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Everything posted by Cernow

  1. If you are using a friend or second account to make the healing terminals active, then you aren't solo'ing it. Same goes for a friend + 2 companions, that's not solo either.
  2. Of the classes you've listed as candidates I would go with Powertech, for the playstyle, the story and the fact that it should still be a strong class when 3.0 arrives. But I see you already have a Jugg, so you'd be making another melee-centric toon. You might want to consider Mercenary or Sorc for a ranged playstyle.
  3. No need to be patronizing. You might not agree with my opinion, which is fine, but I think I made my point clear enough. Yes the consumer has the choice not to buy. The consumer also has the choice to complain if they aren't happy with what they have purchased. Particularly when there's no refunds for digital goods like this (unlike most physical goods which are covered by consumer laws). The GTN argument is a tired one that always gets trotted out. For an item like this to appear on the GTN then someone somewhere spent CCs on it. And the vast majority of CCs spent in the game were paid for with real money, directly or indirectly (via a suibscription). Only a small percentage of purchases come from the truly free CCs which you can earn for certain in-game achievements (860 total I believe, if you really grind them out).
  4. This is what happens when you start charging real money for in-game items. It raises certain expectations above and beyond what's included in the game 'as standard'. Not ridiculous at all to expect a higher than normal attention to detail and polish on a premium item like this.
  5. You've used a double negative in the first line of your post. What was it you were saying about articulating proper sentences?
  6. Well my finger lingered over the purchase button for the Assault Cannon but in the end I declined. Partly because of the shoulder clipping (it looks terrible with the trooper armour my Commando wears) and partly because of the non-firing second barrel (and since this is the barrel that has clipping issues it makes it doubly redundant). Close but no cigar.
  7. I agree about the Primordial Assault Cannon, definitely the best sounding. Visually it won't appeal to everyone (it looks like a giant vacuum cleaner) but personally I love the visuals. Only minor niggle with it is sometimes the graphics glitch and the barrels vanish while worn (they reappear when you next fire it).
  8. I've noticed this several times now, usually on Belsavis so perhaps there's a specific bug there. The guards and the merchant NPCs in the enemy base all show as green as you approach. So you aren't aware of impending doom until it's too late - usually you've driven in too far to escape by the time the 'flagging for PvP' message comes up. They only turn to red once you're flagged. And even then only the guards turn to red, the merchant NPCs continue to show as green. It's all very misleading.
  9. It just happened to me on Belsavis, despite reading this thread earlier today and despite being aware of the issue. The problem isn't so much that the map sends you the wrong way, although that is a problem. The bigger issue is that the enemy guards show as green when you fist encounter them, so you don't really identify them as threats until AFTER they've one-shot you. They turn to red once you've resurrected. It's just poor game design. Game breaking? Of course not. But should they have fixed it a long time ago? Of course. Will they ever fix it? Of course not.
  10. I think they look great. Definitely a vast improvement over the Socorro weapons Shame the assault cannon's lower barrel clips through the shoulder though. It's not the only assault cannon to do this of course, but I wish it was something they paid more attention to. The blaster pistols are a little large for my tastes, but nearly all my characters are body type 1. Can see them looking great on larger body types though.
  11. I've been doing this on all the characters I've leveled with the 12x bonus. You can have up to 3 class missions in pending. It'll only stop you once you try to complete the fourth, at which point progress is blocked until you hand in at least one of your pending missions. Crew missions can also get tangled up in this pending queue though and cause problems. Obviously if you've got a plentiful supply of 25% boosts there's no need to do this. But if you're on a budget, or a cheapskate like me, it's worth it.
  12. You are given a number of the Minor 25% xp boost tokens as rewards for some of your key class missions. These stack with the 12x bonus. Use these strategically to boost your class mission xps and it should keep you at the right level. You can save up to 3 class missions in pending status - this is sometimes worth doing if you want to pop a 25% booster just before handing them all in.
  13. My main character is at 939 Presence, which is 360 base + 579 bonus. I've unlocked all the Legacy bonuses, but I haven't unlocked all the datacrons, so I could probably get that bonus a bit higher.
  14. Jawa's have needs too! Inevitably there's technical limitations. But I'd happily read subtitles and stand on a bucket for all the cutscenes if it meant I could play as a Jawa
  15. Not all missions go into pending status. Dailies usually don't. Class missions definitely do. I've been trying to stack up my pending class missions during the 12x bonus (to get the most out of my +25% xp bonus tokens). But it always stops me at 3 pending and won't let me progress the story until I clear at least one of them. Unfortunately returning crew missions also get tangled up in this pending list.
