need orange blasters on my Juggernaut - I want to play the game the way I prefer - "exciting" new RNG system does not improve the biggest problem of the game: missing content - RNG just gave many members of my guild the last reason to leave the game next to missing content Conclusion: thanks RNG for ruining the gameplay.
  3. Ich fühle mit dir ^^ Arbeite zwar nicht, aber 12. Klasse ist zeitraubend genug, da lerne ich lieber (hätte nie gedacht, sowas zu sagen), als für so einen Schwachsinn wie RNG meine Zeit zu investieren.....
  4. Hängt glaube ich eher weniger damit zusammen. Mit KotFE und KotET kam so gut wie kein Content. Hauptaugenmerk war die wirklich gelungene Story. Alle 5 Uprisings liefern nicht mehr zu tun als ein Flashpoint. Und für mich zählt Story zu mehr oder weniger einmaligem Content, bei dem es mir schwer fällt, den zu wiederholen, egal wie gut die Story war. Und was haben wir denn mit KotET sonst so bekommen? Neun Kapitel Uprisings Sonst noch was?
  5. Spielt eigentlich seit 5.0 jemand noch "effektiv" seine Twinks? Seit 5.0 habe ich einen Twink angerührt, obwohl ich davor sehr viel gewechselt habe zwischen meinen mittlerweile 28 Chars. Ein Grund bei mir ist, dass ich denke, dass GC mit den Twinks nicht vereinbar ist. Ich bekomme nicht mal auf meinem Main gescheites Gear aus diesen Kisten - oder generell etwas, was ich gebrauchen könnte -, dann lohnt es sich ja auch nicht, noch andere Chars hochzuspielen. Bei KotFE waren alle Nebenchars blitzschnell auf 65 gebracht. Jetzt fällt es mir schwer, meinen 2. Char hochzuspielen. Wie ist es bei euch?
  6. 18 crates, 0 set bonus, 1 purple relict. The other things were mostly crap. I want the old system back so bad
  7. I am so sorry for you, Len. I do not have a dog but I do have a cat. She is the lovliest cat one can imagine. I am 17 years old, in January 18, but I was able to feel fear and to feel pain. Hard pain. When my first cat died in 2010 the pain was so strong I never were able to imagine. What I want to say is that I can really emphazise with you, normally I do not handle with these topics because they make me really say but people like you now need ears that listen to you and that understand you. I do not want to be in your position right now, the pain must be horrible. Even tough I do not know you, probably you're living in America, another continent, I wanna wish you all the best and a thick skin and an elastic heart. Your dog loves you and will always do. All the best!! -Joel
  8. I am a guildmaster, too. I tried to hold people since 2.X. It was always the argument "Not enough content". 3.0 was the beginning of the end. There were highs and lows, 4.0 let many guildmates leave the guild what made me sad because I know many of them for a couple of years now. I tried to hold. I wanted to give guild members a motivation to stay but now, with 5.0, I realize that I can't hold them anymore. Because the game does not hold me anymore. How can I motivate other people to play a game I'm not enjoying anymore? I hate this CXP-system and I hate that BioWare is able to do so many cool things like the story which was absolutely awesome! But with all 5 Uprsins we got the content of one Battle of Rishi or Ilum. It's nice but we need 20+ Uprisings to hold (veteran) players. The new gearing system does not allow me to play my Juggernaut the way I want him to play (my guild and I were very experimental regarding to this). Moreover, I only got out 2 purple items out of 17 crates (and since when are there just three items in it?). This is not the SWTOR I was engaged to motivate for. This is not the SWTOR that can hold me nor can it hold my guild. Even tough it sounds a little bit creepy. I want the 4.X time back, better: 2.0. But please let us take the story and the new group content.
  9. Ich bin kein Freund von diesem Kommandosystem. War doch super, wie es war. Man hat sich SELBER um seine Rüstung gekümmert und nicht irgendeinen Randomkram bekommen. Bin jetzt Kommandolevel 11 und habe nichts gescheites bekommen, das ich irgendwie benutzen könnte. Aus zwei blauen Rüstungen habe ich mir ein-zwei Mods rausgeholt, weil die besser waren als das, was ich hatte, aber sonst echt nur Crap. Muss mich aber Fabsus anschließen. WAS haben wir denn alles bekommen? Viel ist das in der Tat nicht.
