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Everything posted by kimdante

  1. I am curious if any unique housing items will be added to the Collectors Edition Vendor?
  2. Amazing. Simply Amazing. I am counting down the days until I get to move into my high rise Nar Shadaa luxury suite in June! Well done Bioware!
  3. You had a bad tank who clearly didn't know how to taunt or use guard and I'd venture to say, didn't know a proper tanking rotation. If you were pulling aggro off a tank simply by using your meager few abilities you have at that level in un-modded orange gear then the issue is with the tank. I'm surprised that the dps didn't pull aggro before you did though.
  4. The game is more alive than it has been in a long while. Two or Three trolls are on a forum crusade to convince us otherwise. A lot of new stuff (non Cartel Market) is headed our way, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. If you are having fun playing the game then keep playing. Who cares if a small handful of ding dongs has to say anyway?
  5. I haven't yet heard the push up sound effect. Could you describe it to me?
  6. Perhaps this is a starting point? Perhaps future class story will start in your home. Such as: endless nagging and bickering, the eventual separation, and then the untimely divorce to your companion?
  7. One of the numerous reasons I love this community so.
  8. To the OP upon reading your story my heart goes out to you as someone very close to me is autistic. But it sounds like things have worked out for you and your son and for that I am grateful. My best advice, and to echo what others have stated, is to get on an RP server, and not a RP-PVP server. Unfortunately because this is the internet there are a lot of jerks out there and things such as what happened to your son will happen in game. The best way to avoid it is to get onto a PVE or RP server and if you wish to engage in PVP you can do so on your own terms (i.e warzones)
  9. Well then you are in for a treat when the rancors hit Fleet.
  10. SWTOR PVPers everywhere just got globaled with a 999 K crit. Ouch
  11. /signed. Although I'm sure they won't. So at the very least hold off on a CM recolor for at least 3-6 months and let the PVPers enjoy their hard fought reward for a bit.
  12. Holy son of a hutt! That mount is freaking awesome. Will it make cool stomping sounds when it runs? Does it scream when you mount it? Most importantly, How will it get through doors?
  13. I dont think SWTOR would implement this. As others have mentioned, it's a young game and the magic lies IN the leveling experience. Plus there are crucial choices and decisions you have to make whilst leveling that affectthe outcome of your character. But then again, never underestimate the power of corporate greed. (EA)
  14. I left WOW and started playing this game because there were too many dailies. Funny how that works. But if you've never played WOW before you will have a pretty fun time leveling and discovering that world. Sometimes it's nice to have a change in scenery. Enjoy your time in Azeroth.
  15. I offered help a couple of times to these clueless newbs. Both instances they didn't need help on a particular boss or encounter, they just wanted me to follow them around killing stuff for them as they tried to figure out where they needed to go. They were neither appreciative or polite about it. It was a waste of my time.
  16. The OP made a thoughtful, earnest post suggesting ways to spruce up a game he obviously loves. Why the vitriol and sarcasm? It was a positive, constructive post. Unlike the slew of crap that was posted over the weekend which was all deleted this morning, thankfully for us.
  17. I miss the glitch where you could /clubdance and do that Oh so succulent dance with your lightsabers still out. It was like your female jedi or sith toon was dancing with oversized glow sticks.
  18. Farm. Take the time to gather raw materials. I recommend Bioanalysis, Archeology, and Scavenging. Hit planets like Aalderaan where a lot of folks quickly pass though or don't even quest on at all because they are running Flashpoints for XP. Tons of untouched nodes. Those materials are always in high demand. I recommend you sell on Sunday evening or Monday when the AH is scarce after the weekend rush. They are guaranteed to sell. Buy Cartel Market armors, mounts, and vanity items on Saturday when prices are ridiculously low, flip those items midweek when those same items are scarce and profit . Or spend real money to buy Cartel Market items and sell those items. (I refuse to do this however as making money is so easy without having to resort to that)
  19. GW2, although beautiful, didn't blow my hair back. Lack of a trinity system killed it for me. The result is a chaotic, absolutely terrible group pve experience. Running any type of dungeon, world boss, or raid in that game is a joke, especially if you are not a ranged class (getting repeatedly one shotted by a Champion boss is great fun amirite?). Which is why my time in that game, when I rarely do log on, is simply to oooh and aaah over the beautiful graphics and run around and level alts by myself. Old Republic is fun, beautiful, implements a trinity system, and has a great community.
  20. Steve Blum is like the voice actor equivalent of Bruce Willis, he plays pretty much the same character in every part. And people still enjoy it including myself. I can't get enough Steve Blum OR Jennifer Hale!
  21. In game she is not that attractive, in the cgi pre-release films she is gorgeous.
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