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Everything posted by SturmUndSterne

  1. Agreed. That'd be how it doesn't get totally OP - you can't spam it even if it's off CD because you just simply won't have the focus.
  2. They've said previously that 1.7 will contain few if any balance fixes. They're redesigning talent trees for the entire game with Makeb, so why rebalance something that will be obsolete in 2 months?
  3. Well, here's a 36 point talent set... Next tiers: "Increases the maximum number of stacks of Merciless Slash buff by one" - 2-points can be put in. "Critical burn effects have a 10% chance to remove the cooldown instantly on Merciless Slash" - also a 2-point talent, so maxes at 20% chance. Leads to new top buff: "While the Overload Saber buff is present, all critical hits increase your Merciless Slash stacks by one." None of those is gamebreaking, I don't think, given that other classes will likely get similar buffs.
  4. Lord, your defensive ones are gamebreaking. 1. What purpose does that serve other than to make Rebuke useless? 2. No, no, no. We don't need bubble-pop. Maybe if you're killed during the GBTF buff, but not every time it ends. 3. Again, no. We don't need a self-cleanse. We already have plenty of survivability. What you're proposing makes us virtually unkillable. 4. Again, no. Saber Ward's cooldown does not need to be shorter than everyone else's DCD. It's appropriate where it is.
  5. As opposed to the current system, that requires you to have one cybertech, one artificer, and any level 50 character to be in BiS Lv 63 gear. Add an armstech for those classes that use barrels. Example: (1) Ding 50. (2) Turn in token for free set of TIonese gear for set bonus. (3) Craft/have crafted full set of Lv 63 mods/armorings from a cybertech. (4) Have hilt or barrel crafted by artificer or armstech as is applicable. (5) Have enhancements and Dread Guard relics crafted by artifice. (6) Done. Full BiS 63s on an alt without ever setting foot in a story mode op.
  6. Look at it from the other side. They kicked someone who wasn't performing their role, causing the entire group to have to more more slowly because they had to wait 10 seconds or more between pulls, and also possibly wait for DCD to be off refresh because they needed them for every pull. I agree, MP doesn't require much work on the part of the healer, but it still requires *some* work. Do your own job before you try to do another. Tanks need to hold aggro. DPS need to follow kill order and down mobs. Healers should FIRST be keeping people alive, not helping either of the other two roles.
  7. At launch, you could only run a hmfp once per day. You were locked out after that. This took several months to be changed. You can only run an op once per week, per difficulty level (story/hard-nightmare) for a grand total of 8 max ops per week per char. You can only run dailies once per day, not continually farming the same quest over and over. These are all caps. Stating that there are no caps on content is simply you not understanding what a cap is. This system is designed to get players to play more content and to do more off of the fleet. It's by definition a grind. If you don't want to grind out the reputation, don't do it.
  8. Wrong. That's to get the endurance one. The Presence datacron is obtainable before you do a single quest on Voss. You've got a bug. Run the repair tool.
  9. Rep side, I bought both of my might hilts from Vyrtek.
  10. Maybe that's it. You're standing in front with your peel/raid, we tend to be off to the side in the bunker where the first group spawns. This means, for our #2 and #3 groups, they have a bit of a walk to get to the party. The warrior is peeled off quickly, and the trenchies have a few seconds of picking up healing aggro - and once the warrior is peeled out, they can pick up the healer pretty quickly. Interesting strategy you have, though. Maybe we'll try it next time to see if it runs smoother. Always up to try new ECHM techniques.
  11. And since the healers are pretty well consistently healing at that point, they'll aggro them in no time, especially if it's a sage/sorc dropping their AoE. Consider that the tanks have no threat on any of the mobs to start aside from what they spawn with, and the healers are generating threat pretty well constantly.. That's actually part of why we guard the healers during this fight as well - especially since with the amount of tauntswapping you do on Kephess, no one ever really rips aggro for us, and the threat reduction helps somewhat.
  12. I find myself wondering something about guild names. We had the last round of server merges several months ago. At that time, all guilds were granted a free Guild name change, as it defaulted to your original Guild name @ Your Origin Server if there were a duplicate. Why are there still so many guilds running around with @ Server Tag on their guild names? Is it that the GM hasn't found that clicky-button to change their guild name? Is it that the desired name is still taken, so they don't bother? Is it that people with the GM title in their guild don't bother to login anymore? Just wondering, is all.
