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Everything posted by Cernow

  1. If you buy more the odds don't increase. it isn't cumulative. A 10% chance is ALWAYS a 10% chance. If you open one pack or 100 packs your odds are still ALWAYS 10%. This is a common misconception, sadly, that the more you buy the more chance you have. It's not the case.
  2. Sorry but this is not an acceptable response. This needs to be hotfixed ASAP, not put off for a week or more. If every player was equally affected then fine, everyone can wait for the fix. But that's not the case, some players have lost everything and others haven't. Either hotfix it quickly or disable the affected crafts for everyone until a fix can be deployed. It amazes me how a major game update, with crafting as one of its focuses, can be released with such a major and easy to verify bug in place. Well actually I'm not amazed, it's expected - sloppy is an established byword for this game these days. All Early Access now means is be first to be bitten by bugs. EDIT: Just read the latest post that the fix is being brought forward. This is a good thing. Going to leave the above sentiments in place though because I can't believe you even considered leaving it for a week was an acceptable response.
  3. 5/10 Enjoyed the story, but way too short and didn't enjoy the pointless delaying mechanics to drag it out longer. + Story and voice acting was enjoyable. + Story had a genuine consequence if certain actions were followed. + Kaliyo - she splits opinions but I happen to find her entertaining. + Boss fights were reasonably engaging, but still a faceroll for a half-decently geared character. - Far too short. - Endless combat that poses no challenge and serves just to slow the player down. Might have been less tedious if it wasn't endless Skytroopers. - Constant attempts to slow player by use of snares and deliberately far spaced objectives. - Buggy / gltichy mobs spawns and clickables. - Lag (but this always happens when players honeypot to a new event).
  4. Nice. Your Commando dishes out some good dps in there. What gear level is your Commando using?
  5. You get the buff by clicking on the buff terminal inside Star Fortress (in the room after you drop down the first shaft). It will only be clickable in Heroic mode. Dulfy has a screenshot of it here.
  6. Definitely possible to solo in 208 gear or thereabouts. However, without the buff you get from having all Alliance Specialists at level 10 it's rather tough. Not impossible, just slow going. So, I'd recommend doing this first. Heroic Moment helps a lot on the boss fights too.
  7. A compromise would be to allow the new companions to wear adaptive gear during normal gameplay, but revert to their standard appearance for the cut scenes (if this is what the main problem is). During the KOTFE cut scenes where each companion appears they are usually in the process of being recruited or assisting the mission, so it doesn't make too much sense (story wise) for them to wear whatever you hand them. But once recruited they mostly just appear in the background of normal mission conversations (heroics etc) anyway and aren't featured prominently. Personally I never use the new KOTFE companions because of their fixed appearance, but I would use some of them if I could put adaptive armour on them and have it display during normal gameplay (I don't care if they revert to default for cut scenes).
  8. No need to dismiss your companion. Just click on the companion's passive mode and they will come running to your location and follow you. Then you can re-position the boss regardless of who has aggro. When you have the boss under the fire, make the companion active again. Rinse and repeat. I find it helps to have companion passive mode hotkeyed as it's useful in lots of encounters in the game when you need to move your companion.
  9. Totally agree. Excessive and senseless crowd control is a real blight on the game. It's always been an issue, but it's gotten worse over time because it is used far too much as a developer crutch to make the game supposedly more challenging. Except that it isn't challenging and it isn't fun. It's just a tedious slowdown mechanic to make fights last longer. Lazy game design. I've got no objection whatsoever to mobs's having crowd control that you need to interupt or avoid via movement or some other form of interaction. That's good gameplay. But so much of the crowd control used by mobs in this game cannot be prevented, interupted or resisted and is often instant and untelegraphed (by animation) anyway so you have no way to pre-empt it. And even when it can be prevented the tools players are given are usually on too long a cooldown, so you're going to have to eat the crowd control a lot more often than you can prevent it. This reaches a fever pitch of ridiculousness when you have packs of mobs all with crowd control and you end up being pinballed around like a rag doll. Over and over, every pull. It's not challenging, just tedious. Taking control out of a players hands repeatedly does not make for enjoyable gameplay. And then there's the nonsense of ranged mobs that pull you to them, only to then punt you back away again, or melee mobs that punt you away only to pull you back, or mobs that insta bounce you with impeccable timing immediately you jump to them without any chance to react. Senseless. Either tone it down or give players better tools to mitigate more of it. This game badly needs some form of breakout mechanic in PVE.
