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Everything posted by SturmUndSterne

  1. I don't have the loose schems, but I have the learned schematics and will be happy to craft for you. Pub side, send a message/mail to E'lora. (Cylena is my synthweave alt, but the E has dots on it, so I won't make you figure out how to type it.
  2. Then roll another of each and level them. Soon you'll have a sorc and a shadow. You can even make it different by playing a mirror. If you played a female lightside sage, play a male darkside shadow. See how the stories are different.
  3. I'm sure a bunch of these have been suggested already, but here's my $.02. 1. Green Jedi robes. Please. Please. 2. Zeison Sha armor from KoTOR/KoTOR 2. 3. Echani Battle Suits from same. 4. A suit like Exar Kun's from the Star Wars miniatures game. 5. More armors of varying type with the hood down for the Republic, and hood up for the Empire. 6. Lightsaber hilts like Dooku's or other curved/angled hilts. 7. Moddable training saber. 8. COLORS. Make trooper armor available in blue, white, grey, etc. This doesn't necessarily require armor dyes, but adding three or four orange-versions of several colors of gear would be nice. 9. Battle-damaged armors, like the damaged speeder from the Chevin event. 10. Light armor pants!
  4. It's a bug. One of my guildies crafted 3 Reflex 27 barrels the other week and only one of them showed up. Put in a ticket for the item restoration.
  5. Please no. It'll make gen chat on the main hub a giant spamfest, constantly, and new players wouldn't be able to find groups for any content - let alone the 50s wanting to find groups for same. If you want to hang out on the capital world, you're free to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't want to page through thirty-five "LF FRIENDS OF OLD" or "LF FACE MERCHANTS" to say nothing of "how do I get my ship" or "how do I get a speeder" x 30 to find the one person looking for Lost Island or for a pug op.
  6. Why? It's his job. Use some companion gifts to get his affection up. Buy the correct droid sensor from the ship vendor to improve the skills associated with your crafting. C2 is the best Cybertech crafter out there. 10% Base chance + 10k affection (5%) + +5 Crit chance on part + 6% Legacy perks = 21% crit rate, which I will take *all day long* while crafting my 27s.
  7. The lowest level purple crystals available are level 33, if I recall correctly, and have expertise as a main stat. There are no commonly-available purple crystals until Level 50, and those are in Columi gear. You can get pink-purple crystals from the cartel market, but that's not exactly the same thing..
  8. For what it's worth, <Phalanx> usually rolls 16-man social raids (EC/TfB SM, KP/EV HM/NiM) once a week. We haven't been working on progression content in 16-man.
  9. I'm amazed that you continue to promote this. 2.0 is ROTHC. Period. End of line. Full stop. The 2.0 patch contains *all* of the ROTHC content including Makeb. A stripped-down version of that patch is currently on the PTS with the Makeb content disabled. They cannot activate the 2.0 patch without activating ROTHC. What you're proposing, a 1.99 patch, they don't have any reason to create or set active other than "But I want it" coming from you. That won't happen. Now please stop being willfully disingenuous. You won't get your 2.0 content until ROTHC, because 2.0 is ROTHC. Just like 1.2 was Legacy, 1.3 was Allies, 1.4 was TfB, and so forth. 2.0 is ROTHC. It just happens to include more stuff and changes than most of the previous patches.
  10. And what you aren't understanding is that they cannot, by definition, release 2.0 before ROTHC because 2.0 is ROTHC. This isn't the other game.
  11. Please download the PTS patch. 2.0 is ROtHC. Says so right on the game version on the launcher.
  12. Basically, what you're asking for is a "l2p" guide .. and most of that information is contained in the FP/Ops forum here, as well as individual class forums. It's not compiled into one single source, but maybe it should be.. hmm.. I smell a project.
  13. Übersetzt mit Google, so kann dies lächerlich. Es gibt mehrere Missionen, die derzeit aufgrund in einem Crash to Desktop Fehler - die Entwickler sind sich dessen bewusst, aber noch nicht uns eine Lösung. Hoffentlich wird dies bald behoben sein.