  13. File this away in the "It works for us" file.. On Kephess, during the warrior phase, have both tanks, one healer and all but one DPS hide under the bunker to the right of where the walker stands. If you get all the way in and in the corner closest to the walker, the purple AOE won't hit you. You can also be stacked up for AoE heals and for flyby/volley/hail/etc, o burn the trenchgutters down. I mention the use of these AoEs because the healer and DPS that are out of the bunker stand in the main area, find the Warrior in the group of trenchgutters, and burn it. It's ideal if you have a DPS with a taunt, so they can find the warrior, taunt it, and have it run away from the rest of the group bringing its shield with it. This helps ensure that you won't get splash damage even by accident, as you can have one DPS and a healer burn the warrior down in about 5-8 seconds. Since 75% of the raid is bunched up in this small corner, you have enough time to burn down the warrior, then find the next one in the next spawn group and pull it out, as all of the trenchgutters will immediately upon spawn find the healer that's in the bunker and head right toward it. Once they're in range, the tanks can AoE taunt, with the first group and third group from one tank and the second group from the other. Since we started doing this, the only time we've wiped has been when the DPS on the outside failed to pick up the Warrior in time.
  14. The more I think about it, the more I hope they never add a Legacy bank. Unless they figure out how to program a bank so that it can't hold equipment or tokens, all it'll do is encourage more ninjalooting in ops/FP. There's more than plenty of that as is now, however I am not in favor of removing the (albiet slight and more annoying than anything else) barriers to transferring the gear to alts.
  15. Um.. no. Power gives slightly more of a boost to damage than main stat does. This is balanced by main stat increasing your crit rating slightly. However, once you're at your crit goal, or if crit isn't useful to your spec (which it isn't for some bc of procs that auto-crit) you want power over main stat.
  16. By its very definition, that's with modding gear. Min-max is to have the best possible stats in every slot.
  17. really? You can't just do the same with PvP mods and gear that you can with PvE mods and gear?
  18. 1. Credits get more plentiful when you're 50. If you want more as a low level, don't craft, take three gathering skills (including slicing) and sell the mats. 2. Your HP and armor will improve when you have better mods and better gear. Use orange gear with blue (or ideally purple) mods in them in all slots, not quest-reward greens. Make sure you buy guardian armorings when available.
  19. Except that said system was in place in Beta, and no one used any planetary comms until Corellia. They'd just keep trading them up, and then buy the best gear possible with them. The system in place is fine. If a player has "hundreds" of comms from BH/Columi/Tionese levels, buy the gear and mail the mods/armorings to alts. If you have that many comms, you've run dailies enough to have enough credits to afford legacy gear to mail the pieces back and forth with as well. It's bad enough that I have a level 44 merc that has 3 L61 armorings, 4 mods and 5 enhancements just sitting in their bank waiting for me to ding 50. I'm not even actively seeking to find pieces for her on my 5 50s, but if I get a campaign drop, I'm just keepin it for my merc these days.
  20. Oh, you mean that timetable they stated several times that would be off a bit bc of the holidays?
  21. Drop Durg'en a line in-game also (Rep side). I've got 3 50s that are geared for ECHM, but only have one in our progression group, so I'd love a chance to run the other two through ECHM one of these days. I've got a guardian tank and sage healer that I'd be happy to help out with.
  22. It's also not hard to see that people can and will say "They said January" when .. they did say January. Just because it was superseded later does not change the fact that they pushed back the original intended release date, which was, according to the developer, January. Personally, I don't care - but I was replying to the post that said "They never said January" .. and I was demonstrating that at one point, yes, they did say January.
  23. Yes, it was. (copypasta) At this point, what we’re wanting to do is an event that revitalizes it. It’ll have something to do with an alien race crash-landing into it, and we’re targeting a January timeframe, which is when update 1.1 happened this last January. Source: http://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/swtor-star-tour/ Gabe Amatangelo's interview.
  24. Also, our imperial mirror <One Shots Boss Wipes On Trash> (even though it's pretty small at the moment) is looking for more members, especially a tank,for beginning to run ops in the near future. We're at about 30 members on the Imp side, but all from about 6 or 7 accounts, since we haven't made a point to start recruiting there. Send me a private message here or send one to me on our website, phalanxswtor.guildportal.com and we can bring you aboard. Casual player and/or a non-guilded player with chars on both sides are both welcome.
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