  10. Well these would be optional methods of sorting. Use the one that best fits your needs. Alphabetical sorting is still of use, particularly for anyone with lots of companions at the same affection level (be that high or low). Most players will prefer to sort by affection level, I agree.
  11. Once a player has played through the KOTFE story, the list of companions in the Crew Skills window is rather long and doesn't seem to be sorted by any logical method. The list isn't alphabetical, or ordered by when the companion was recruited, or by affection, it is completely arbitrary. As such it's a constant frustration trying to find a specific companion to run a crew skills mission without hunting and scrolling through the list every time. Please allow us to sort the list. Two sort methods should be enough 1) Sort alphabetically (shouldn't this be the default anyway?) 2) Sort by affection level (defaulting to alphabetically if several share the same level).
  12. You'll get best 'bang for your buck' from upgrading to a 256GB SSD. This won't improve your framerates or allow you to run at higher graphical settings. But it will improve load times and just make your computer all round nicer to use (not just for gaming). Install Windows + Apps + Games on your SSD and use your old 1TB drive for file storage. 9GB ram is a strange amount. To get to that number you must have mismatched ram modules, which is likely disabling dual channel mode and hampering performance. How many ram modules do you have installed, and what sizes? Upgrading your graphics card will help. A GTX 960 would be a sound choice, but if on a budget a GTX 950 would likely handle SWTOR just fine. Or get an older GPU second hand, something like a GTX 660 would work fine with this game.
  13. Wow, indeed. On my characters I've usually got about 32 - 36 abilities slotted onto quickbars, all of them hotkeyed. And yes, I do use most of them. Anyway, gratz Delaanie
  14. The game is in many ways too easy now. However, excessive crowd control does not make the game difficult it just makes it tedious. For the most part it is used as a cheap game mechanic to prolong fights and player progress rather than a present any genuine challenge. Excessive crowd control has always been a problem for the game but seems to have got increasingly prevalent over time. it takes a number of forms: 1) Crowd control you can't interupt or prevent in any way. 2) Crowd control you can interupt, but which is repeated so frequently you might as well not bother. 3) Packs of mobs with so much combined crowd control you can't prevent most of it and end up being bounced around like a ping pong ball. 4) Pointless crowd control that exists only to irritate. For example melee mobs that push you away only to immediately pull you back to them (or vice versa for ranged). What is that about? It's a fundamental of good game design that constantly taking control out of players hands without them being able to do much about it does not make for enjoyable gameplay. Players like to feel there's something they can do to prevent or mitigate the problem. And all too often in SWTOR they can't, for various reasons. There's really not much fun to be had in watching your character get stunned yet again, knowing it was coming and knowing there was precious little you could do about it for one reason or another. it's not like anything bad actually happens while you're CC'd much of the time (in PVE), you just have to eat it and sit there frustrated. I'd prefer to see less CC used by mobs and better countermeasures. However, to balance this any CC you don't interupt or avoid should have bigger consequences than currently.
  15. Apps and games also benefit from being installed on a SSD. They will load faster and in some cases operate faster if they need to keep loading components / data. Any games that frequently load data during play (such as a MMO where you zone a lot) will benefit from being installed on SSD. The difference is marked to running off of a HDD. In the days when SSDs were very expensive it made sense to only buy a small one and use it for the OS, everything else on HDD. But SSD prices have tumbled. I would use SSD for Windows + Apps + Games, then a large HDD for file storage.
  16. Your chosen CPU will not work with that motherboard. The i7-6700k needs a Z170 chipset socket 1151 motherboard. That ASRock motherboard is a X99 chipset, socket 2011-3. The CPU won't fit. Some other thoughts on your choices: * You'll regret chosing such a small SSD for your system drive in the long run. As well as your OS you'll want to install your main apps and games on it and it'll soon fill up. Consider 500 GB as a minimum. * Personally I wouldn't mess around with water cooling. * An i7-6700k might be overkill unless you plan on heavy overclocking. You might get better value out of a non-K CPU or the i5-6600k. * DDR4 is the future and in a good place price wise now. If you're building a machine for the next five years use DDR4 not DDR3. * GPU choice will depend on your monitor resolution (need more info).
