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Everything posted by kimdante

  1. I personally wouldn't mind an RP addon or simple chat bubbles damage meters (not MOX) so a flashpoint pug group can kick lazy players who aren't pulling their weight. I'm willing to deal with the invariable d-bag who spams their dps after every pull in exchange for this. OR it could be a useful learning tool for a computer illiterate casual such as myself to track my personal progress and better fine tune my rotation and skill tree allotments I would like a better way to track my procs (I am a telekinetic Sage) Aura's could be simple to implement. Macros. Aside from these quality of life requests, the game is still playable and fun - so whether or not it ever happens I will still sub and continue to love this game. Thank you.
  2. Great group of folks! Very active, helpful, and fun guild. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part!
  3. My sniper is around level 30, I was doing the same opener as you for the longest time. But I recently started opening with Ambush. My opener: Send in tank (which takes a few seconds to land so during that time I cast...) - Ambush - Followthrough - Corrosive Dart (on elite's) - Target Acquired (on elites) - Snipe (instasnipe) - snipe - Ambush - Followthru - If on a boss the opener can leave me energy famished so I will throw in a adrenal probe if needed. On trash or solo questing you won't be using your dart or target acquired, as the mobs will drop quick
  4. Suggestions: 1) A finisher - Snipers/Slingers have them, why not stealthers? 2) A teleport ability - reduce the amount of time it takes to get to our target. - handy for encounters with multiple bosses/adds or A sprint which is not tied in with disappearing act 3) A cooldwown reset of some sort which woul provide an additional opener (for example in WOW rogues have preparation) - in longer encounters an additional dissapearing act / extra opener may help our numbers 4) buff acid blades/flechette - longer tick time or simply give it a higher percentage of damage. Or make it a perm buff
  5. I enjoy the continuous positive reinforcement and praise I receive from C2-N2. It makes me feel special. I believe if everyone was as polite and gracious as that droid the world/universe would be a better place. And who doesn't enjoy a tidy ship complete with new upholstery and fresh paint? My vessel ALWAYS has that "New Ship" smell thanks to C2-N2.
  6. It is usually. However, I searched all over the IMDB SWTOR page and there is no listing for who does Viidu's voice specifically.
  7. I've searched everywhere but to no avail. Does anyone know who does the voice of Viidu? (He's the shipping magnate you encounter early on in your adventure in Ord Mantell) Great character, I wish he wouldn't have died! Thanks,
  8. I don't mind Corso. He is a great wing man to my dapper male Smuggler. He ALWAYS approves when I flirt with the ladies. Plus he's a solid tank.
  9. I'm in a similar boat as the OP. I bought the game the day it came out and shared in the initial excitement of this "WOW Killer" and then the eventual fade in interest as subs dropped from 4 million to 1 million and so on. However, I never maxed out a character, nor did I do any end game raiding. I left simply because there were other more interesting options out there at the time. I recently came back and I am actually loving the game more than initial release. I found an active, fun guild. I see TONS of folks out in the various zones leveling their toons. And I am simply sitting back and enjoying the story and voice acting and the Star Wars-ness of the game. My loading screens are still terribly slow (usually the time when I take bio breaks). Flash Point Group Finder Que times are hit and miss. But at least after the Flash Point is done I can port back to where I was questing. And I don't get knocked off of my speeder anymore even by trash - that was fxed or perhaps I have a more "durable" speeder.
  10. Hey Luniaria! Thanks for the invitation. I am excited my Empire Side Kids may have a great home. Yes, there is a special symbol over the A. So a copy and paste job might be in order. I apologize for that, but it was the only way I could get that name... I look forward to seeing you in game!
  11. The link on the first page/first post (Nadiya's recruitment post). The Website/About Us/Forums links. Luniara, I submitted an app as well. Did you get it by any chance?
  12. I smile every time I hear Corso say, "Now you're dumb, ugly and dead!" I'm simple like that
  13. Zekirah thank you for the response! I will be checking out your website today and I will be sure to shoot you a message if ?'s
  14. Hi guys. I am looking for a prospective home on Jung Ma. Your guild looks like it could be a great fit for my Empire side characters. However, I clicked on the links to your website and it seems to not be working. Edit: The links on the front page / 1st post that is, I clicked on the user above me and that link worked!
  15. I recently re-subbed after a long hiatus from the game and am steadily leveling my characters (my "kids") I play both Republic and Imperial equally. I would definitely love to join an active and friendly guild. I prefer RP/PVE with occassional PVP if the mood befits me. I am a mature, gracious, helpful player who is looking for a good community of like-minded players who are passionate about the game and Star Wars in general. Do you think I could be a good fit? Do you have an Empire side guild or are affiliated with any I could place my Empire toons into? Thank you in advance.
  16. Well played. Very sexy. It will not come back to haunt you, I assure you.
  17. How would you be able to tell the difference between a male or female Jawa ? Customization would be pretty limited I would imagine. The only thing you could toggle is the colors of their eyes, if that. Maybe if there was some sort of an item that turned you into a Jawa for X amount of minutes. I'd love to go into battle looking like a Jawa. Especially whilst tanking a dungeon on my Juggernaut.
  18. 1) Dual Spec 2) Scaling Orange Items (namely armor) 3) Pazaak 4) a new race - Togruta. 5) Advanced class respec - I've been dying to try Jedi Shadow on my beloved Sage 6) Customizable ship or player apartment on homeworld 7) same sex romance with companion characters 8) a Jawa sidekick
  19. /signed. I would play a Togruta immediately as soon as it is rolled out.
  20. I'd pay for a subscription if it gave me access to a beauty shop, name changer, or unlocked additional exclusive races to payers only such as the Togruta or Cathar.
  21. I appreciate your thoughts, thanks for sharing! I honestly have no intention of leaving this game anytime soon as I am having ridiculousness amounts of fun absorbing the various stories, learning the classes, and laughing at the Imperial side dialog. Again, I am new-ish though. Well because a lot of the gear is class/spec specific just limit who can roll need on what. It's a simple coding implementation - a plethora of if/then statements I would think. That would solve most of it. There is no reason why Bounty Hunters should have the ability to roll need on heavy armor which boosts Strength, etc. But I think the biggest change I would LOVE to see is the ability to be ported back to where you were previously questing before you teleported into the flashpoint.
  22. I am a long time World of Warcraft player whom recently started playing TOR about a month ago. Thus far I absolutely love this game! - my highest level toon is 26, I probably would be higher but I'm super casual and have serious altitis. Because I have not completed any endgame perhaps my opinion doesn't matter but these are the observations of a potential new player recently discovering the game. Anyhow, I've been reading through this thread and it looks like the reaction is more negative than it is positive. I am perfectly okay with free2play however what worries me is how out of touch Bioware seems to be with it's players. For example: I have not seen any Bioware mods contributing to forum discussion ( I could name some of the WOW moderators by name that actively participated in forum discussion - which added to a sense that Blizzard actually kind of gave a sh_t about what we, the fans, have to say or our concerns) , I keep hearing about open tickets that stay open for days and days until eventually given up on. Certain classes continue to get unnecessarily nerfed/buffed with really no rhyme or reason. The Looking for Group feature is broken as we still have to contend with ninja's, bads, and having to travel back to our questing hub from Interfleet once the flashpoint is complete. All concerns raised repetitively in the forums and again, we are greeted with silence. And it's this level of aloofness that is probably pissing off a lot of people. Vanity items, mounts, and all of that - although cool -will not sustain a game unless there is community involvement and new content to go along with it.
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