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Everything posted by DarthWomprat

  1. I'm just going to keep saying this on the forums. Maybe some dev will stumble on it and have an, "ah ha!" moment. MAKE ILUM A TIMED EVENT LIKE WINTERGRASP and provide some real objectives!!! That way, at least everyone queues at the same time.
  2. I've been testing both builds (somewhat cookie cutter) and notice I can definitely survive and even put up larger damage numbers as vengeance. Anyone have any tips on this? I had thought rage would be more dps oriented.
  3. The only thing I can do to a healer as a jugg is interrupt him all day long until his friends gang bang me.
  4. If my Jugg didn't have the CC, I'd be toast.
  5. Not sure, but you would think that a melee dps that gets close enough to a cloth wearer should be able to do twice the dps at that point than a clothie.
  6. No way he deleted it. It's a total lie.
  7. I have so much fun, as a level 13 sniper, you have no idea. I think it's awesome. You dummies just need to realize that you have to pick your spots and think 5 steps ahead of where people will be.
  8. YOU'RE.....STOP THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's you are, dude.
  9. I used to have the urge to QQ before I started learning to play my class and getting decent gear. Now I don't.
  10. The trick is to trade them in for Mercenary commendations. Once you have 200 warzone commendations and 200 mercenary commendations, you can buy a bag that gives you champion and centurion marks. The vendor for this is right next to the PVP terminal at fleet for the empire.
  11. It can be, but don't plan on doing a daily in a day unless you want to hang out there for 12 hours straight. I'll say it again, they need to make Ilum a timed warzone so everyone queues at the same time. E.g. Wintergrasp (for those people who played WOW)
  12. Bad attitude: Yes. Logically correct: Yes.
  13. Force pushed the ball carrier into the endzone to lose the game. It's like picking up a fumble and running it into your own endzone.
  14. DarthWomprat

    Stun immunity

    There are already some classes with an immunity. I've tried to force push a sage (if I remember correctly?) and it was absorbed.
  15. It's really all about thinking where you need to be in the future. Anticipate where you will need to melt faces, and you'll be just fine.
  16. I went in as a fresh sniper at level 10 and got 5 medals on the first try. It's all about positioning and running the hell away when you get mobbed.
  17. I leveled an immortal Jugg to 50 without really pvping at all. All my gear was defense gear. I basically had to start from scratch with a new build and craft and/or buy gear so I could at least get by in warzones. I'm rank 26 now and have decent pvp gear to be competitive. It really only took a few weeks...
  18. Technically, I think Hutts have a FOOT, not feet?
  19. Is it just me, or do 90% of them end with either 0 - 6 or 6 -0 ?
  20. If I can use a WOW reference, this is like being a marksman hunter in PVP rather than Beastmaster. If you want to be a sniper, you're best bet is probably PVE.
  21. Force pushing someone into acid and then force choking them until they die is the only cool thing I get to do. Let me have it will you?
  22. I do click a few abilities, but 0 -12 are mapped on my mouse. Never understood the keyboard turning though.
  23. Take those abilities away from my jugg, and I might as well put a dress on and open a lemonade stand in the middle of the warzone.
  24. Save the stupid comments about it, PVP as a jugg is tougher than other classes. The only thing you can do better than others, I guess, is to toss guard on a healer or ball carrier. Other than that, prepare to be gang banged while trying to kill a squishy light armor wearer with a wet towel.
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