  17. I hope she makes a full return as a companion. Definitely my favourite companion in the game for the anarchy and one-liners. it was amusing romancing her with a LS Agent. I haven't taken either of my Agents into KOTFE yet. Can you get Kaliyo back early via the terminal?
  18. Great clip, thanks for posting. I'd never realised quite how the sound effect was produced. I think the saber that comes closest to my ears during combat i is Satele Shan's Sparring Lightsaber, which was a Cartel market item. It has a satisfying sound when drawn / sheathed too. However, it is silient when drawn but out of combat. Personally I prefer this, the constant buzzing can get annoying, but it might not appeal to everyone.
  19. Exactly this ^^ Funny how it's always someone else's fault, always someone else's job. Take some responsibility, help the team not wipe and you all get through it quicker. Ideally we'd all love to dps until our bits drop off and not have to worry about clicking on objectives, kolto tanks or whatever. But guess what, someone has to so it might as well be you.
  20. I understand the point. But I don't see why the new companions are any more iconic than the old companions which featured in the whole of the player journey up to KOTFE, and for a few of them beyond. KOTFE companions seem intended to be 'one size fits all'. Whether this makes them 'iconic', or whether it is simply 'streamlining' the development process, is a matter for debate. Whatever the reason, not being able to customise the new companions makes them far less appealing (for me). Personally I don't use any of them, I'm sticking with my old companions so I can customise them as I wish.
  21. So why wasn't this the case for the original companions? I don't see the distinction and why the KOTFE companions are any different. If most of the old companions could have their appearance customised via gear, why not the new ones? It just doesn't make sense on any level other than technical limitations (cutscenes perhaps) or a lack of development time. As for the whole issue of dressing companions 'inappropriately' I don't see the distinction between player characters and the companions. If the gear is in the game and deemed acceptable for players to wear, then why are companions any different?
  22. I farmed a lot of extra Scorekeeper Trophies for the Qyzen Fess recruitment mission because the mission dialogue seemed to indicate you could continue your hunt and that recruiting him at level 10 would end the hunt. But after the first 20 trophies (and reaching level 10) he stopped accepting any more. Fine, no problem, obviously working as intended. HOWEVER I'm now stuck with 40 Scorekeeper Trophies in my Mission Items inventory which cannot be handed in, cannot be used in any way, cannot be deleted, cannot be dropped. They are just stuck there clogging my inventory. Obviously there needs to be a way to remove / delete these unwanted trophies please. UPDATE I decided to recruit Qyzen at level 10 rather than coninue hunting any world bosses, to see if this would fix things. On handing in the associated mission to Admiral Aygo the extra trophies were deleted from my mission items inventory. So, all is well in the end. However, it might be better if these items just stopped dropping once you have 20 in your inventory. At least that way players would realise it's pointless to continue and it might also take a bit of pressure off of the trophy farming spots.
  23. Yes of course I do. But this is no real solution because it reduces a dps companion's dps output. The point is this - Treek and Hk-51 have aoe which does not break crowd control. But many of the original companions have aoe which does break crowd control. Clearly the devs realised their mistake when designing Treek and HK. So, whatever code they added to Treek and HK needs to be retroactively applied to the original companions so they perform in a similar fashion and are less frustrating to use.
  24. Exactly. I think the "we don't want players interupting everything" reasoning was just a smokescreen to cover up the inevitable PVE impact of a change made primarily for PvP reasons. It was never really possible to interupt everything anyway, particularly against multiple strong / elite mobs. So you always had to eat a fair amount of unavoidable damage and crowd control anyway. Now we just have to eat more. Not sure how this enhances enjoyment and qualifies as a gameplay improvement.
  25. Of course it is. And your point is? The vast majority of new armour and weapon designs are released through the CM. I have no problem with this as long as crafters are also properly supported. But Armormech, Synth and Armstech have been thrown nothing but a few scraps with 3.0. For Armormech you get two Trimantium sets which are identical apart from the colour (redundant since we have dye). For Synthweaving your get two Veda Cloth sets which are again identical apart from the colour. What's more the Trimantium and Veda Cloth sets are essentially identical. Check it out for yourself here (scroll down to the "Similarity" section). So, they just designed one new set of armour and cloned it into four sets across two Crew Skills. Lazy? Decide for yourself. For Armstech, the pistol, rifle and cannon models are the same as those given out as PVE rewards, so aren't unique to crafting. Lazy? Again, decide for yourself. In my view this is not a good enough. Not by a long way.
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