  16. Virtual currency still requires time to earn via legitimate methods. And in many ways, time is the most precious commodity there is. Which kind of begs the question what we're all doing wasting it here .... but still
  17. I've played all four of these titles in the past year. Only one I keep returning to is TOR. Sometimes it feels like returning to an abusive lover, but TOR has a better community and better gameplay than the others, despite it's many faults and foibles. WoW has pedigree, a long track record and it's own charms. But the latest changes have really dumbed the game down (I hope TOR's new discipline system isn't an attempt to follow suit). I used the 7 day trial to return to WoW recently and was astounded at what they've done to the game - and not in a good way, they've totally gutted the gameplay. Wildstar could have been a contender but they took some serious wrong turns and made some quite bizarre design decisions. The combat is great fun, the player housing is amazing and the humour and graphics are wonderfully quirky (if you like the cartoon style). But the antiquated endgame model based on hardcore gaming concepts a decade out of date is really hurting the game. It seems to be dieing, sadly. ESO should feel ashamed to call itself a MMO. It's just Skyrim with added gold sellers, exploiters and more gold sinks than even its army of gold sellers can fill. Gameplay could be fun if it wasn't for the ridiculous inventory juggling minigame. The guild system is bizarrely implemented and it's just not a very community oriented game. The 3-sided persistent PvP environment of Cyrodiil deserves an honourable mention, but they totally dropped the ball by failing to balance the classes and prevent exploiters. So the real question is, when are you going to get your act together and use the 12x xp bonus to reroll on The Red Eclipse where you should have been all along?
  18. Whilst ultimately players need to take responsibility for their own purchases, I feel there's one thing that the devs can do to help assist with creating a safer / better shopping environment: Remove decimal points from the GTN. Round everything to the nearest credit. There is absolutely zero benefit to the buyer from showing unit prices to decimal point precision. All it does is cause confusion. The total price will be rounded to the nearest credit at purchase anyway because 1 credit is the minimum unit used in game. A fix such as this should surely be relatively easy to implement and would alleviate the majority of the problems some players are experiencing.
  19. Or perhaps because black dye highlights all the parts of the armour that can't be dyed?
  20. Many of the hairstyles are quite similar, so perhaps they could group them together as shared hairstyles for under the hat purposes? A close match would be better than no hair at all. The other solution is to just roll a Rattataki
  21. And this matters why exactly? If players want to run around in black and it makes them happy campers who want to play the game then it's all good, surely? Or are we playing some kind of virtual fashion show here? Actually that's a rhetorical question, I know the answer
  22. I'm well aware of the reasons. They should have left Black/Black as a rare in the dye packs. If it's too rare, then they could have steadily improved the drop rate over time until it was at a more appropriate level. To start selling certain items out of packs directly just blurs everything and opens up a big can of worms. If they can do it for a dye, then why not for other super rare items? And if those items are sold at premium prices are they really rare any more for those who obtained them through the grab bag system? Why not sell everything directly? Etc etc. The issue of whether it is gouging or greedy and whether the rarity situation has been manipulated to boost direct sales, well everyone will have to decide for themselves what they feel about it.
  23. Yep, Black/Black doesn't look that good on many gear sets, either because of how the textures respond to black dye or because there's large sections that cannot be dyed at all and stand out like a sore thumb against black. Kind of ironic that the most expensive single use item in the game can actually make many gear sets look worse not better. Personally I have no problem at all that certain items in the game are rare, desirable and expensive. Things such as rare mounts and costumes the devs have put a special effort into designing. But there is next to no effort gone into creating Black/Black dye and pricing it so high because it is popular quite frankly reeks of gouging.
  24. I'd say that's the perfect example of what the OP is talking about. That hat (and all similar variants) would be so much better looking without the ridiculous chin strap. But we all know why the chin strap is there, it's to cover up the fact that the game can't handle hair with many of the hat designs. It's the same reason the Saul Karath hat has the silly flap at the back to cover up for the removed hair. It's also the reason there's a disproportionate number of full face helms and hoods in the game. The only way that they seem to be able to design a hat that properly retains hair is circlets / headbands.
  25. It does look like they got them the wrong way round. But they're both ugly and conceptually ludicrous (how do these enormous things suddenly appear on your shoulder out of nowhere).
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