  10. I try to write down all the things running through my head connected to KotET. Positive: - GREAT STORY: I really enjoyed the story and especially the end was heavy. Just amazing, good story telling. (but will I play it again?) -> regarding to the storyline, KotET gives a interesting construction of what could happen in the future - little bit new content seems to be interesting. I played one Uprising. Could be fun, but I'm pessimistic if Uprisings are able to hold me for the time to next updates - CHEAP PvP decorations I guess nobody was able to imagine that one banner would only cost 200 credits. As a decoration freak, I am happy about that - Neutral: - new toolbar: I'm not a fan of the new toolbar because it is not that handy like the old toolbar. But I'm not hating it. I think one is able to get used to it. But I wish that we get the option to use the old toolbar because I am a mouse clicker, so I want things to be done fastly. - some class changes Negative: - Galactic Command Crates: I am not a fan of these crates and I do not like the new leveling for getting these crates. Now, I am level 5 and I just received crap or crap equip. Yes, it's luck but I really don't like that - lack of content: it is the same old problem. Of cource, we got the Uprisings now, but I do not see my guildmates or me playing Uprisings in a few weeks/months -> WHAT TO DO? Grinding? Please not. - no new other content and no new stronghold - the feeling of only having the 9 chapters as new content. I finished the great story and after that I thought: and what to do now? Same old content? - no adding of new reputation groups (in my opinion it was a mistake leaving them behind with 4.0) __________________ Since 2011, I am a sub (with some breaks). But it seems like I will leave SWTOR after a very long period of time playing this game that became my favourite game. But I am not willing playing the same old content over and over again. I want to enjoy this so bad but next to the story there is not much more. Btw: I've got the impression that the Czerka-Update or Oricon gave me more interest, more motivation to play. Story: 9/10 Jawas New content with KotET: 3/10
  11. Since 5.0 I've got the problem that I have a much longer loading screen until I am able to navigate to my character menu. Anyone else? Or generally, my screens seem to need more time.
  12. Because there are still players and not everyone in the forum is writing, many are just reading what people write there. Moreover, it should not be important HOW MANY people there are. The fact is that there ARE people and so they have to get treated like english players. For example a summary of a livestream (there isn't one in the english forums, too but that's another story). That the livestream is in english, there is no doubt that this is not a problem. But a summary for french or german players is easy to make, so why don't care?
  13. I looked up if there was a law like this (I think Germany is the country with the most (useless) laws but I did not find anything like that. My only prove is that there are many games that get released in english, for example thousand of games on Steam. I have the same opinion like you that everyone should be able to understand english. And to be honest: in comparison to german it is a very easy but beautiful language. A problem is that germans get pampered by synchronizations. Nearly every film gets released in german. Why do you think are so many skandinavians are so good in english? Because they do not have this "luxury" of having everything getting translated into their language. I'm focussing on a player base that can't be able to understand english. The Berlin Wall and the Reunification is not that long ago (of course, the people had enough time to learn english but who does that?) and many players (even in my guild) are from the GDR and learned russian or french instead of english. I want them to help and I want BioWare to help them. Because they released this game also in german and established german forums but there are just few information.
  14. In Germany, we have many games that are only available in english. I do not know a law like that. Why not? Information should be for everyone. It's a bad quality treatment of players to exclude them from many information even if they are willing to pay.
  15. The other languages are not part of the game. As I said before, I do not understand why there is not italian, spanish, portugese client but it was their decicion to only release it in this three languages. Furthermore, it is not that unrealistic because even in english forums are not many announcements. But those has to get translated, they just doing it with Google Translator connected to class changes or other things.
  16. That's the point. But it was their decicion that they release the game in english, french and german. So I, as a paying player from Germany except the same form of communication even tough I am able to understand english. It is about the part of players in Germany and France that are not able to understand english but are players of the game. Why they did not release it in Spain or other countries, who knows?
