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Everything posted by Invictusthetaru

  1. Is there a bug when you are teaming w/ a friend that you can't get the new WZ? We wait forever for queues and haven't got the new WZ all day?
  2. It's named after the person that invented it, it isn't short for anything.
  3. This was a well made video and I enjoyed watching but you can't base class balance on you destroying people who have no idea how to play this game in a midby bracket.
  4. That is not an exploit there are so many ways to get him down from there. Jump knockback, force push, ranged DPS, etc In fact that is actually a horrible spot for him to be unless the entire opposing team is melee. Because ranged classes can blow him up from both sides.
  5. I love how that guy complains about analogies and then literally says the point your analogy made. Meaning it was an effective analogy.
  6. I solo queue a ton and beat premades all the time. Most are not that good. There are only a few where I look around at my teammates and am just like "okay we are screwed". I play with my buddy andrew when I am not playing alone, as a group of 2, and we are able to take on premades of 4. If you aren't willing to admit that you are the problem then maybe if you got better teammates you would win more.
  7. Can't believe this is my first time seeing that video. So good.
  8. I PVP at midbys to level up so any WZ greater than 10 minutes is nice. AKA I hate arenas while leveling up. Otherwise I kind of like all the Warzones.
  9. Man I miss valor farming on Ilum. Good times.
  10. Mercs just need an OH SHOOT button for uses under heavy focus fire and stuns on a 3 minute cool down. Sages / sorcs get 2, phase walk AND bubble. Merc damage is in a great spot right now.
  11. Gotcha, 6 seconds of immunity is nice but by no means a dealbreaker for me. Really comes down to play style I guess.
  12. I love how people say carnage / combat is easy to shutdown. It absolutely shouldn't be. Precision / gore is on a 9 second CD, you have a stun (which absolutely should be used for a zerk / zen ravage window), and can pop out of camo and start a rotation. Hell, a good combat / carnage marauder can root their opponent at 10 m w/ 2 utilities and then precision / clashing blast / dispatch for 27k dmg at 10m. I play combat sentinel and never find myself getting shut down "easily".
  13. I will def take your credits bro <3
  14. Their are brackets, but you get bolstered up so as long as you have gear in every slot you should do fine enough. Bracket 1: lvls 10-40 Bracket 2: lvls 41-64 Bracket 3: 65 PVP There are no 1v1 spots but you can schedule 1v1s or have tournaments in the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine.
  15. I PVP'd from 10 to 65 on my sentinel. I recommend this because it lets you see the usefulness of all your abilities as you obtain them. Then when you hit 65 you have enough comms and credits to fully gear up. The second i hit 65 I had all the best gear fully augmented w/ the enhancements that I wanted.
  16. THANK YOU for the detailed response and taking the time to write this out, really appreciate it.
  17. Thanks for the quick responses guys, so the critical bonus, endurance bonus and stuff those are all character specific as well?
  18. Do I need to max out each classes companions for the max benefit or just 1 character?
  19. That's what I'm saying. If DPS pull their weight **** should get done.
  20. Also I'm not saying that they aren't over tuned but it isn't as bad as I was expecting after reading all this while leveling up and pvping.
  21. I didn't win a 1v2. They were with DPS on an off node and no tanks. It was a 2v3. Me and a sage healer vs. 2 DPS sins and a sorc healer.
  22. And it was pretty interesting. 3 juggs, 3 sorc healers, and 2 sins was their comp. We won on civil war, I managed to kill 2 sorc healers by myself on separate occasions when there was no tank, when tank was there just didn't seem like people were hard switching enough. I actually didn't have a problem w/ sorc healers by themselves, most annoying thing to me so far after hitting 65 is that operatives glitch all over when I'm battling them. Almost lost a 1v1 on a Novare to this operative glitching around on my screen but he was still damaging me. Anyone else experience these issues w/ operatives or scoundrels?
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