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Everything posted by tempMentive

  1. Your post gave me a headache. Just adjust the total heals and damage per skill, for pvp and pve. Rather than adjusting for pve only.
  2. A majority of pvpers transfered to Harbinger. It started well over a year ago...
  3. You should do this on Windows 7 as well. Just about everyone I know who installed it got some kind of boost, some larger than others. Always install it for SWTOR.
  4. I'm running a skylake i5 oc'd at 4.5ghz, with 2 970's and I'm smooth as butter. Sure, when 16 people are on the screen with a huge fight, I'll dip down to 20 to 30, but that's VERY rare. I'm usually 80 to 110 fps. Arenas are always very high. I might point out, that the processor power is the #1 i.portal factor in this game. You don't need a super powerful graphics card. Also, you should install the direct x 9 drivers or software manually, I forget where I found and read it. But it's important. The new direct x software emulates 9 and boggles down the game badly. Edit: I'm also running at 2k / 1440p, and still killing the frame rates compared to most people.
  5. Let me explain your two primary issues. 1.) Make some friends who are good at pvp, play practically every class, and play each one well. Note: This can be difficult to do if a) you suck, b) you only play the one class, or c) are completely unsociable, pve hero, or a number of other related topics. It can also be difficult to do if you are in (insert bad guild names here) 2.) L2P Thank you for your time in analyzing the real issues at hand.
  6. In before closed for racism.
  7. You could just leave the game? Or better yet, start a group with 4 healers! Ohhh, I know what I'm doing 2nit! Just to watch people cry about it.
  8. I'd say current popularity would go something like: Sorc > PT > Jugg > Sin > Sniper > Mara > Merc > Operative
  9. I'm loving Deception with Alacrity and FOUR recklessness procs (using sorcs legacy gear).
  10. Just like GW2 and all the others would kill swtor pvp
  11. I can't believe people are still replying to this troll. /facepalm
  12. That's because there's only a few decent players left on pub side. And then the rest tend to follow, and before you know it everyone's qing on imp. Nothing new.
  13. I prefer never ending games of novara with 4 healers on each team. So much fun! Especially when you manage to down one and /spit on the corpse.
  14. With all the negative posts, I need to say... im actually very satisfied with this patch. Most classes are doing well, and omg the story is amazing. Bioware truly outdid themselves... it seems like they fired half their staff and brought on entirely new people. Sure there's a few minor issues, and people crying that certain classes are OP and game breaking, but in all honesty, this is the first major patch I've truly enjoyed. +1 bioware, which still leaves them in the negative, but it's a start.
  15. It's easy to cry about the phasewalk until you actually play sorc. 10 more seconds on force speed is a killer.... and phasewalk is down for 45 econds, not to mention you have to place it. It's actually challenging to play it well! Thing is though, people love sorcs, and have always loved sorcs. It's always been the most popular class. So any time it's doing well, people go back to their favorite class, and everyone screams OP cuz they get rekt by 6 sorcs. I bet you'd get rekt by 6 mercs, and omg don't get me started on jugs right now, if two of them sync up properly, you are dead.... So go back to crying about sorcs. Same old cry baby story that never ends, unless the class is c ompletely useless.
  16. The teleport isn't really that OP, but I have to admit I had a blast healing on sorc tonight. It felt more challenging to survive, with everything so fast paced and 25 seconds on force speed... but holy batwoman, phase walk was so much fun on sorc! Grouped with another sorc, and we frequently took on 4 players at a time... of course I was the main focus, and constantly phase walking to health, soo nice. +1 bioware, you really outdid yourselves this time. LONG LIVE THE SORC!
  17. It's interesting to see that most people haven't figured out one of the classes that are performing extroadinarily well... Sorcs and Sages are the obvious FOTM atm... But it's not a consular that I am referring to ;D
  18. Just give it up already. Less than 1% of the pvp population is going to agree with you.
  19. Objectives are for Pvers, obliterate the other team and you win. And if you lose, who cares. Numbers are all that matter.
  20. Uhhhhhh, lol I notice you don't have a Sage listed in your sig... Of course, it's always ez to cry about a class that you dont play.
  21. Pretty much ^ this... If you want it fixed before preseason is over, better make it public....
  22. Why should we be forced to play with idiots who come in with 900 expertise? You can even try to nicely explain to them that they need to put on lower gear for optimal results in pvp, and they'll just say they're doing it for conquest.... Sorry. I shouldn't be punished for refusing to play with those *******s. If they're just there to lose, no one's going to play with them. Also... if the game crashes, do you get locked out? If not, only when you click leave the game? That can then be exploited, if alt+f4 doesn't get around it, there's ways to cause the game to crash... either way, it's all in if you do it, and not fair to people when they crash.
  23. Transfer to a populated server. Problem solved. Game is dying... pvpers from every server have all flocked to Harbinger.
  24. I see a Mara or Sent. It's called Predation. It's not hacks. Just wait till 4.0... players are going to be even faster. And lol @ de oder ring.
  25. So my new monitor came in yesterday, asus swift... Im now running at 1440p and loving it. so far in big fights I haven't dipped below 50fps... Which I was previously dipping to 20fps (usually at 110). I had vsync disabled, in both swtor and nvidia when running at 1080p on a TV, so it isn't that... Of course the new monitor is 144hz, and g-sync, so it would FEEL smoother, but I don't understand how I can possibly be running at better frame rates just from switching monitors, and especially at a higher resolution. Any ideas? The only thing I can imagine is that for some reason sending to the TV somehow boggled down my CPU? doesn't make sense to me, and I work in IT, lol. I'm running 2x GTX970, skylake i5 @ 4.6, and 16GB DDR4... Not that it matters much, but hardware, settings, and drivers haven't changed since before and after... Aside from turning gsync on.
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