  17. I don't understand that decicion, too. German is a language that only gets used in Germany, Austria and parts of Switzerland, but I guess: there are the players. But I mean. In the US there are more spanish speaking people than in Spain it self. Mexico, etc. Why no spanish client?
  18. On the one hand, there are not bad in english. But there are people who did not have english in school (in the GDR). I know that there is not a good communication here but it is still better than in the other forums.
  19. Yes, we are still alive. And we are still playing this game. No, we are no Americans, not the navel of the world, but we are players, living in France or in Germany. I posted threads like this two times, three times?; but nothing happens. COMMUNICATION. This is still critism, please translate, do anything for players who are not able to understand or write in english. We have to mobilize ourselfs to give information we get from livestreams or ENGLISH forum to players whose english skills are not good enough to understand this. It is my wish that communication does not get reduced to people that are able to understand english. The times you use Google Translator to translate basic things should be something you do with every announcement. It is my wish that every german and every french is able to understand english but yet we are not able to expect that. Why do I post a thread like this (again) and right before 5.0? Because I hope that there will be an improvement regarding to communication in France and Germany. You are able to program a game, translate everything in this game into german and french but you are not willing to translate (important) announcements into these beautiful languages? I wanna have equality between those players whose mother language is english and those whose mother language is french or german. I know that we are just players of second class but this is a great chance to show us that you can handle that ways better, BioWare! You did it at the launch and the time after. We do not have any support in Germany and in France in the forums. There are big contrasts connected to these forums. 5.0 as a chance for improvements?
  20. I really enjoy it playing my Juggernaut tank but also love my sorcerer. I can't decide which one will be the character I am going to equip. I do not have the time to equip both with THIS system because I'm doing my a-level right now and have exams without a end in sight. It doesn't make sense to put both on a low GXP level because then both have bad equip.
  21. Hey! Habe an deinem Makrex Post geschrieben, vielleicht möchte er ja den Liebesbrief öffnen. Scherz beiseite, sollte ich es an den Falschen geschickt habe, gib mir Bescheid^^ MfG Joel vom WSVT
  22. Ich verstehe nicht ganz, warum wir internationale Server (jetzt) brauchen. Wenn wir alle drei deutschen Server zusammenführen, wäre einiges schon getan (auch wenn man als Spieler von T3 wohl durch die niedrigen Spielerzahlen von den anderen beiden Servern wohl nichts mitbekommen würde ). An sich wäre es interessant, einen europäischen Server zu haben, aber nicht jeder ist eben in der Lage, Englisch zu schreiben oder zu verstehen - auch wenn es bei so einer schönen und im Vergleich zu anderen Sprachen eine sehr leichte Sprache ist. Das Problem ist aber, wenn man bspw. über den Gruppenfinder sich für einen Flashpoint listet und man auf einmal in der Gruppe zwei Briten hat, man selber Deutscher ist und dann noch ein Franzose in der Gruppe ist und alle auf ihre eigene Sprache bestehen. Englisch zu sprechen, das wäre in der Situation das einfachste und deutlich hilfreichste, aber kann man erwarten, dass jeder Deutsche und jeder Franzose Englisch kann? Nein (leider). Es wird noch Jahrzehnte brauchen, bis unsere Sprachkenntnisse verbunden mit der englischen Sprache ein Niveau erreichen wie die in Skandinavien, weil wir sehr verwöhnt werden mit der deutschen Sprache. Wobei dazu auch zu erwähnen ist, dass auch Leute in meinem Alter (17, 12. Klasse) Probleme mit Englisch haben. Nur weil ich Englisch-Leistungskurs habe, bedeutet das nicht, dass meine komplette Generation Englisch kann. Für die Grundkommunikation sollte aber das Englisch, das man lernt, reichen.
  23. In my opinion, this is a step in the wrong direction. XP boosts just guarantee that you can level up your characters faster but that is all. With the new packs, people who buy these CXP-boosts are able to gear up faster than others (if they are lucky). It is not my intention to defend that because regarding those topics, everyone should have the same chances (premium or not, should be not part of that discussion). I want to gear my char with my guild, my guild wants to gear up together. I don't think it's P2W but it is clearly a step in the wrong decision because this influences much more than just the time of leveling your CXP levels.
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