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Everything posted by ausmisc

  1. Yeah I have been having this issue only since 1.3 hit. When grappling someone instead of the nice linear 'pull' animation with them flying through the air, they will instead teleport with a bit of a delay. Because of the delay and lack of animation it's hard to know sometimes whether or not the grapple has been successful- or if they've popped a defensive CD to resist, or someone else has grappled them or whatever.
  2. It's fine man, lots of trolls and ignorant people on these forums. Concealment OPs are a bit of a one trick pony, and you got hit with that trick. They actually used to be a lot more lethal but have been nerfed a bit. Even in 50 pvp with WH gear you can get unlucky and they'll crit you to death inside a stun, bad when your CC breaker is on CD. But yeah obviously he has 30 more talent points specced into stuff to do more damage, better gear etc too.
  3. If I rerolled I'd probably be an Assassin/Shadow. Tank spec with DPS gear or hybrid darkness/madness. Good damage, survivability, utility and stealth. Ticks all the boxes for me.
  4. Pyro still seems very effective post 1.2. Heat is a lot more of an issue though as expected.
  5. Powertechs/Vanguards are already one of the least played classes aren't they? Bottom 2 or 3 I believe... Being the worst PVP tanks and now gimping their main DPS option and making one of the common specs almost entirely unviable it's only going to make them less played I guess. As a pyro PT I could see it being a bit overpowered, but I saw that as being counteracted by our lack of real utility, we could kill well but went down fairly easy. Now we don't kill and go down fairly easily still heh. I will have to give it a go once 1.2 goes live on the normal servers, but honestly I'm thinking 6seconds is far too long and i'll probably end up playing an alt more.. A problem we face as being one of the least played AC is that there aren't hordes of us to make a fuss on the forums, so it may detract from our chances of being heard/listened to. They can gimp us and make 97% of people happy.
  6. I'm not sure a class change would do you any good. As a pyro powertech it's not uncommon for me to double the next highest DPS in a match. I probably average 350-450k dmg with 620k being my highest so far. Mainly single target damage so burning people down 1 at a time. Read some guides, watch some vids.. you're doing something wrong. I have a guildy that runs the Iron Fist build and he does pretty well too. Obv he's not going to top the charts but he has great utility and can still dish out damage, whilst surviving better than me. I think PT are one of the best choices for PVP at this stage.
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