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Everything posted by DarthWomprat

  1. What the hell do I care about holding anyone to standards? I just want a game that I enjoy to play.
  2. I say you make this game the same as WOW but with lightsabers, and there would be little talk about dropping sub numbers. The only people in the forums complaining would truly be the bads.
  3. hahahHAHhahhHHAHAH. Riiiiighttt.....you must have been horrible in real pvp which is why you love this crap pvp over here right?
  4. Just read another thread in here and it looks like there's just an argument about stacking accuracy rather than crit + power. I think I'll go the route of crit + power. I'd rather miss a few times than have crappy damage and stick to accuracy for PVE.
  5. I'm not sure what to stack for pvp. I would think it's something along the lines of crit > alacrity > surge (endurance somewhere in there, although I'm not sure if I should even care because if I get jumped, I'm dead anyways)
  6. The best thing I can do is generally make sure I'm not noticed while my teammates are keeping the enemy occupied. A sniper is extremely dangerous as long as no one notices you shooting faces for 3500.
  7. I've got my sniper to 33 so far and am valor 27 or so. I've been marksman this whole time and the WORST part of being a marksman sniper is having to get into cover. If you can setup cover while your teammates have a group of the enemy occupied, it's pure gold. You can just pew pew people down easy. Otherwise, you're pretty much dead meat. I'm going to try both of the specs you folks mention to see how it goes.
  8. Huttball can quickly suck when the other team actually plays like a team and your team just runs around smacking people with wet towels.
  9. On my 33 sniper, I have far more issues with commandos than I do sorcerers for some reason. I can leg shot and flashbang a sorcerer trying to run away, but a commando can just stand there and heal all day.
  10. It's the only way we can kill some commandos. If they aren't perma-stunned, they just heal and lol run away.
  11. DarthWomprat

    Are BW Liars?

    Every time you open a bag, there is a 25% chance it will contain the item. This is NOT cumulative as in, out of 100 opened bags, 25% of them would contain the item.
  12. You are completely bored and would rather watch paint dry than play another second.
  13. If I could lol leg shot, sprint away and use an ability like ambush with no channel time, I would at least have a chance. Yes, there's flashbang and debilitate that I can use, but I just don't have the ability to really crit someone's face when I do. The marksman sniper I feel is PVE only. I'm looking for another build at the moment.
  14. Sounds about right. Unless someone is completely clueless that a sniper is targeting them, or is involved with another class, marksman sniper is pretty tough to pull off. It's the getting into cover piece that really does us in.
  15. I think this would be a great addition to the game. A tauntaun mount, perhaps a dewback mount for imperials, etc.
  16. I think they've demonstrated that voice acting for quests was a decent idea for class quests, but a horrible economic investment that takes away from what makes most MMOs fun: Exciting gameplay and world immersion. Just my opinion, fanboys. Go easy.
  17. Totally impossible considering the investment of time and money.
  18. It's hilarious how this guy trolls with such sarcasm and how many BW fanboys leech to it like a Remora to a shark.
  19. Oh shut up, seriously. When people have an objection, don't attack them.
  20. The devs were just unimaginative with the design. It's really that fundamental.
  21. Also, if can rant a bit more, WHY DOESN'T GEAR MATTER IN A WARZONE??? It seems totally preposterous to have someone in all green gear be able to beat someone who has actually taken the time to get decent gear in the 10 -49 warzone bracket. It makes actually being prepared to win a moot point it seems.
  22. The solution to Ilum is simple. Stop making it about kills!!!! Make it a timed even where winning is 10x more important than kills. Give us an actual objective rather than just capping some point to give +x valor.
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