  14. SwMoniTOR actually has a threat generation graph overlay, as does Mox Parser, I believe.
  15. So none of those quests have objectives scattered around the entire north side of Ilum? That's odd, because I've completed them all half a dozen times each without getting flagged a single time except by CHOICE (I allowed Doc to heal a PvP flagged group member instead of dismissing him, because I wanted to clear the content). You CHOSE to complete the PvE quests in the PvP zone. That's YOUR DECISION, not the developers' decision. There are plenty of ways and areas to complete these quests WITHOUT entering the PvP area. And spawncamping? You get ~10 seconds of stealth when you respawn. That's plenty of time to run away from the spawn point and then find a spot to use a fleet pass or quick travel (if that weren't broken, which is a legitimate gripe) Furthemore, spawncamping is griefing, and has been considered such since launch - and as such, is reportable.
  16. And what quests REQUIRE you to go to that PvP area again? That's right. NONE.
  17. As I stated before. There are ZERO quests that are ONLY able to be done in the PvP area EXCEPT from the quests CLEARLY LABELED PVP QUESTS. You chose to PvP. You chose to complete PvP Quests. Face the consequences of PvP.
  18. I jump in on other people's boss mobs for one of three reasons. 1. They're about to get rolled. However, your explanation (isn't in any danger) doesn't bring this reason into play. 2. I toss them a group invite, then jump in, if they're killing a group objective based mob when I'm at the same step in the quest. 3. They're finishing off the "Final Stage" bonus boss of a bonus quest/heroic, and I have to/should wait for theirs to die before I can summon my own (something requires a click, for example). Of course, many people (thinking of the H2 on DK that requires you to fight three waves of adds at the bomb placement) don't bother for #3, so I wind up having to fight six or sometimes seven waves of enemies because people just expect groups/others to kill their own mobs..
  19. A cursory search of "repair costs" would have shown you the dev post that said they're rolling them back slightly *and* temporarily nerfing them 50% until the next content patch. Have a good one.
  20. Good lord. The quest is not a PvE quest. It's a PvP quest. It says so DIRECTLY ON THE QUEST and when you enter the area it flashes up in big red letter that it's PvP content. If you don't want PVP, then DO THE HEROIC QUEST SOMEWHERE ELSE. There are THREE separate nodes for you to complete the heroic outside of the PvP area. Playing ONE character has given me enough extra rep trophies to get most of the way to Legend in three weeks, after weekly caps are taken into consideration. You have SEVERAL options to unlock the reputation you want - and PvP quests are ONE of the options. I chose to farm worldbosses on multiple instances. Oh - also - I only played for about seven days total of these two weeks due to real life commitments. If you don't want PvP, STAY OUT OF THE PvP AREA. Nothing - at all - in the game FORCES you to enter that area. There are ZERO non-PvP quests that REQUIRE you to enter the Ilum PvP area. There is exactly ONE PvE quest that REQUIRES you to enter a PvP area IN THE ENTIRE GAME and that's the HK-51 quest. You can whine and complain all you want - the fact is, you CHOSE to enter the PvP area and complete PvP quests - now live with the consequences of open-world FFA PvP. If you CHOOSE to take part in a PvP quest, then you're also choosing to take part in PvP.
  21. And it has been. You can buy opposite faction looks via the cartel market now.
  22. Never mind the fifty or so threads from PvP players saying "Thanks for the open-world PVP" that are out there. Your problem is that YOU don't like PvP. So don't do it. I don't like Dr. Pepper, so I don't drink it. That doesn't mean that Dr. Pepper should be removed from the store I shop at, just because they sell other soft drink products. You had plenty of ways to grind up the reputation tokens you wanted. You can run alts through the event. You can farm the worldbosses. At no point were you REQUIRED to take part in any of the PvP quests.
  23. Many, many of us Phalanx officers have about a dozen alts - best bet if you can't find one of us on is to /who for Phalanx and ask any of them if any of us are on. One of us is on pretty much all day.
  24. Citation needed. By definition, closed beta is closed. We won't know when or if they're testing it. Bold added for emphasis.
  25. Actually, if you had bothered to download and play the PTS, you would have seen that what's on the PTS *is* ROTHC. It just doesn't have Makeb or the other closed-beta content included.
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